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Lewis Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 太好了~这里的指挥官看上去是个好人呢!我是刘易斯式,请多多关照! やった~!ここの指揮官はいい人っぽい!私はルイス、よろしくね!Play Awesome~ You seem like a nice person, Commander! I am Lewis Gun, please take care of me!
Secretary 我把会议要准备的资料弄丢了……不、不过没关系!我全都好好记着呢! 会議で使う資料を無くしちゃった…でも大丈夫!あたし全部覚えてるから!Play I've misplaced the notes I prepared for the meeting... N-No matter, I have them memorized anyways!
大家看上去都这么可爱,完全不敢相信是战术人形呢,是想采用迷倒敌人的战术吗? みんな可愛いすぎて、全然戦術人形に見えないね。これって、もしかして色仕掛け?Play Everyone here look so adorable, it's hard to believe we're dolls meant for combat! Are we trying to charm our enemies into surrendering or something?
嗯?指挥官想要扳手腕吗?我可是很厉害的哦。 え?腕相撲したいの?私かなり強いよ~。Play Hmm? You wanna arm wrestle with me, Commander? I'm pretty strong, you know.
Secretary (post OATH)
No matter how tired and frustrated I am, the moment I see you, Commander, I just cheer right up! Hehe~
Commander, though you're the person I'm closest to, sometimes you seem like a stranger I don't understand at all... I don't want to be on the outside looking in anymore. I want to be the one in your heart. I... want to know everything and every part of you, Commander!
Greeting え?指揮官?あ!任務の事忘れるところだったよ!Play Eh, Commander? Ah! I forgot about the mission!
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間?あたしも会ってみたい!Play New comrade? I want to see her too!
Joining an echelon みんなどんな顔をしてるのかな~?Play What kind of face will everyone make~?
Enhancement んん、見た目はどこに変わらないのね…。Play Hmm, I don't see any particular change anywhere...
Dummy-linking えへへ、流石あたし!頼もしく見えるのよね~。Play Ehehe, as expected from me! She looks promising~
Logistics (start) 重たいものならあたしに任せて!Play Leave the heavy stuffs to me!
Logistics (end) 使えそうなものは全部持って帰って来たよ。Play I've brought back everything that looks usable.
Autobattle いい経験になりそう~。Play It turned to be a good experience~
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 部隊到着、任務開始よ!Play The echelon has arrived, commencing mission!
Starting a battle 悪い人は全員倒しちゃうよ~!Play I'll beat all the bad guy~!
Skill activation ちょっと可哀相に見えてきたな…。Play It looks a little pitiful...
ちゃんと持て成してあげるよ。Play I'll make sure to show you hospitality.
本気で行くから、覚悟してね!Play I'll get serious now, be prepared!
Heavily damaged うぐ…あの人たち…見た感じ悪い人じゃなかったのに…。Play Ugh... I thought they're not the bad guys...
Retreat この違和感は…一体どういうこと…?Play This uneasiness... what does it mean?
MVP あたしたちの勝利を歴史に刻もう!Play We'll carve the history of our victory!
Restoration ちゅ…注射は必要はないよね?Play A-a shot isn't necessary, right?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween し…指揮官!町に本物のお化けが出て来たよ!危ないから外に出ちゃだめだって!Play C-commander! There are real ghosts showing up in the town! It's dangerous, don't go outside!
Christmas 普通な木でもちょっと飾り着けるだけで一気にクリスマスぽっくになるよね。メリークリスマス!Play Even a normal tree would give off a christmas aura if you decorate it. Merry Christmas!
New Year's Day 指揮官、要らないものを片づけておいたよ。あ…あれ…?!あれは要るものなの?!ごめんなさい!今すぐ取り返してくれ!


Commander, I've taken care of unused stuffs. E-Eeh?! You still use it?! I'm sorry! I'll get it back right away!
Valentine's day 味よりも、パッケージの方こそチョコの魂なんだよ。見た目が悪いんじゃ中にもまずくなっちゃうよ。


Rather than the taste, the packaging is the chocolate's soul. If the presentation is bad, the taste inside will follow.
Tanabata 本物の織姫と彦星って、一体どんな顔をしているのかな。こんなに愛し合っているんだから、きっととんでもない美男美女カップルだよね。


I wonder how Orihime and Hikoboshi look like. Since they love each other like this, I'm sure they have a lovely looks.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play