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TS12 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 还在等什么呢,指挥官?赶紧告诉我哪里有人要打,我赶场呢! 何もたもたしてんの、指揮官?早く敵の居場所を教えろって言ってんの!速攻叩き潰しに行くから!Play 뭘 우물쭈물거리는 거야, 지휘관? 빨리 적이 어딨는지 알려달라고, 당장 해치우러 갈 테니까! What are you waiting for, Commander? Hurry up and tell me where the enemies are, there's no time to waste!
Secretary 看我干什么?我和K11三天没打架了,好得很。好好做你的工作,别出什么错漏了。 何見てんの?ここ三日はK11と喧嘩してないし、仲良くやってるさ。アンタはアンタの仕事をしっかりしな、ミスが出ないように。Play 뭘 그렇게 쳐다 봐? 요 사흘간 K11하고 싸우지도 않고 사이좋게 지내고 있으니까, 지휘관은 지휘관 할일이나 잘해, 실수하지 말고. What are you looking at me for? It's been three days since I last fought with K11, I'm fine. Just do your job and don't mess anything up.
看你已经累得眼神都在打飘了,要不要来点提神的东西?茶或者咖啡,或者我新调的能量饮料? 目に疲れが出てるよ、アンタ。元気の出るものでも飲みな。お茶とかコーヒーとかさ。それともアタシの調合した新作エナジードリンクにする?Play 엄청 피곤해보이네? 뭐 정신이 드는 거라도 마실래? 녹차, 커피... 아니면 내가 새로 조합한 에너지 드링크 어때? You look so tired that your eyes are drifting all over the place. Do you want something to perk you up? Like say, tea, or coffee, or my specially-concocted energy drink?
虽然科幻电影好看,但这些模型真难搞,就不能有速成的方式吗?……啊,不小心掰断了! SF映画は面白いけど、この模型はどうにも難しいね。すぐにできる方法とかないの?……ああっ!パーツ折っちゃった!Play SF 영화는 재밌지만, 이 프라모델은 조립하기 어렵네, 좀 간단하게 만들 수는 없나? 앗... 부러뜨렸다! Sci-fi movies are great, but these models are just too damn fiddly. Isn't there a way to build them faster? ...Ah, I broke a part by accident!
Secretary (post OATH)
응... 참아야지. 왜 그런 눈빛으로 날 보는 거야? 지휘관하고 같이 있으니까 예전처럼 막나갈 순 없잖아. 나도 익숙해져야지.
Hm... I need to bear with it. Why are you looking at me like that? I can't be as impulsive as before now that I'm with you, right? Don't worry, I'll get used to it.
什么秘密任务啊,叫我来这里…… 契约?好啊,反正我也看你很顺眼! 戒指没坏之前都得跟着你,对吧?我记住了。
極秘任務でもあるの?こんなとこに呼び出して…… 契約?いいよ、アンタのことは気に入ってるからね! 指輪が壊れるまではアンタについてく、でしょ?覚えとくよ。
무슨 기밀 임무로 여기로 부른 거야...? 서약? 좋아, 지휘관은 마음에 드니까! 반지가 망가지기 전까지 항상 함께하는 거지? 기억했어.
What kind of secret mission is this, calling me here... You want to make an oath? Sure! Besides, I like you too! So basically I'll follow you as long as the ring doesn't break, right? I got it.
Greeting 来得还挺准时嘛,指挥官。 時間ピッタリだね、指揮官。Play 시간 잘 맞춰서 왔네, 지휘관. You're on time, Commander.
T-Doll Produced 磨蹭什么呢,赶紧出来。 何ぐずぐずしてんの?さっさと出ておいでよ。Play 뭘 꾸물거리고 있어, 빨리 나와. What are you dilly-dallying for, hurry up and get out here.
Joining an echelon 我不管你们以前干什么的,来了就给我好好听话! アンタらの過去は問わない。けどここに来たからには、アタシに従ってもらうよ!Play 입대 전에 뭐하다 왔는진 몰라도, 왔으면 명령에 따라라! I don't care what you used to do before, now that you're here you'd better listen up!
Enhancement 我还能再撕十个人! あと10人はぶっ潰せそうだね!Play 아직 열 명 더 상대할 수 있어! I can take on ten more of you!
Dummy-linking 哦!不错,效率会提升吧。 おっ!いいねぇ、これで効率が上がるよ。Play 오! 좋은걸, 효율이 올라가겠어. Oh! Not bad, my efficiency's going to improve.
Logistics (start) 别那么看着我,待会儿就回来。 そんなジーっと見ないで、すぐ帰ってくるから。Play 그렇게 보지 마, 금방 올 테니까. Oh, don't look at me like that, I'll be back later.
Logistics (end) 带这些总不会有问题了吧? これだけあれば問題ないでしょ?Play 이 정도면 문제없겠지? Bringing these back shouldn't be a problem, right?
Autobattle 刚好趁这个机会想想新发明。 ちょうどいい機会だし、新しい発明品のアイデアを練ろうかな。Play 마침 잘됐네, 이 기회에 새로운 발명품을 생각해볼까. Just in time for me to come up with a new invention.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 走了,赶紧把这些东西全杀光! 行くよ。全員バラバラにしてやるんだ!Play 가자, 모조리 박살내주자고! We're on the move, time to kill them all!
Starting a battle 发现敌人,小心点行动。 敵を発見、慎重に行動しな。Play 적군 발견, 신중하게 움직여. Enemy sighted, move carefully.
Skill activation 看什么看? 何見てるの?Play 뭘 봐 임마? The hell are you looking at?
杀光你们啊。 全員ぶっ潰す。Play 다 때려죽인다. I'll kill you all!
吵死了! 喧しい!Play 시끄러워! Shut the hell up!
Heavily damaged 啧!没有防具我也能把这些混蛋撕碎! フンッ、シールドが無くともあんな奴らぶっ潰せるさ!Play 쳇, 방어구가 없어도 다 뜯어버릴 수 있어! Tsk! I could rip these bastards apart even without my armor!
Retreat 失算了……可恶。 しくじった……クソッ。Play 방심했다... 빌어먹을. I miscalculated... Dammit.
MVP 不要放松,检查周围有没有漏网之鱼! 気を抜くんじゃないよ。取り逃がしたのがいないか周りをチェックしな!Play 아직 방심하지 마, 주변에 놓친 놈 없나 살펴봐! Don't relax just yet, see if any of them got away!
Restoration 指挥官,我记住那东西的脸了,下次非把它弄碎不可。 指揮官、あいつの顔、しかと覚えたよ。次は必ず粉々にしてやる。Play 지휘관, 그 자식들 얼굴 다 기억했어, 다음에 만나면 박살 내줄 거야. Commander, I remember that thing's face, I'll make sure I smash it to bits next time.
Attack 有我在你们怕什么,给我杀! アタシがいれば、怖いもんなんてないさ。ぶっ潰せ!Play 내가 있는데 뭐가 무서워? 몽땅 해치워! What's there to be afraid of when I'm around? Kill them!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 我准备了很多糖。当然是发给被我吓到的人了,省得她们哭太久。 沢山飴を準備したんだ。もちろん驚かせた子にあげて、すぐ泣き止んでもらうために。Play 사탕을 잔뜩 준비했어. 당연히 나한테 놀란 애들한테 줄 생각이지, 한참 울고 있으면 귀찮으니까. I prepared a lot of candy. It's going to the people I scare, of course, in case they cry too much.
Christmas 圣诞节和我没什么关系吧。我在外面坐着等就好了……有什么活儿喊我。 クリスマスとは縁遠い存在だからね。アタシは外で座ってることにする……何か用事があったら呼んで。Play 크리스마스는 나랑 별로 상관 없잖아. 난 그냥 밖에 있을 테니까, 일 있으면 불러. Christmas has nothing to do with me, right? I'll just wait outside... Just give me a shout if there's anything which needs doing.
New Year's Day 哟,今天穿得不错嘛,指挥官。这是给你的红包,收好。好了,我的礼物呢? よっ、今日はなかなか洒落てるじゃないか、指揮官。ほれ、お年玉、無くすんじゃないよ。で、アンタもアタシに渡すものがあるんじゃない?


오, 오늘 옷 예쁘게 입었네. 여기 지휘관한테 주는 세뱃돈이야. 그럼, 내게 줄 선물은 없어? Yo, you look pretty good today, Commander. Here's a red packet for you, make sure you don't lose it. Right, where's my present?
Valentine's day 喏,买了两包巧克力,我们分一包。剩下那包?是打算实验巧克力炸弹的,你要吃吗? ほれ、二つチョコ買ったから片方を半分にして食べよう。もう一つ?ああ、こっちはチョコレート炸裂弾の材料にするのさ。なに?食べたいの?


자, 초콜릿 두 봉지 샀어, 이 한 봉지 나눠서 먹자. 다른 한 봉지는 뭐냐고? 실험용 초콜릿 폭탄인데, 먹을 거야? Here, I bought two packets of chocolate, one for each of us. You want to know what I'm going to do with the other one? I was planning to try making a chocolate bomb. You want to eat it?
Tanabata 愿望啊,愿望是今年能沉稳一点,多一点耐心少一点急躁……这笔没水了,怎么回事啊!烦死了! 願いごとねぇ。今年はもうちょっと落ち着いて、忍耐力を養って、せっかちを直して……って、ペンのインクがなくなった。あーもうどういうことなの!イラつくね!


소원이라, 올해는 좀 더 침착하고, 인내심을 길러서 성질 좀 덜 부릴 수 있길... 볼펜 약이 없잖아!? 뭐야 이게 짜증나네! My wish, hm. My wish is to be able to be calmer this year, to be a little more patient and a little less hot-tempered... This pen's out of ink! What the hell?! This is pissing me off!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 喂,别这么快!回我这里。 ちょっと、急ぎ過ぎだよ!アタシのところに戻りな!Play 야, 너무 빨리 가지 마! 이쪽으로 돌아와! Hey, don't be so hasty! Come back to where I am.
Phrase 哈? Play
Tip 这个好像挺有用的。 これ、かなり役に立つみたいだよ。Play 이거 꽤 쓸모있겠는걸. This looks useful.
Loading 来了来了,跑着来的! 今行くよ!駆け足で!Play 갈게 갈게, 지금 달려갈게! Coming, coming, I'm coming through!