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Operation Cube: Difference between revisions

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====E2-4: Reversal Sequence====
====E2-4: Reversal Sequence====
[[File:Operation_Cube_E2-4_A.jpg|thumb|450px|E2-4 Map Layout|floatright]]
[[File:Operation_Cube_E2-4_A.jpg|thumb|450px|E2-4 Map Layout]]
<div class="jcarousel-item">[[File:Operation_Cube_E2-4_B.jpg|thumb|450px|Ouroboros's turn 2 possible location #1]]</div>
<div class="jcarousel-item">[[File:Operation_Cube_E2-4_B.jpg|thumb|450px|Ouroboros's turn 2 possible location #1]]</div>
<div class="jcarousel-item">[[File:Operation_Cube_E2-4_D.jpg|thumb|450px|Ouroboros's turn 2 possible location #2]]</div>
<div class="jcarousel-item">[[File:Operation_Cube_E2-4_D.jpg|thumb|450px|Ouroboros's turn 2 possible location #2]]</div>
[[File:Operation_Cube_E2-4_C.jpg|thumb|450px|Recommended path for location #1 and #2|floatright]]
[[File:Operation_Cube_E2-4_C.jpg|thumb|450px|Recommended path for location #1 and #2]]

'''Objective''': Eliminate Boss [[Ouroboros|Ouroboros Elite]] in 8 rounds. Clear map for 8 times to get reward:  
'''Objective''': Eliminate Boss [[Ouroboros|Ouroboros Elite]] in 8 rounds. Clear map for 8 times to get reward:  

Revision as of 09:50, 3 April 2017

Operation Cube

Preferred T-Dolls and Echelon

With night combat in mind, Handgun T-Dolls will be a requirement for easier victory. HG T-Dolls with skills like Fire Command or auras to increase accuracy will help greatly in this operation.

For damage output, Rifle T-Dolls in general will be at advantage here. Their usually high accuracy and Armor-piercing Ammo will result in reliable dps.

Secondly, Assault Rifle T-Dolls with Firepower skills can also be of good use in boss fights. Bosses in this operation usually have high evasion but low on armor, so with the help of Night Vison equipment, AR T-Dolls can output almost as much damage as they do in day combat.

Lastly, Machine Gun T-Dolls are good with mob fights. With the right HG aura, MG T-Dolls can sweep armored mobs in seconds and take little to none damage.

For echelon build, it would be advised to have at least one RF+HG team or Firepower AR team for boss fight, and one RF+HG team or MG team for mob fight.

E1-1: V-Cube 7 Puzzle

  • A simple tutorial level for new players. Eliminate all enemies in 8 rounds for map clearance reward: 16LAB Infrared.

E1-2: Corner First Tactic

Dispatch two echelons in first round, then take the airport on your right side
Search for Hunter Elite along the red-marked route

  • Eliminate Boss Hunter Elite in 5 rounds. Clear map for 3 times to get reward: T-doll HG SPP-1SPP-1SPP-1.
  • Hunter Elite stats: Health - 6800, DMG - 67, RoF - 55, Accuracy - 30, Evasion -3, Armor - 30.
  • Take the airport in the middle, then look for Hunter Elite on the right side of the map, top to bottom. Echelon with average level 50 will find no difficulty in this map.

E1-3: Layer by Layer Strategy

  • Eliminate Boss Executioner Elite in 6 rounds. Clear map for ??? times to get reward: 16Lab Sub-Caliber Armor-Piercing Rounds.
  • Executioner Elite stats: Health - 9000, DMG - 88, RoF - 45, Accuracy - 18, Evasion - 10, Armor - 24.
  • Take the radar station on the left, if boss is not within sight, search left side of the map from top to bottom. Echelon with average level 70 will be fine here.

E1-4: Facet Disintegrate

  • Eliminate Boss Ouroboros in 8 rounds. Clear map for 10 times to get reward: T-doll AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14.
  • Ouroboros stats: Health - 15000, DMG - 120, Rof - 55, Accuracy - 20, Evasion - 12, Armor - 23.
  • Boss mechanics:
  1. Ouroboros has a special attack Knitter Missle Salvo which will result in her being invincible for a few seconds (effect close to Thompson's Force Shield). She will launch her special attack at around 50% and 25% of health, so it is advised to switch auto skills off in case T-Dolls activate their skills during her invincibility, especially if you're using a RF T-doll with Aimed Shot / Designated Shot / Interdiction Shot.
  2. T-dolls could be moved around to avoid the attack completely.
  • Take the airport in the center of the map, then turn left until you reach the airport on the left edge. Search boss from left to right. There is a slim chance that boss will appear on the left top corner, you can either send an echelon to look for her, or forfeit the game to start anew.
  • Alternatively, you could also take the airport in bottom middle, then send two echelons to look for boss in both directions.
  • Tip: There is a way to determine where Ouroboros is by checking the points near her spawn point at the beginning of the second round. It is complicated, but with enough practice, you'll find her at near 100% success rate with little resource. See discussion for more information.

Operation Cube+

Operation Cube+ ( 魔方行动+ ) is a time limited operation in Girls Frontline from March 30th GMT+8 to April 20th GMT+8 2017. It is an upgrade to last year's summer Operation Cube, with additional maps and more challenging boss fights. The core mechanics remain mostly the same: the entirety of the operation is night combat, which means Handgun T-Dolls and T-Dolls with high accuracy and/or the ability to equip Armor-piercing Ammo or Night Vision will be highly recommended.

Blindfolded Rules

Blindfolded Rules is an extra episode that is not present in the original Operation Cube event. In this episode, more info regarding M4A1 and Ouroboros will be revealed. This episode will also feature various rewards including the Grifon Elite Medal, and the maps themselves offer time-limited T-Dolls and max-calibrated character exclusive equipment as map drops.

E2-1: Cross Foundation

Eliminate Boss Hunter Elite in 8 rounds. Clear map for 3 times to get reward: x200.
Hunter Elite stats: Health - 20000, DMG - 160, Rof - 60, Accuracy - 60, Evasion - 10, Armor - 30.
Hunter Elite will most likely to spwan in these locations marked in red circle, numbers indicate possibility from high to low:
[insert pic]
Follow the route marked in red to search for boss.
[insert pic]
If you don't have two echelons strong enough for the boss fight, it is highly recommended that you go left since she's more likely to appear on this side of the map.
If your echelons are so overpowered that can easily take down a Jupiter, you can simply get through without the detour.

E2-2: Dislocation Prediction

Eliminate Boss Executioner Elite in 5 rounds. Clear map for 5 times to get reward: Dorm furniture Night Cube
Executioner Elite stats: Health - 30000, DMG - 180, RoF - 50, Accuracy - 70, Evasion - 15, Armor - 35.
Executioner Elite will most likely to spawn in these locations marked in red circle, numbers indicate possibility from high to low:
[insert pic]
Take the radar station on the left, if Executioner Elite spawns on left top corner, she will appear in your sight. If not, take the route up to search the top right corner, then the bottom left.
[insert pic]
Boss mechanics:

  • Similar to Ouroboros, Executioner Elite in this map has a special attack called Excution Hybird Attack, which she will jump up to launch a massive attack on your echelon, hit tiles 65741(in numpad notation) in this order. The cut scene is fairly short, so it is hard to evade once she jumps, it is best to move fragile T-dolls (like your dps) out of the way beforehand. Executioner Elite will launch this attack at 75%, 50% and 25% of health, and she's invincible during the attack and a few seconds afterwards.
  • Other than her special attack, Executioner Elite will hit T-dolls in a row with her normal attack. Her target won't change unless the targeted T-doll is offline or retreat. Targeted T-doll could be put into a separate row if you want to reduce overall damage.

E2-3: Directional Algorithm

Eliminate Boss Architect in 8 rounds. Clear map for 8 times to get reward: x200
Architect stats: Health - 36000, DMG - 200, RoF - 50, Accuracy - 100, Evasion - 30, Armor - 35.
Architect will only spawn in the location mark in red circle.

E2-4: Reversal Sequence

E2-4 Map Layout
Ouroboros's turn 2 possible location #1
Ouroboros's turn 2 possible location #2

Recommended path for location #1 and #2

Objective: Eliminate Boss Ouroboros Elite in 8 rounds. Clear map for 8 times to get reward: Grifon Elite Medal x 1

Ouroboros Elite stats:
Health - 3600
Damage - 200
Rate of Fire - 50
Accuracy - 100
Evasion - 30
Armor - 35

Recommended echelon compositions: 2 MG teams + RF+HF boss team (Lv.90+). RFs with high damage multiplier skills(e.g. M99, NTW-20, SV-98, OTs-44) and HGs with firepower tile effects + skills (e.g. Grizzly MkV, Mk23, Colt Revolver, Serdyukov, Bren Ten) are highly recommended, as they are capable of defeating Ouroboros in one skill rotation, before she even gets to use her cut-in.


  1. Deploy an echelon and move it south of the starting landing zone.
  2. Deploy another echelon on the starting landing zone to defend it and end the turn.
  3. At the beginning of the next turn, check if:
    • The nodes forming a triangular shape on the west edge of the map have all turned red, or
    • The neutral node between a random event node and landing zone have turned red
  4. If any of the conditions in step 3 apply, proceed to these nodes by going south and curving around the Jupiter Cannon to reach the boss. Open up a path with a MG team before using the RF team to fight the boss.
    • If none of these conditions apply, the location of Ouroboros cannot be confirmed and it is highly advisable to abort mission and retry. Deploy another fodder echelon and retreat the other echelons through the landing zone before doing to reduce ammo/ration loss.
  5. During the fight with Ouroboros, try to avoid losing HGs before RFs use their skills to secure a quick victory:
    1. As soon as the battle starts, Ouroboros will target one of HGs, and since she does not have a range limit, she will continue shooting that T-Dolls until she is defeated or retreated. Quickly move another HG in front of her to minimize the damage she will take to maximize her chances of survival;
    2. Shortly after Ouroboros will start using her missile attacks to hit the T-Doll closest to her frequently. Be sure to rotate T-Dolls on low heath out of front row to ensure that all HG T-Dolls are alive;
    3. After 15 seconds in, both HG and RF T-Dolls' skills should be ready to use. The concentrated damage from these skills are enough to defeat instantly if the Both the T-Doll and skill levels are high enough. If not, be prepared for Ouroboro's cut-in attack which also makes her invincible for a short amount of time (even after her special attack is finished). Find a time when she is not invincible and use RFs' skills to defeat her.


Clear limited event maps in order to obtain the following rewards:

  1. E1-1: 16LAB Infrared
  2. E1-2: HG SPP-1SPP-1SPP-1
  3. E1-3: 16Lab Sub-Caliber Armor-Piercing Rounds
  4. E1-4: AR OTs-14OTs-14OTs-14
  5. E2-1: x200
  6. E2-2: Dorm furniture "Night Cube"
  7. E2-3: x200
  8. E2-4: Medal

Following T-Dolls can be obtained as drop from certain maps:

Map E1-2 E1-3 E1-4 E2-3 E2-4
AR ARX-160ARX-160ARX-160
HG SerdyukovSerdyukovSerdyukov
HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN
SMG Z-62Z-62Z-62
  • Either boss or mob fights could drop above T-Dolls, as well as Map Clearing. Be noted mobs repopulated from airport NEVER drops T-doll.

Following exclusive equipment can be obtained from a certain map as a drop:

  1. Match Grade Armor-Piercing Ammo from E2-1
  2. Titan Fire Control Chip from E2-1
  3. .300BLK High-Velocity Ammo from E2-2
  4. GSG UX Exoskeleton from E2-2
  5. Hayha Memory Chip from E2-2
  • It is unclear as for now whether mob fights will drop exclusive equipment.


  • Some name for map of this operation is actual term for Cube Puzzle.