Story/Normal 1-5 (Part1)/Script
< Story | Normal 1-5 (Part1)
Scene 1-5-1
- Helian: VZ61 is now in serious danger, commander.
- Helian: No matter whether she has confessed any intelligence, recovering lost T-dolls is our duty.
- Helian: Therefore, right now our task is to rescue VZ61 at all cost.
- Helian: Commander, your mission is to assist our troops in the rescue operation.
- Helian: According to intelligence, there is a SANGVIS FERRI reconnaissance outpost in the target area. Rash actions will be risky.
- Helian: Destroy that outpost ASAP, and make sure our troops can move under cover.
- Helian: Whether VZ61 can be safely rescued counts on this operation. Commander, move when you are ready.