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MP-443 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哎呀?本来只是在找有趣的石头,没想到发现了更有趣的东西呀……指挥官,您不介意成为“乌鸦”的收藏品吧? あら?おもしろい石を探してたのに、もっとおもしろいものが見つかったみたい…指揮官、私のコレクションに加わってもらえる?Play Oh my, I was looking for interesting stone gems, I wasn't expecting to find something even more interesting... Commander, would you mind becoming a part of Rook's collection?
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 哎?这些钻石不能给我吗?明明那么漂亮……指挥官真是小气啊。 へ?このダイヤはくれないの?すごく綺麗なのに…指揮官って、ケチだよね。Play Eh? You can't give these diamonds to me? But they are so beautiful... Commander is so stingy.
妹妹不知道又跑哪里去了,要找到她可比找石头还难呢。 妹がまたどこか行っちゃった!あいつを探すのは石探しよりずっと難しいんだから!Play My sister ran off again, finding her can be more difficult than finding gems.
这些石头都是(精心t(的,在变成这个样子之前,没有人会注它们呢。 この石たちは、全部私が工夫を凝らして彫ったの。元の石を見たらこんな素敵になるなんて、誰も想像しなかったと思うよ。Play These gems are precisely carved by me, nobody ever notices them before they become like this.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, let's count the amount of gems we found. If one catches your interest, I'll even give it to you...❤
Commander, you wish to keep me as your most precious collection? Perhaps... my value as a 'gem' is finally acknowledged by Commander... Hehe, then from now on, I belong exclusively and only to you...❤
Greeting おはよう指揮官、今日の作戦、楽しみにしてるね。Play Good morning, Commander. I look forward to today's mission.
T-Doll Produced 今回はどんな原石が来たのかな。Play I wonder what kind of unpolished gemstone that will come this time.
Joining an echelon 居心地のいい場所を用意してもらえる?Play Can you prepare a comfortable place for me?
Enhancement じっくり刻まないとね。Play You have to cut it properly.
Dummy-linking 妹が見分けてくれるのかしら。Play I wonder if my sister can tell which one is me.
Logistics (start) どんな石が私を待ってるかしら?Play I wonder What kind of gemstone that will waiting for me?
Logistics (end) あははは、今回の石はいい形になるような気がするわ。Play Ahahaha, I can tell that this time's gemstone will be good-shaped one.
Autobattle この戦場を私のコレクションに加えようか。Play This battlefield... I should add it to my collection.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission さて、今回の標的は?Play Well now, what's the target this time?
Starting a battle 私のコレクションに加わらないものは、ささっと消えて。Play Those who don't deserve a place in my collection, just disappear already.
Skill activation 前方制圧。Play Onward to overtake them!
どこまで持つのかな。Play How far should I take this?
捨て石になっちゃえ!Play I'll cast aside this throwaway stone!
Heavily damaged 勘弁してよ、こういうのは苦手なんだから。Play Give me a break, I'm not good at this.
Retreat ゴメンね、ここまでにしようか、参ったよ。Play Sorry, I can only go this far. That's too bad.
MVP っあはは、何かコレクションに加わるものがあるかなーPlay Ahaha, there's something worth to be put into my collection.
Restoration こっちのが壊れたか、もう一個探そう。Play Let's look for another one over hhere.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 妹はさておきなんでマカロフまでこのイベント参加するの?Play My sister aside, why does Makarov partake in this event?
Christmas 私の石をツリーに飾って…きっと幸運をもたらすから。Play Try decorating the tree with my gemstone, it will definitely bring good luck.
New Year's Day 妹は朝からはしゃぎ回ってていつものように元気って。新年からの演技はいいね。


Little sister's been going around in high spirits since morning, as energetic as always. The performance she puts on for the new year is pretty nice, huh?
Valentine's day あぁ、チョコはこっちの方。あっちの星形のは私コレクションの石だよ。間違いでね。


Ah, the chocolate is over here. The star-shaped over there is a stone from my collection. Don't get them confused, alright?
Tanabata あの星々にはきっと私が見たこともない石が沢山あるんだよね。あぁ、ごめん。ちょっとぼっとした


Among those stars, there are definitely gemstones that I never see before. Aah, sorry. I just lost in thought.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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