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Zas M21/Quotes

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Zas M21 Strategy Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官……嗯和资料上的信息一致呢,我是Zastava M21,希望您接下来不会介意我的表现。 指揮官は…うん、資料の情報と一致してますね。私はZastava M21です。私のことはあまり気にしないでください。Play 지휘관... 음, 데이터의 내용과 똑같구나. 난 자스타바 M21, 나한테 너무 큰 기대를 하지는 말아줘. Commander... Hmm, this matches the information on the intel. I'm Zastava M21, hope you can approve of my performance from now on.
Introduction 关于我吗?也没什么可说的,就是人类不断贪婪武器的历史中诞生了我而已。Zastava兵工厂在原有的AK系列上改进,将我研发了出来,人类就是靠武器的不断进化,来证明着自己的进化吧。 Regarding me? Nothing much really, I was born somewhere among the history of humanity's greed for weapons. Zastava Arms made improvements on the AK series and developed me. Perhaps humanity wishes to prove they are still constantly evolving by evolving their weapons of choice.
Secretary 指挥官工作真勤快啊,稍微偷懒一下我也不会在意哦。 指揮官は真面目ですね。少しサボってても私は気にしませんよ。Play 지휘관은 정말 부지런히 일하는걸, 조금은 느긋하게 해도 괜찮을 것 같은데. Commander works so hard, I won't mind if you slack off every now and then.
给武器赋予人性……要我来说人形的这个设定也太不实用了吧。 武器に人間性を与えるなんて…人形にはあまりにも非実用的だと思います。Play 무기에게 인격을 부여한다니...나는 인형의 이런 설정들, 정말 별로라고 생각해. Giving weapons personalities... I don't think this is very efficient for us Androids.
我的指甲涂得不错吧?要不也给指挥官涂一个? きれいなネイルでしょう?指揮官にも塗ってあげましょうか?Play 내 손톱 잘 칠해졌지? 지휘관도 매니큐어 발라줄까? My nail polish looks good right? Would you like your nails polished too?
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관, 다음번 데이트를 고민하는 것보단, 오늘 나를 어떻게 기쁘게 해줄지 생각하는게 어때? 후후...
Commander, instead of thinking about the next date, shouldn't you be thinking about how to make happy today? Hehe...
...풉, 뭐야 정말, 지휘관의 이런 모습 처음 보네. 내가 볼 때, 이건 현명한 판단이 아닌 것 같지만.. 어쩌면 이미 지휘관이 내 현실을 크게 바꿔놓은 걸지도 모르겠네...
...Ehh, what's going on, this this the first time I've seen you like this. Personally, I don't think this is a smart choice... But maybe my reality, just gotten crazy because of you...
Greeting 今天有不少任务吧?请尽快下达指示。 今日はたくさんの任務がありますよね?早く指示してください。Play 오늘은 임무가 많이 있군요. 어서 지시해주십시오. We have quite a few missions today, your orders?
T-Doll Produced 打招呼这样就行了,赶快投入训练吧。 挨拶は結構です。さっそく訓練に付き合ってもらいます。Play That's enough for a greeting, hurry up and train yourself.
Joining an echelon 请好好考虑一下阵型吧,最重要的是要将我配置在哪里。 陣形をちゃんと考えましょう。一番肝心なのは私の配置です。Play Please consider the formation, especially where I'm placed.
Enhancement 到底能变得多强呢,要来试试吗? どれだけ強くなったのか、試してみますか?Play How much stronger can I become, wanna try?
Dummy-linking 仔细看看的话……我还…挺可爱的。 よく見たら…私って…結構かわいい。Play Observing closely... I'm... Actually pretty cute.
Logistics (start) 指挥官,一次多拿点物资怎么样?一直跑后勤也很累。 指揮官、多めに狩ったらどうですか?遠征も結構疲れますし。Play Can't we fetch more resources in one go? Running logistics all the time is tiring.
Logistics (end) 这样就行了……可不要说不够哦? これでよし…足りないとは言わせませんよ?Play That's that done... Don't say it isn't enough.
Autobattle 那些家伙又来了吗?迅速清理干净吧。 あいつらがまた来たのか?さっさと片付けましょう。Play Those guys are back? Let's hurry up and sweep them.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 指挥官不用上前线也可以吗?真是羡慕呢… 指揮官は前線に行かなくてもいいんですか?羨ましいですね。Play Commander don't have to be on the front line? I'm jealous now...
Starting a battle 放心吧,会让你死个痛快的。 安心して。楽に死なせてあげます。Play Don't worry, you will die with haste.
Skill activation 要打哪个部位呢? どこに当てましょうか?Play Which part of your body should I aim this at?
就这样来! そうしましょう!Play Just like that!
就看运气吧…… 一か八か……Play Let's try my luck...
Heavily damaged 咕……稍微要拿出点真本事了。 くっ……少し本気を出してみますか。Play Ughh... Time to get serious.
Retreat 错误犯的有点多了吗……在此就暂且撤退吧 ミスは多すぎるか…ここは撤退しましょう。Play Things went a bit wrong...? Let's retreat for now then.
MVP 战斗了却不获胜的话,只是白白浪费资源而已。 戦いに勝たなくては、資源の無駄になってしまいます。Play Fighting a battle without winning is just a waste of resources.
Restoration 战场上负伤是常有的事,习惯了就好。 戦いに負傷は付きものです。慣れればいい。Play It's common to sustain wounds from battle, just get use to it.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween みんなそんな格好でどうしたんですか?まさか…このキャンディに毒でも入っていたのですか?Play
Christmas 要怎样才能让我相信有圣诞老人?除非让我打中他……开玩笑的。 サンタを信じるか?そうですね。私がさんたを打つこと出来たら信じます。冗談です。Play How do you make me believe in Santa Claus? Let me shoot him... I'm kidding.
New Year's Day 昨日とあまり変わらないのに。新年と言う言葉が付いたらまったく違う雰囲気になりますね。


Valentine's day バレンタインなんて。企業が売り上げの為作ったイベントに過ぎないのに。どうしてみんなビジネストラップと知りながらそんなの楽しいめるでしょうか。


Tanabata 簡便してください。今日のこのロマンチックな雰囲気は私の「…」に会わないです。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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