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Default Set

Set Bonus: None

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Wallpaper 100 Wallpaper N/a Griffin's original wall: Reinforced concrete. This rugged construction material regained unexpected popularity in the last century due to the rise of minimalist designs.
Floor 100 Floor N/a Griffin's original floor: Reinforced concrete. This rugged construction material regained unexpected popularity in the last century due to the rise of minimalist designs.
Ammo Box 100 Decoration 15 The most commonly seen ammo box in the HQ, also the best friend of machine gun T-Dolls.
Table 100 Decoration 9 A cardboard box issued by IOP. No one knows what's in it but it sure makes a good table.
Editors Note: It is quite clearly an ammo crate not a cardboard box.
Cardboard Box (Right) 100 Sofa 4 A cardboard box issued by IOP. No one knows what's in it but it sure makes a good chair.
Cardboard Box (Left) 100 Sofa 4 A cardboard box issued by IOP. No one knows what's in it but it sure makes a good chair.
Bed 100 Bed 15 A bed pieced together from IOP-issued cardboard boxes. It can be dismantled and used for warming up.

Peaceful Days Set

Set Bonus: None

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Candy Wallpaper 460 Wallpaper N/a This type of wallpaper should make you feel relaxed, provided you've never been bullied in kindergarten before.
Wooden Floor Floor N/a 进入室内必须换鞋!谁也不想在上面打滚时沾上别人的鞋印和口香糖!
Calendar 180 Wall Decoration 12 You'll draw circles on it and start another phase of self-deception in your life. Such is life's most cute and insignificant tragedy.
Classic Wallclock 400 Wall Decoration 12 Back then, every family would have one of these hung up. But as time goes by, their anticipation for the thrills of life turn into panic and unease.
Racks 200 Wall Decoration 4 In order to prevent mischievous T-Dolls from climbing up, you would usually have to hang it a little bit higher...well, probably not that high.
Curtained Lattice Window 460 Wall Decoration 28 Saying 'Goodnight' is an essential ritual before going to bed. If you're not with friends, at least the moon can be of help.
Spotted Round Bug 420 Carpet 36 The original color scheme made T-Dolls think they were stepping on a sunflower, so they changed it to the way it is.
Refrigerator 220 Decoration 6 The evil gates to the Devil's den. T-Dolls who get lost within shall bear the curse of putting on weight.
Small Dressing table 400 Decoration 12 This is usually where a T-Doll starts or ends her day, depending on how long or short her eyelashes are.
Square Coffee Table Decoration 正方形意味着简洁、正直、稳定,以及打牌时不容易被偷看。
Bedside Lamp 160 Decoration 4 The fact that this lamp has a sturdy cord switch shows that it was once meant for humans who suffer from anxiety in such troubled times.
Suitcase 120 Decoration 4 A small memory repository carrying fresh air from outdoors, traffic congestion, a sky full of stars, and an expensive bottle of mineral water...
Small Stool (L) 100 Sofa 4 T-Dolls sit on them to chat, change shoes, have adventures, and even play joust if they are petite!
Small Stool (R) 100 Sofa 4 T-Dolls sit on them to chat, change shoes, have adventures, and even play joust if they are petite!
Sofa 460 Sofa 15 An interesting phenomenon regarding furniture: people lie down on the sofa but sit on the bed.
Comfortable Single Bed 440 Bed 18 You need a home, a life, a dream, and thus, you need a bed.

Charming Days Set

Set Bonus: None

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Candy Wallpaper 460 Wallpaper N/a This type of wallpaper should make you feel relaxed, provided you've never been bullied in kindergarten before.
Wooden Floor Floor N/a 进入室内必须换鞋!谁也不想在上面打滚时沾上别人的鞋印和口香糖!
Calendar 180 Wall Decoration 12 You'll draw circles on it and start another phase of self-deception in your life. Such is life's most cute and insignificant tragedy.
Classic Wallclock 400 Wall Decoration 12 Back then, every family would have one of these hung up. But as time goes by, their anticipation for the thrills of life turn into panic and unease.
Racks 200 Wall Decoration 4 In order to prevent mischievous T-Dolls climbing up, you would usually have to hang it a little bit higher... well, not that high.
Curtained Lattice Window 460 Wall Decoration 28 Saying 'Goodnight' is an essential ritual before going to bed. If you're not with friends, at least the moon can be of help.
Spotted Blanket 420 Carpet 36 The original color scheme made T-Dolls think they were stepping on a sunflower, so they changed it to the way it is.
Refrigerator 220 Decoration 6 The evil gates to the Devil's den. T-Dolls who get lost within shall bear the curse of putting on weight.
Small Dresser 400 Decoration 15 This is usually where a T-Doll starts or ends her day, depending on how long or short her eyelashes are.
Square Coffee Table Decoration 正方形意味着简洁、正直、稳定,以及打牌时不容易被偷看。
Bed Lamp 160 Decoration 4 The fact that this lamp has a sturdy cord switch shows that it was once meant for humans who suffer from anxiety in such troubled times.
Suitcase 120 Decoration 4 A small memory repository carrying fresh air from outdoors, traffic congestion, a sky full of stars, and an expensive bottle of mineral water...
Small Stool (L) 100 Sofa 4 T-Dolls sit on them to chat, change shoes, have adventures, and even play joust if they are petite!
Small Stool (R) 100 Sofa 4 T-Dolls sit on them to chat, change shoes, have adventures, and even play joust if they are petite!
Sofa 460 Sofa 15 An interesting phenomenon regarding furniture: people lie down on the sofa but sit on the bed.
Comfortable Single Bed 440 Bed 180 You need a home, a life, a dream, and thus, you need a bed.

Springday Classroom Set

Set Bonus: You gain additional comfort by placing 8 pieces of this set in the same dormitory.

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Classroom Wallpaper 500 Wallpaper N/a Leaning on the wall feels much more comfortable than leaning back in your chair, so many kind-hearted schools will regularly switch up the seating plan
Classroom Floor Floor N/a 很少有被零食垃圾污染的时候,除了运动会期间……
Classroom Windows Wall Decoration 终有一天我们会走向憧憬中的世界,然后蓦然回首……人生就是不断地错过,不是嘛?
School PA System 500 Wall Decoration 9 "Everyone, the broadcast starts now! I'm..."

"Just forget it, sis. Nobody even gets it anymore..."

Classroom Bulletin Board Wall Decoration 上课前两分钟发生频率最多的对话:“下节课上什么?”“忘了,自己看去。”


School Shelf 500 Wall Decoration 9 People shouldn't be proud to be part of a group, but rather they should make the group proud to have them be a part of it.
Classroom Blackboard 600 Decoration 14 Holds all sorts of precious memories. Well, most of your youth was spent looking at this thing, afte all!
Classroom Lectern 550 Decoration 12 Final exams, answer sheets, and class marks have always touched this surface before they get handed out. "I'm the Alpha and the Omega!"
School Lockers 600 Decoration 15 What hides inside is a common trope for school setting light novels and... horror games.
Classroom Podium 550 Decoration 16 A short few centimeters and it gives the adults that stand on it a sense of accomplishment as if they've conquered the world.
Student Desk (Afterschool Mode) 550 Decoration 12 A mode developed for ease of classroom cleaning. Depending on the school, either the student on duty stacks up all the chairs or everybody does it themselves.
Student Desk (Classroom Mode) 500 Sofa 12 Don't leave your videogames or magazines inside unless you can come to the classroom earlier than the teacher the next day!
Student Desk (Nap Mode) Bed 相比趴在桌子上午睡的最大劣势是不能在外套的掩护下翻漫画。
Student Chair (Classroom Mode) 400 Sofa 6 This mode can also be activated during a lesson to copy homework and play with your phone.
Student Chair (Lesson Mode) 400 Sofa 9 The angle of the chair skews based on the degree of chattiness you have with your friends.

Starry Night Dreams Set

Set Bonus: An unexpected phenomenon will happen in this dormitory if you collect all the pieces.

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Story Collections of the Full Moon and the Sea Wallpaper N/a 最后的最后,讲故事的人和故事里的人重逢了,月亮也欣慰地睡去了。
Cruising the Galaxy Floor N/a 银河系所有文明发展的最终难题:中午去哪儿吃饭呢?
Lighting up Fireflies Wall Decoration 谢谢你……能够在这个城市里,与我相遇……
Arch of Roses and Crystals Decoration 很好,这样就到齐了,让最终的游戏开始吧。
Hanashirube Decoration 初开的小小花朵指引我踏上旅程……于是约定由此开始。
Hornless Unicorn 1100 Decoration 15 It doesn't matter if it has a horn or not when you really need it.
White Chest 1150 Decoration 24 Regardless if you're opening a treasure chest or Pandora's box, enjoy the story to your heart's content!
Directionless Cruise Carpet 去哪里都无所谓,全是逆风也无所谓,都会与你同行。
Red Rabbit and Ivory Sofa 只有被揭穿的才是谎言,而没有被揭穿的谎言就是真实的。
White Queen Sofa 明天和昨天有果酱,但是今天没有,从来都没有,永远也没有。
Sheep Bodego (Right) Sofa 她没能抓到那只螃蟹,就这样错过了故事对她最后的善意。
Sheep Bodego (Left) Sofa 她没能抓到那只螃蟹,就这样错过了故事对她最后的善意。
To the Moon 1150 Bed 24 You don't like crowded places? Me too.

Moonlight Ball Set

Set Bonus:

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Wallapaper Wallpaper N/a 童话故事里必备的城堡大厅一样层叠的墙壁,回廊和落地窗,事实上人们如此喜欢华丽的东西以至于发起了新古典主义。
Floor Floor N/a 水晶鞋的鞋跟清脆的扣响舞会序幕,大理石地面反射少女们华美的身影,至少在今晚,让音乐继续下去吧。
Coat of arms Wall N/a “有一天我们的枪也会被挂在墙上做成装饰吗?”


Zepplin Wall N/a 即使现实中早已被淘汰,飞船也永远会幻想在世界的土地上投下其巨大而优雅的阴影,这是飞机永远没法比的。
Crystal Chandelier 1200 Wall 0 A crystal chandelier was once the product of craftsmen's years of experience and hardwork and was a symbol of wealth and status due to its high cost and difficulty in cleaning. Now they can simply be 3D printed.
Spiral Staircase 1300 Floor 96 A huge spiral staircase is essential for a grand entrance to a ball and as a temporary seating for tactical girls that are not accustomed to wearing high heels. Very practical.
Carpet Floor N/a 这张华丽的手工波斯地毯是真正的古董,从克鲁格先生的私人收藏里借来撑场面的,所以尽量不要踩在上面啊,喂喂P7!
Bust Floor N/a 当你在走廊里看到公司高层的塑像,你就知道这里是彻头彻尾的专制企业了。
Organ Floor N/a 从巴赫到门德尔松,管风琴一直都是作曲家手中最有统治力的武器,而且现在的管风琴装了电动鼓风机,方便多了。
Table Floor N/a 华丽的圆桌上展开着古旧的羊皮卷,上面记载了过去贵族们奢侈的菜谱,也许该拿给春田看看?
Bed Floor N/a 当设计本身已经无法定义豪华时,人们就把目光投向了材料,以至于19-20世纪里众多野生动物都被做成了家具。

City Studio Set

Set Bonus:

Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
Industrial Walls 550 Wallpaper N/a Even though the stars in the screens are fake, the smiles of the girls under the spotlight are real. They might've been able to become shining stars of the highest caliber if we were in peacetime.
Floor Floor N/a 深沉的颜色不光耐脏,而且不会因为反光而影响拍摄。
Modern Art Photo 600 Wall 16 If this photo is real then does Squad 404 really sing at wedding ceremonies when they're not out on missions? Then let us give the newlyweds our blessings...
Frames Wall N/a 要把画挂的整齐又错落有致可是一门学问,稍不留心就会让患有强迫症的指挥官寝食难安。
Origami Lamp 600 Wall 1 "A paper lamp is trendy and eco-friendly, and it gives the users a sense of involvement from folding the paper themselves. Most importantly, we can also cut costs with these" "Clever!"
Photography Lighting B 600 Floor 15 "Why do people in the pictures I take with my camera's flash and up looking like ghosts?" "Because you don't test these things. A camera's built-in flash is for amateurs."
Photography Lighting A 600 Floor 15 "Why do people in the pictures I take with my camera's flash and up looking like ghosts?" "Because you don't test these things. A camera's built-in flash is for amateurs."
Backdrop Floor N/a 没有什么背景比白色更万能,可以凸显模特的轮廓,修图后期老师也很开心,他最痛恨的是瓷砖和地板。
Printer Set 600 Floor 15 Color management is a deeply profound area of study. Even if your screen color is very accurate, the printers at the print shop may not be. It's best to send a physical copy over as well, just in case.
Post Processing Workstation 650 Floor 18 Shooting with a medium format camera and a high performance all-in-one camera together allows you to examine the results in real-time. Greatly increased efficiency, but also a completely emptied wallet.
Costumes Floor N/a 上面挂了很多少女们梦寐以求的经典套装,悲伤的是身材因人而异,所以空荡荡的胸部或紧绷的屁股在所难免。
Chair Floor N/a 沉重的铸铁底座让使用者感到安心,真皮的坐垫也很有质感,但在上面高速旋转还是可能飞出去。
Changing Room 700 Floor 18 The curtains are translucent in order to prevent tactical girls from hiding inside and taking a nap. Although it is quite an invasion of privacy, it does work pretty well.


Item Image Comfort Type Space Description
HK416- Starry Cocoon Wall Decoration
M1918- Bunny Girl 750 Wall Decoration 18 M1918's Poster.
M1918- Tender Nocturne Wall Decoration
M950A- Concert Diva Wall Decoration
Mosin-Nagant- Moonlit Ocean Wall Decoration
PTRD- Romantic Mission Wall Decoration
Skorpion- Crimson Scarlet Wall Decoration
Springfield- Queen in Radiance Wall Decoration
UMP9- "Am I late?" Wall Decoration
UMP45- "No next time." Wall Decoration
WA2000- Ballroom Interlude Wall Decoration
Welrod MkII- English in Love Wall Decoration