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SAF Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,您好,我是您的新属下SAF。真是美好的味道……请给我一个拥抱…… どうも~指揮官。新しく配属されたFAMAE SAFだよ。ん~いい香りがするね……ところでねえ、ハグしてくれない?Play 안녕 지휘관, 새로 휘하에 배속된 SAF야. 음...? 좋은 냄새가 나네... 나 한번 안아 줄래...? Hola, Commander. I'm SAF, your new subordinate. What a lovely scent... Please give me a hug...
Secretary 对我来说,指挥官每日份的拥抱,就像一日四餐的每一顿一样必不可少! 指揮官とのハグはね、私にとって4度のご飯と同じくらい大切なものなんだよ!Play 나한텐 하루 사시네끼 챙겨 먹는 것만큼 지휘관의 포옹도 매일 필요해! To me, the Commander's daily hug is as essential as each of my four meals every day!
是指挥官吗?嘿嘿,虽然我现在闭着眼睛,但是仅凭气味也能分辨出来是您哦。 わかった、指揮官でしょ?えへへ、見なくてもニオイだけで指揮官だってわかるんだ~Play 지휘관이야? 헤헤, 눈을 감고 있어도 냄새만으로 누군지 다 알아. Is that you, Commander? Heheh, my eyes are closed, but I can tell it's you from just the scent.
嗯……总感觉左腿关节的零件有些不对劲,还是确认一下好了。诶?指挥官……我只是例行维护,不要叫得那么大声啦! う〜ん……左足の関節パーツにちょっと違和感があるなあ……念のため、確認しよっと。あれ、指揮官……そんなに驚いてどうしたの?ただのメンテナンスだけど?Play 음... 역시 왼다리의 관절 부품이 좀 이상한 것 같네. 확인해야겠다. 응? 지휘관? 그냥 정비하는 거니까 그렇게 소리 지르지 마! Hmm... Something feels wrong with the joint on my left leg. I guess I should go get it checked out. Huh? Commander... I'm just doing my routine maintenance. You don't have to yell!
Secretary (post OATH)
응? 왜 오늘은 안아 주기만 해? 어제는 번쩍 들어올려 줬으면서...
Huh? Only a hug today? You lifted me right up yesterday...
第一次见面的时候,我就被您的气味吸引住了…… 也许不是我闻过的最好闻的味道,但一定是让我感觉最温暖安全的味道。 能永远留住这样的气息,是我的荣幸……
実はね、初めて会ったあの日から、あなたのニオイには惹かれていたの…… 今まで嗅いだニオイの中で一番いいニオイってわけじゃないんだけど、一番暖かくて、一番心が安らぐニオイなのは確かだよ。 そんな香りとずっと一緒にいられるなんて、わたしとっても嬉しいな……
처음 봤을 때부터, 지휘관의 냄새에 반했어... 가장 좋은 냄새는 아닐지 몰라도, 가장 따뜻하고 안심이 되는 냄새야. 이 냄새를 평생 내 곁에 둘 수 있다니, 너무 행복해...
Since the first time we met, I've been drawn to your scent... It may not be the sweetest scent I have ever smelled, but it's certainly the one that makes me feel the warmest and safest. It is an honor that I can have it by my side forever...
Greeting 哇——是指挥官!请给我今日份的拥抱! あっ、指揮官!今日の分のハ~グしよ?Play 와아 지휘관이다! 오늘 분의 포옹해줘! Yay, it's the Commander! Give me today's ration of hugs!
T-Doll Produced 有新的朋友来了!我先帮您看看是新面孔还是老面孔哦♪ 新しいお友達が来たみたいだね!どれどれ〜知らない人かな〜知ってる人かな〜♪Play 새 친구가 왔다! 내가 먼저 뉴페이스인지 아닌지 확인해볼게~♪ We've got a new friend! Let me see if it's a fresh face or a familiar one♪
Joining an echelon 请放心交给我吧!要是担心的话,就让我抱抱你吧…… 私に任せて!心配ならハグしてあげようか?Play 안심하고 맡겨줘! 불안하다면 한 번 껴안아 줘... Relax and leave it to me! If you're worried, then let me hug you...
Enhancement 感受到新增加的装置的重量了,希望对我的体重不要产生太大影响…… へえ、新パーツって結構重いんだ~。これのせいで急に体重が増えたりなんてこと……ないよね?Play I can feel the weight of the newly-added gear, I hope it doesn't affect my weight too much...
Dummy-linking 又多了一个熟悉的气味…… また一つ、嗅ぎなれたニオイが増えたね……Play 또 익숙한 냄새가 늘어났어... Now there's yet another familiar scent...
Logistics (start) 呜呜……要有好几天不能闻到指挥官身上的气息了吗…… うぅ……しばらく指揮官の匂いが嗅げなくなるなんて……Play 우으... 한 동안 지휘관의 향기를 맡지 못하는 거야...? (Sob) I won't be able to smell you for several days, Commander...
Logistics (end) 我回来了!请立刻给我一个拥抱! ただいまっ!ねえねえハグして~、はやく~!Play 다녀왔어! 빨리 한 번 껴안아줘! I'm back! Please hug me right away!
Autobattle 希望这一次的队友不要在我例行维护的时候被吓晕过去…… 今回のメンバー、私の定期メンテナンスを見て気絶しない子たちだといいけど……Play 이번 동료는 내가 정기 정비할 때 기절하지 않았으면 좋을 텐데... I hope my teammates don't faint when they see me doing my regular maintenance...
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 希望对面的敌人不要太难闻…… クサい敵に会いませんように……Play 적의 냄새가 지독하지 않으면 좋겠는데... I hope the enemies don't smell too bad...
Starting a battle 好难闻!感觉喘不上来气了…… うぅ!クサくて……息が……できない……Play 어우 냄새! 숨이 막히는 것 같아... Ugh, it stinks! I'm having trouble breathing...
Skill activation 我已经闻到你们血液的味道了! 捉えたぞ~、お前たちの血のニオイを!Play 너희의 피 냄새를 맡았어! I can already smell your blood!
好好品尝恐惧的滋味吧…… 恐怖をとくと味わえ……Play 공포의 맛을 느껴보라고... Savor the taste of fear...
一个都别想逃! ひとりも逃さないよ!Play 아무도 도망갈 생각 마! None of you will escape!
Heavily damaged 除臭剂用完了…… 消臭剤が……切れちゃった……Play 구취제가 바닥 났어... The deodorant's all used up...
Retreat 快跑啊!臭臭的家伙过来了…… 逃ーげろー!クサい子が来るぞ~……Play 도망쳐! 지독한 녀석이 온다...! Run for it! That smelly bunch is coming at us!
MVP 请给我一个拥抱作为奖励吧! ご褒美にハグして!Play 상으로 한 번 껴안아줘! Please give me a hug as a reward!
Restoration 不用了!我自己来拆…… 大丈夫だって!自分でやるから……Play 괜찮아! 내가 직접 뜯을게... Don't bother! I'll open it up myself...
Attack 臭臭的家伙统统消失吧! クサい子はみんな消えちゃえ!Play 냄새 구린 녀석들은 모두 사라져버려! You stinky lot should just disappear!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 不给糖,就捣乱!果然是您啊,就算改变了装扮,我也还是能认出您!当然是因为……今天的您是糖果味的…… トリック、オア、トリート!えへへ、やっぱり指揮官だった!仮装してても分かるよ~?だって今日の指揮官は……キャンディーの香りがするんだから……!Play 사탕 안 주면 장난칠 거야! 역시 지휘관이었구나, 분장해도 알아차릴 수 있어! 왜냐면 당연히... 오늘 지휘관에게선 사탕맛이 나니까... Trick or treat! I knew it was you, I can recognize you even if you change your outfit. Of course, that's because... You smell of candy today...
Christmas 圣诞节快乐!作为我的礼物,请将我举起来吧!摸得到圣诞树顶的那种高度就行了! メリークリスマス!プレゼント代わりに、わたしを抱き上げてほしいな~!わたしの手が、あのツリーのてっぺんに届くくらいまで!Play 메리 크리스마스! 내게 주는 선물로 날 번쩍 들어올려줘! 크리스마스 트리 꼭대기에 닿을 만큼 들어주면 돼! Merry Christmas! Give me upsies for my present! Lift me high enough to touch the top of the Christmas tree!
New Year's Day 指挥官,这是我亲手做的香囊,方法是从网上学来的,不知道正不正确……但是味道是真的很棒! 指揮官、はいこれ、私手作りの香り袋。ネットにあった作り方を真似ただけだから、合ってるかどうかは分からないけど……でも、すっっごくいい香りがするんだよ!


지휘관, 이거 내가 직접 만든 향주머니야, 인터넷에서 만드는 법을 배웠어. 잘 만든 건진 모르겠지만, 향기는 엄청 좋아! Commander, I made these scented sachets myself. I learned how to do it from the Internet so I don't know if it's right or wrong...but it smells really good!
Valentine's day 今天到处都弥漫着巧克力的香气呢!尤其是指挥官的办公室里尤为浓烈…… 今日はどこもかしこもチョコの香りでいっぱいだね!……指揮官のオフィスなんかは特に……


오늘은 사방이 초콜릿의 향기가 가득하네! 특히 지휘관의 사무실이 엄청 진해... The scent of chocolate fills the air! And it's really strong inside your office, Commander...
Tanabata 听说每年七夕的时候,织女和牛郎都会在鹊桥上相会,而鹊桥下就是银河……您说,银河闻上去会是什么样的味道啊? 毎年この日になると、織姫様と彦星様が、天の川に掛かった鵲橋を渡って会うんだよね?天の川ってどんなニオイがするんだろう?


매년 칠석이면 직녀와 견우가 오작교 위에서 만난다고 들었어, 그리고 오작교 밑은 은하수라는데... 저기, 은하수는 어떤 냄새가 날까? They say that on Tanabata each year, Orihime and Hikoboshi meet on the Magpie Bridge, and below it flows the Milky Way... Say, what do you think the Milky Way smells like?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 把讨厌的味道挡在外面! クサい物には蓋をしなくちゃね!Play 싫은 냄새 모두 밖에 막아버려! Keep that disgusting smell outside!
Phrase 好香的气味! ん~いい香り!Play 좋은 냄새다! What a lovely smell!
Tip 先从拥抱的方法开始学习吧! Play 그럼 우선... 허그하는 법부터!
Loading 一大早就好香啊! Play 으음~ 아침부터 좋은 향기가 난다~