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Nagant Revolver/Quotes

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Nagant Revolver Story Quotes

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哎呀指挥官,您居然喜欢我这种资历的人嘛,品味还真特别啊。 こんな年寄りを好みとは、お主は相当な変わり者じゃな。Play 이런 늙은이가 취향이라니, 자네도 참 별나구먼. You're quite the odd one for having tastes in someone as old as I, aren't you?
Introduction 我是纳甘M1895。光听名字你就知道,我可是沙皇时代就服役了的老前辈哦,专门为军官和骑兵服务的!
훌륭한 동지여! 내가 바로 나강 M1895라네. 이름만 들어도 알 수 있듯이, 난 제정러시아 때부터 복무해온 대선배란 말일세. 군관과 기병을 위해 전문적으로 복무해왔지! 세계대전이 발발함에 따라, 나의 후계자인 TT-33이 있긴 했지만 나를 완전히 대체하지는 못했지. 그런데, 장병들은 때때로 나를 명예의 징표로 여기곤 했다네. 날 부디 소중히 대해주길 바라네! I am Nagant M1895 Revolver. From my name alone you could tell I'm a veteran seen service since tsarist era, special equipment for officer and cavalry only!
Even when the war broke out, I was treated as a symbol of honour for soldiers, rather than replaced completely by successor TT-33. You should treat me with care!
Secretary 对我的身高这么在意吗?别老是问这种问题呀。 わしの身長がそんなに気になるか、デリケートなことは聞かないでほしいの!Play 내 키가 그렇게 신경 쓰이는가? 민감한 부분은 묻지 말아주게! Are you curious about my height that much? Don't ask delicate stuff like that.
别随便摸我的头,居然敢拿我当小孩子! わしの頭を撫でるんじゃない!子供扱いされるのは…心外じゃ!Play 내 머리를 쓰다듬지 말게나! 아이 취급 하다니...어처구니없구먼! Don't pat my head so casually, how dare you to treat me like a child!
喝了牛奶就能变高吗……别骗我啊 牛乳を飲めば身長が伸びるというのは本当か。え、わしを騙すでないぞ!Play 우유를 마시면 키가 큰다는 것이 정말인가! ...으윽, 나를 속이지 말게나! I'll get taller if I drink milk, huh.......You'd better not be lying.
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관 지휘관! 내가 오늘 뭘 주웠는지 보게나! 예쁘지 않은가? 특별히 주는 거니 소중하게 간직해주게!
Commander, Commander! Look what I found today! It's beautiful right? This is also a special gift for you, do keep it well!
호오? 지휘관, 자네에게 그런 취미가 있었을 줄이야…괜찮은겐가? 어쨌든…나에게 이의는 없네만… 뭐…좋네, 함께 이런 거, 저런 거 검토해 보자꾸나.
Eh? Sir, I never expect you to have such a taste. Will you be alright? But I'm inexperienced in this field as well... Let's take it slow. We could learn together.
Greeting 戻ってきたか?お帰り!Play 돌아왔는가, 어서 오게! You are back ? Welcome back!
T-Doll Produced 新しい若い娘が来たようじゃ。Play 새로운 젊은 아씨가 온 모양이구먼. A new young lady is there.
Joining an echelon こんな年寄りに頼るなんて...んふ、人使い荒いな!Play 이런 늙은이에게 맡기다니, 사람 씀씀이가 거칠구먼~ Relying on an elder like this...!
Enhancement お主なかなか分かっておるの,老人にとっては,エステが大事なんじゃ。Play 자네 꽤나 알고있구먼, 노인한테서… 미용은 중요한 것이라네! You understand well, for elderly people, aesthetic is important.
Dummy-linking 編成拡大?もし良いければ…背を高くしておくれ!Play 편성 확대? 만약 괜찮다면...키를 크게 해주게~! Dummy-linking... Mah since we're at this, what about making me taller please!?
Logistics (start) 出発じゃ,見ておれ。Play 출발한다네, 보고 있게! Let's go! Watch carefully.
Logistics (end) 無事戻ったぞ,流石はわしじゃPlay 무사히 돌아왔다네, 과연 이 몸이구먼! Back without a scratch. As expected of myself!
Autobattle 皆の者、年長者の救援が、もうすぐ着くぞ!Play 모두들, 연장자의 지원이 곧 도착한다네! Your senior comrade's aid is on the way!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission お主待つんじゃ!わしは走るのが苦手なんじゃ!Play 자네 기다리게나, 나는 달리는 게 서툴다네! Wait for me! I'm not good at running!
Starting a battle 年寄りに無理をさせんでくれ。Play 노인에게 무리한 일을 시키지 말아주게~ Please don't push hard to the old lady~
Skill activation 用意、撃て!Play 준비, 쏴! Ready, fire!
これは、年長者の貴重な意見じゃぞ!Play 이것은..연장자의 귀중한 의견이라네! And this is, elder's valuable feedback!
帝国時代の老兵の実力,思い知るが良い!Play 제국 시대 노병의 실력, 깨닫는 것이 좋을걸세! You better realize my ability, the old soldier of the Empire era!
Heavily damaged 年寄りばかりに…攻撃するとは…どういう事じゃ…Play 늙은이만을 공격한다니, 대체 무슨 일인가... Going so far as to attack your senior...why on earth?!
Retreat えん… わしの言うこと聞かせて… 罰が当たったんじゃ…Play 내 말을 듣지 않은 탓에, 벌을 받은 거라네... This is punishment since you don't listen my feedback..
MVP 年の功は役に立ったじゃろ?Play 노장의 경험이 도움 되었지 않은가? Does it help with my experience?
Restoration では増員しよ,帽子よ,忘れるなよ。Play 그럼 증원 하자, 모...자를 잊지 말게나~! Let's reinforce our numbers, and my hat, don't you forget it!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 这帮家伙,真是小孩子嘛……这些糖果是给孩子吃的才不是我要吃的哦。 このむすめたち、本当ほんとう子供こどもじゃなぁ、このお菓子かし子供こどもたちに用意よういしたもんじゃよ?だんじてわしがべたいわけじゃない!Play 영락없는 아이들이구먼... 사탕은 아이들이 먹는 거지, 난 필요없네. These guys, totally childish... These candies are prepared for the children, isn't it? I definitely won't eat it!
Christmas は… は… は… スリーの一番いちばんうえはこはわしのものじゃ!ふええ、とどかん。仕方しかたない!おぬしたちにゆずってあげよう。Play 아하하, 트리의 가장 위의 상자, 나의 것이라네-! 으으으... 안 닿아…, 에잇! 어쩔 수 없지, 자네들에게 양보해 주겠네. Ha... ha... ha... The top box of the tree is mine! Huee, I can't reach it. It can't be helped! I'll give it to you guys.
New Year's Day 一年いちねんたっても、わしの魅力みりょくわらんの。


일년이 지나도, 나의 매력은 바뀌지 않는구먼, 후후. Even after one more year, my charm won't change.
Valentine's day 哼哼,汝啊,要试试我珍藏的巧克力吗?喂喂…当然还没变质啊!真是没礼貌的家伙! ふん、ふん、おぬし、わしのおくらりのチョコ…べてみるか。ええ…またくさっとらんわ!失礼しつれい奴目やつめ


흥, 흥, 자네, 방치해둔 내 초콜렛...먹어볼텐가. 아직 썩지 않았어! 무례한 놈! Hmm, hmm, won't you try the chocolate I've been storing? Huh? It isn't expired! You're such a rude fellow!
Tanabata 今年ことしねがごとか?こんなとしでもてたいんじゃ。あと成長せいちょも…もうすこびてもいいのにのう。


This year's wish? I want another year like this one. Also growth... I wish I can grow even just a little.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 可别只在意外表的变化哦?内在才是人形宝贵的价值!当然,如果身高真能变高一些的话…… 見た目お変化ばかりに目が「」じゃが、人形の勝ちは中身のあるのじゃ!ま、まあ、背がもう少し伸びたくれれば…はぁぁ…Play
Introduction 我是纳甘M1895。光听名字你就知道,我可是沙皇时代就服役了的老前辈哦,专门为军官和骑兵服务的!
훌륭한 동지여! 내가 바로 나강 M1895라네. 이름만 들어도 알 수 있듯이, 난 제정러시아 때부터 복무해온 대선배란 말일세. 군관과 기병을 위해 전문적으로 복무해왔지! 세계대전이 발발함에 따라, 나의 후계자인 TT-33이 있긴 했지만 나를 완전히 대체하지는 못했지. 그런데, 장병들은 때때로 나를 명예의 징표로 여기곤 했다네. 날 부디 소중히 대해주길 바라네! I am Nagant M1895 Revolver. From my name alone you could tell I'm a veteran seen service since tsarist era, special equipment for officer and cavalry only!
Even when the war broke out, I was treated as a symbol of honour for soldiers, rather than replaced completely by successor TT-33. You should treat me with care!
Secretary 哦?要听听我的故事嘛? なんじゃ?わしの話を聞きたいのか?Play What's that? You want to hear another story?
今天这个天气,真是适合一直躺着,什么都不做呢。 今日は天気がいいから、何もせず、ずっとごろごろしていたいなぁ~Play The weather's so nice today. If at all possible, I don't feel like doing anything.
别摘我帽子啊!……衣服?衣服当然也不行!你想干嘛?! わぁ、帽子を脱がすな!服?って、もちろん駄目じゃ!わぁ、何するんじゃ?!Play Ngh, don't touch my hat! Huh, uniform? Of course not! Uwaah, what do you think you're doing?!
Secretary (post OATH)
This coat's a bit too big on me. Perhaps it's a perfect fit for you Commander? Hehe, why don't you try it on for a moment?
호오? 지휘관, 자네에게 그런 취미가 있었을 줄이야…괜찮은겐가? 어쨌든…나에게 이의는 없네만… 뭐…좋네, 함께 이런 거, 저런 거 검토해 보자꾸나.
Eh? Sir, I never expect you to have such a taste. Will you be alright? But I'm inexperienced in this field as well... Let's take it slow. We could learn together.
Greeting おはよう指揮官!今日の仕事はもう聞いたか?わしが教えてやろう!Play Good morning, Commander! Have you heard of today's work yet? Allow me to explain!
T-Doll Produced 新しい娘が入って来たのか?Play Has a new girl arrived?
Joining an echelon そう焦るな!わしが来たぞ!Play Hold your horses! I'm right here!
Enhancement わしのことを気にかけるとは、珍しいな。Play For you to care so much about little old me, how unusual.
Dummy-linking 編成拡大?もし良ければ…背を高くして贈れ!Play 편성 확대? 만약 괜찮다면...키를 크게 해주게~! Dummy-linking? Well, since we're at this...mind making me taller please!?
Logistics (start) 出発じゃ,見ておれ。Play 출발한다네, 보고 있게! Let's go ! Watch carefully.
Logistics (end) 無事戻ったぞ,流石はわしじゃPlay 무사히 돌아왔다네, 과연 이 몸이구먼! Back without a scratch. As expected of myself !
Autobattle 皆の者、年長者の救援が、もうすぐ着くぞ!Play 모두들, 연장자의 지원이 곧 도착한다네! Everyone, your elder will soon come to the rescue!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission よし!娘たちよ、出発じゃ!Play Alright! My girls, let us depart!
Starting a battle もう始まったか?それじゃ、行くかのう!Play Has it started yet? Very well then, let's go!
Skill activation 何、大したものではない!Play What? That's not such a big deal!
こっちはベテランじゃ!Play Now this is a veteran!
ふん、さっきまでの行き良いはどこへ行くのかのう?Play Hmph, where was the best place to go before?
Heavily damaged ふえ?こ、これは…どういうことじゃぁぁぁ!Play Eh? T-this... what was thaaat?!
Retreat 今回は、お前に見てやるぞ!また戻って来るからな!Play This time, I'll see you later! I'll be back, you hear!
MVP どうじゃ?勝ったのは、わしのおかげじゃぞう!ふふん、早く褒めるが良いぞ!Play How's that? We won, all because of me! Fufu, I'm expecting some praise soon!
Restoration では増員しよ,帽子よ,忘れるなよ。Play 그럼 증원 하자, 모...자를 잊지 말게나~! Then, let's reinforce, and don't forget the hat.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play