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TMP Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指、指挥官您好,我是斯太尔TMP......请、请别这样看着我! 拜托了... し、指揮官、ステアーTMP(すてあてぃーえむぴー)です……そ、そんなに見ないでください!お願い…Play Hello, commander, I am Steyr TMP... Please, please don't look at me like this! Please...
Introduction 那个……我是斯太尔TMP,也叫战术冲锋手枪,因其轻便和稳定的射击性能,也能让没有受过专业训练的人轻松上手。不过由于伤害的短板……基本职能局限于和轻武装的敌人作战,希望各位……不会介意我这份单薄的力量,让我为大家战斗吧。 Uh... I am Steyr TMP, also known as the tactical assault pistol, because of its light and stable shooting performance, it's easier for people without professional training to get started. However, due to my low stopping power, I'm limited to fighting with lightly armored enemies. Even so, I hope that everyone... will not mind my meager strength on the battlefield.
Secretary 为什么……要一直这样看着我? どうして、ずっとこっちを見てるんですか?Play Why... are you staring at me like that?
要是指挥官摸了我的头的话……哎?!指挥官?您……听,听见了?! 指揮官に撫でてもらえたら…ひゃ?!指揮官?き、聞こえてましたか?!Play If the Commander touches my head... Eh? Commander! You... hey, listen to me!
指挥官!请,请不要靠的这么近!呜…… 指揮官、そ、そんなに近寄らないでください!あぁ…Play Commander, don't get so close! Ah!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander... uh... you haven't touched my tail today, right? Please don't forget.
Commander! Why did you call me alone out here... huh? This is... not a delusion? This is real? Oh, wow! ...If this is a dream, I want to sleep forever...
Greeting 今日は気を付けます…え?!指揮官?!い、いつの間に…Play Gotta be careful today...eh?! Commander?! S-Since when did you show up...
T-Doll Produced 新…新人吗?不好了…得赶快躲起来。 し、新人ですか?大変…早く隠れないと!Play N-Newcomer? That's bad...gotta find a place to hide quick!
Joining an echelon あの、これで本当に良いですか?Play Um, is this really that good?
Enhancement 哇…总感觉还不错。 わ!なんかいい感じかも!Play Wow! This isn't so bad after all!
Dummy-linking 另一个我…?!发生时空错乱了吗? もうひとりの私?!…まさか、パラレルワールド?Play Another me?! ...No way, is this a parallel world?
Logistics (start) 那么…我出发了。 では、行ってきます。Play In that case, I'm heading out.
Logistics (end) 这样就可以了吧… これで、良いのでしょうか。Play So was this good?
Autobattle 私だって…Play Even me...
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission みんな、い、行きましょう!Play
Starting a battle 战斗的话…不能逃避呢。 戦闘なら…逃げちゃだめですよね。Play Everyone...l-let's go.
Skill activation 不…不要过来! こ、来ないで!Play S-stay away!
不可以闭眼睛… 目を逸らしちゃだめ!Play Don't look away!
要集中精神! 集中集中!Play Focus, focus!
Heavily damaged 呜…这样满足了吗? うぅ…これで満足ですか?Play Ueeh...are you satisfied with this?
Retreat 这样下去的话…姑且先撤退吧。 このままじゃ…一旦引きましょう。Play If that's the case, let's pull out at once.
MVP 赢…赢了?骗人的吧…唉?真的?! か、勝った?嘘ですよね…え、本当?!Play Huh? We won? That's a lie...wait, really?!
Restoration 尾…尾巴的处理会自己做的…不能摸! し、尻尾の処理は自分でやります、触っちゃだめ!Play I-I'll handle the tail myself, don't touch it!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween こっちも…あっちも…こ…怖い!近よらないでください!Play Here...and over there, too...terrifying! Please don't come near me!
Christmas やんならどうした…?!「…」お前だろう!この程度もうダメか…!きゃは!Play What's wrooong~?! *hic* Aren't yooou the one who invited me to go drinking in the first place~? And to think yer already hitting yer limit at this level~?! KYAHAHA!
New Year's Day あ、指揮官?態々付きあわなくてもいいですよ。せっかくの新年ですから。


Ah, Commander? No need to feel intimidated. After all, it's going to be a great new year!
Valentine's day 指揮官今日は…あの…チョコを…どうか…受け…あ…ありがとうございます…分かってくれて…


Commander...today is...um...chocolate...p-p-please...accept- oh...thank you very much...I'm glad you understood...
Tanabata 彦星と織姫が来るんですか?!ど…どうしよう…「…」の準備してないなのに…怒られないんでしょうか?


Hikoboshi and Orihime are coming?! W-What do I do? I haven't had any time to prepare...are they going to be angry at me?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play