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KS-23 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition KS-23,哼哼…长官,被吓到了吗?别紧张哦,今后还要相处很久呢。 KS-23よ。驚いた?指揮官?まぁよろしく。Play KS-23, heh heh... commander, are you scared? Don't be nervous~ we'll be working together for a looong time.
Secretary 干嘛,长官,有事吗? なにか用か?指揮官?Play Why, Commander, do you need something?
嗯?哪里有问题嘛,说啦。 どうかした?Play Eh? What's the problem? Tell me~
呃!这是什么相处的新方式吗,我…我可不想了解啊。 お触りは勘弁して…。Play Ugh! is this some kind of new way of getting along? I..I don't think I want to know.
Secretary (post OATH)
We got more gift from friends? Baffling... it's all your fault, I'm getting more popular lately.
啊?等等,长官你在说什么?没搞错吧你!…知道啦,我…我倒不是讨厌啦,只是会被大家笑话的吧… 诶?你们从哪冒出来的!我才不要祝福,都让开啦!
Ah? Wait, commander what are you saying? Are you joking?... I see.. I... I don't hate it, but everyone is gonna make fun of me now.... Eh? Where the did you all come from?! I don't need your congratulation, go away!!
Greeting ずいぶん早いね指揮官。いや、とって食ったりしないからこっち来なよ…。Play You're surprisingly early, commander. I won't bite you so come here...
T-Doll Produced 新人ちゃんはずいぶんかわいい娘だね。Play The new girl is surprisingly cute.
Joining an echelon 早くも出番か?Play It's my turn already?
Enhancement いいね、食欲が出てきたよ。Play How nice. It stimulates my appetite.
Dummy-linking 俺みたいなやつがこんなに…やばくないか!?Play Wouldn't it bad if someone like me multiplying like this...?!
Logistics (start) 任せろ!Play Leave it to me!
Logistics (end) 大当たり!まっ、当たり前のことだけど。Play Jackpot! Well, it's natural though.
Autobattle たまには呼んでくれよな!Play You should call me once in a while!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 気をつけろよ。全員の面倒は見れないぜ。Play Be careful, I can't take care of every troublesome stuff.
Starting a battle 食わせろ!Play I'll eat you!
Skill activation 動けるかな!Play Can you move?!
くたばれ!Play Drop dead!
いい目をしてるんじゃないか!Play You have good eyes!
Heavily damaged なんだよてめー、もうダメか?Play Damn you... I can't go anymore?
Retreat なんでこうなっちまったんだ…わかんねーよ…。Play How did it turn out into this... I don't get it...
MVP 宴をもっと楽しめぇ!Play Let's enjoy the feast!
Restoration わかったよ、次はそんなに前に出ないよ。Play I know I know. This won't happen next time.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween あ?普段から顔隠してるんだから仮装しても変わんねーよ。え?こっちの異装は可愛い?そんなの着れるか!?Play Haah? I usually hid my face, so this costume is no different. Eh, this one is cute? Can I really wear this?!
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官!今夜の為にウォッカを用意しといたんだ!え?こんな日に仕事で呼ぶなよ!まったく…Play Merry Christmas, commander! I've prepared vodka just for tonight! Eeh, don't call me for work now! Geez...
New Year's Day 指揮官明けましておめでとう!えへへ、今年も活躍に期待してくれよな!


Commander, Happy New Year! Ehehe, please expect my performance again this year!
Valentine's day どうした指揮官?みんなチョコレートしか「…」来ないもんなぁ。俺といっぱいやろうぜ。


Tanabata 今夜は星が綺麗で良かったな。みんな願い事も書いたみたいだし。俺?俺はそんなの柄じゃないよ。


The stars look really pretty tonight. Everyone wrote their wishes. Me? Nah, that kind of stuff just doesn't suit me.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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