User:MoonlightArchivist/Guidelines: Difference between revisions
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Line 302: | Line 302: | ||
|icon name fetched from "icon" parameter in /skill[X]data | |icon name fetched from "icon" parameter in /skill[X]data | ||
|- | |- | ||
|<Name>[_costumeX] | |<Name>[_costumeX]_chibi[_dorm]_spritemap.png | ||
|Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.png | |Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.png | ||
|sprite map | |sprite map. There may be another spritemap with the "R" prefix for dorms. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|<Name>[_costumeX] | |<Name>[_costumeX]_chibi[_dorm]_skel.skel | ||
|Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.skel | |Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.skel | ||
|skel bytes | |skel bytes. The "R" version is necessary for the dorm animations switch to work. | ||
|- | |- | ||
|<Name>[_costumeX] | |<Name>[_costumeX]_chibi[_dorm]_atlas.txt | ||
|Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.atlas | |Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.atlas | ||
|atlas bytes | |atlas bytes. There may be another atlas with the "R" prefix for dorms. | ||
|- | |- | ||
! colspan=10 | Live2D (all assets defined in /Live2DSettings - get hit_areas from CubismHitDrawable - archives internally organized in normal and destroy) | ! colspan=10 | Live2D (all assets defined in /Live2DSettings - get hit_areas from CubismHitDrawable - archives internally organized in normal and destroy) |
Revision as of 20:27, 11 September 2023
- assettexttable
- explore_affair_server,explore_affair_client: random exploration events
- skin: individual costume names,unlock line,notebook memento,VA
- skin_group: notebook event names+desc
- skin_bonus: notebook completion bonus
- career_quest, achievement
- item: name+desc
- furniture: name+desc
- furniture_establish: upgradable base objects name+desc
- furniture_classes
- chess_seasonevent
- fairy
- equip
- enemy_illustration: name+desc+VA
- sangvis: different desc
- enemy_illustration_skill (lore desc) / battle_skill_config+mission_skill_config (data)
- commander_uniform
- sangvis_gasha: banner names
- building
- organization
- story_util: chapters desc
- assettextes
- unit lines (CharacterVoice, NewCharacterVoice)
- Kalina lines (KalinaLevelVoice)
- assettextavg
- assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/ ; assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/battleavg : Cube: -1, -6 ; Arctic Warfare: -2, -3, -4, -5 ; Cube+: -7 ; Rabbit Hunt: -8 ; Deep Dive: -10, -11, -12, -13 ; Only Master: -14, -15 ; Singularity: -16, -17, -18 ; Glory Day: -19, -20, ; Continuum Turbulence: -24, -25, -26, -27, -28 ; Isomer: -31 ; Valhalla: -32 ; Shattered Connexion: -33 ; Freaky Pandemic: -34 ; A Snowy Night Capriccio : -35 ; Polarized Light: -36 ; The Photo Studio Mystery: -37 ; Dream Theatre: -38 ; Far Side of the Sea: -40 ; Dual Randomness: -41 : Butterfly in a Cocoon: -42 ; Bounty Feast: -43 ; Mirror Stage : -44 ; Untranslated: -45 ; My Devil's Frontline: -46 ; The Waves Wrangler: -47 ; Poincaré Recurrence: -48 ; One Coin Short: -49 ; Love Bakery: -50 ; Fixed Point: -51, -99 ; Lycan Sanctuary: -52 ; Longitudinal Strain: -54 ; Eclipses & Saros: -56 ; The Glistening Bloom: -57 ; Slow Shock: -58 ; Maze Guess: -59 ;
- assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/anniversary: NPCs with minus tag, assimilation with s_ tag
- assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/fetter/: Bookshelf of Memories
- assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/memoir/: Neural Upgrades
- assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/skin/: Notebook
- assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/va11/va11_1.txt: Valhalla special scenes
- assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/tutorials: assimilation tutorial
- resourceavgpicprefab__ ; resourcebossskillpic ; resourcepic__add ; resourcepic_
- Texture2D alphas for all character types
- resourceavgtexture_ ; resourceavgbase
- Story illustrations
- Sometimes contains Sprite tutorials
- resourcecommander_ ; charactercommander ; charactersummercommander ; resourceiconcommanderemoji ; resourcecommanderemoji
- Commander chibi Sprite, Texture2D, TextAsset .skel, MonoBehavior SkeletonData & Atlas, Shader
- resourceiconenemy
- _I profile icons
- On-map structures
- resourceiconuniform
- Commander costumes shop icons
- resourceiconlogo
- factions cut-in logos
- character_
- For Dolls, assimilation and enemies, Sprite, Texture2D, includes alphas
- Sometimes packages MonoBehavior skeletondata and Shader (characterunknown)
- characterboss: groups Sangvis bosses
- characternpc_: includes some fairies duplicated from resourcefairy
- characterspecial: story sprites for allies
- characterpet
- resourcefairy
- _spine
- Spritesheets, atlases, shaders and scripts for all chibi dolls, enemies, map structures, pets, dorm characters and animated furniture. Still has Valkyria charas and K7. charactersupershortysangvisspine = Super Shorty during assimilation scene. charactercoffeespine = Springfield in cafe.
- resourcespine_
- resourceiconops
- assetlogin1: login illustration
- atlasclipscommonattri: Doll stats icons
- assets/resources/dabao/avgtxt/profiles.txt
- 21Jashin: My Devil's Frontline
- CG-Houkai: Only Master
- 2020TCTD: Bounty Feast
- gunCG, HenriettaCG: Dream Theater
- va11_: Valhalla
- BG-Djmax, CG-DJMAX: Glory Day
- GGXX: Rabbit Hunt
- SEAPARTY: Far Side of the Sea
- sp2.: Cube
- CG-2017Winter: Arctic Warfare
- 17xh: Deep Dive
- 2018Winter: Singularity
- 2018Summer: Continuum Turbulence
- 19Winter: Isomer
- 2019summer: Shattered Connexion
- 19christmas: A Snowy Night Capriccio
- 2019halloween: Freaky Pandemic
- 19winter: Polarized Light
- 2020summer ; 20summer: Dual Randomness
- 2020HW: Butterfly in a Cocoon
- 2021white, 2021_ink: Mirror Stage
- 2021summer: Poincaré Recurrence
- 2021_Christmas: One Coin Short
- 2022winter: Fixed Point
- 2022summer: Longitudinal Strain
- 2022saros
- 2023NewYear: Mystery Box Theorem
- BOSS-7: Gager
- BOSS-9: Architect
- BOSS-11: Dreamer
- BossJustice: Judge
- Weaver: Ouroboros
- resourceavgpicprefabsd\DUMMY_N ?
- 春田咖啡: Springfield
- pmhe: Makarov
- ar: Galil
- mlemk: Lee-Enfield
- dupijin: Dupieux
- mrsgray
- excutioner: Executioner
- soldier: Gunner
- ISC -> Papasha mech
- landmine_beach -> krab
- PM -> Makarov
- Rogue -> Machlian or Dandelion
- Shark -> Sharkitect
- Gunner -> Soldier_New / StreletPlus
- Teal -> Grig
- TeslaTrooper -> Minotaurus
- TOW -> BGM-71
- Nyto_mecha -> Tareus; Nyto_mecha2 -> Sana
@echo off for /f "skip=1" %%i in ('wmic os get localdatetime') do if not defined fulldate set fulldate=%%i set foldername=GFextract%fulldate:~0,8% md %foldername% md %foldername%\alphas md %foldername%\storybg md %foldername%\sounds md %foldername%\videos md %foldername%\commander md %foldername%\NPC md %foldername%\units md %foldername%\furnitures md %foldername%\menus md %foldername%\maps md %foldername%\eventmenus md %foldername%\guide md %foldername%\particles md %foldername%\live2d md %foldername%\spines md %foldername%\text md %foldername%\battlebg md %foldername%\icons
set "source=%~dp0\" set "destination=%foldername%\alphas" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceavgpic*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcepic*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceboss*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\storybg" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceavgtexture*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceavgbase*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\sounds" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *.acb.bytes /mov set "destination=%foldername%\videos" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *.usm.bytes /mov set "destination=%foldername%\commander" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcecommanderclass*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceiconuniform*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *charactercommander*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *charactersummercommander*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceiconcommanderemoji*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcecommanderemoji*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\furnitures" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *furniture*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spritesdorm*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\live2d" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *live2d*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\spines" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spine*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\NPC" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *characternpc*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\maps" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetmap*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\eventmenus" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *activemap*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *activityops*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceactivitymap*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\guide" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *guide*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\particles" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetparticles*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\icons" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcenotebook*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spritescardbg*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceicon*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spritesguncamps*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spritesui*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spritesdeploymentbuilding*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcecardavatar*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcecardhomebg*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\menus" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spriteshome*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *atlasclips*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *characterbuild*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spritestips*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *spritescredits*.ab /mov
robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetotherres*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetthreedscenes*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetmotherbase*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assettheater*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetmaterials*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetplayable*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetmanual*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetassetother*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetspecialops*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetshader*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetfonts*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetlogin*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetanimation*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *assetflightchessmap*.ab /mov
robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceavglanguage*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcecard*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcebattle*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcetitle*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcefairy*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcetopstory*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceeffect*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resource*prefab*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceguncamps*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcetargettrain*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcesquad*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcefetter*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceprofiles*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcefontsprefabs*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcewishgunbg*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourceworldcollide*.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcesquads.ab /mov robocopy "%source%" %destination% *resourcetheater.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\units" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *character*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\text" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *text*.ab /mov set "destination=%foldername%\battlebg" robocopy "%source%" %destination% *sprites*.ab /mov
exit /b
- AvgConfig.*.AvgCfg_*.lua : story chapter configuration
- AvgConfig.*.AvgLang_*_EN_US.lua : raw text
- CharacterTextConfig.*_EN_US.lua : Files + Story text
- CvTextConfig.*_EN_US.lua : voice lines transcriptions
- LuaConfigs.loading_tips.lua: loading screens text
- LuaConfigs.noun_des.lua : most worldview entries
- LuaConfigs.locale_text.lua.bytes.txt : loose strings data (use lister in UTF-8 for CN version)
- Skin names and descriptions
- LuaConfigs.item.lua.bytes: Item descriptions (match id and furniture textures with LuaConfigs.dorm_furniture.lua.bytes.txt)
- LuaConfigs.activity_name.lua.bytes: Events names
- LuaConfigs.hero_relationship.lua.bytes
- hero factions
- LuaConfigs.event.lua.bytes/event_replace_txt + LuaConfigs.event_choice.lua.bytes.txt/event_assist: Anomaly Nodes (regular exploration)
- LuaConfigs.warchess_event.lua.bytes + LuaConfigs.warchess_event_choice.lua.bytes.lua: Anomaly Nodes (Matrix Mode)
- LuaConfigs.hero_data.lua.bytes: hero id
- LuaConfigs.avg_character.lua.bytes.lua: hero id in stories
- LuaConfigs.sector.lua.bytes.txt: chapters + event names
- LuaConfigs.sector_stage.lua.bytes.txt: stages names
- spriteatlas/athsuiticon: Algo Sets icons
- LuaConfigs.noun_des: World View (Horizon Records -> Type = 7)
- tables.ab\BattleSkillCfg.bytes: skills description
- spriteatlas\skillicon.ab: hero + commander + enemy skill icons
- Enemies names, description, skills id
- LuaConfigs.battle_grid.lua.bytes.lua: Grid effects names and descriptions
- spriteatlas\explorationicon.ab: protocol, active tiles, function pools icons
- spriteatlas\commonicon.ab: items, dorm, functions, attributes icons
- images\activity\whiteday22.ab: white day portraits 1024
- Classes ids and names
- images\loginbg.ab: login artwork
- LuaConfigs.skill_label_info.lua.bytes: Skill effects tooltips
- LuaConfigs.attribute.lua.bytes.lua: Names and IDs of hero stats (calculation formulas in Game.PlayerData.Hero.HeroData.lua.bytes.lua + Game.PlayerData.AttributeBonus.lua.bytes + LuaConfigs.hero_star.lua.bytes + LuaConfigs.hero_potential.lua.bytes)
- images\dynhead.ab: animated profile pictures
- images\mainscenebg.ab: main menu backgrounds
- images\oasisbuilding.ab
- images\sectoricon.ab
- spriteatlas\ui_signinminigamebq.ab: Anniversary Emote Generator chibis
- spriteatlas\sectorbuilding: Procedural Efficiency/Specialty Training icons
- LuaConfigs.warchess_tip.lua.bytes: Warchess story nodes
Files processes
Wiki filename | Extracted from | Comments | |||||||
GFL Dolls | |||||||||
<Name>[_costumeX].png | Android/New/character<Name>/pic_<Name>[_HD] + pic_<Name>[_HD]_Alpha (use René's tool to combine) | full body - main | |||||||
<Name>[_costumeX]_D.png | Android/New/character<Name>/pic_<Name>_D[_HD] + pic_<Name>_D[_HD]_Alpha | full body - damaged | |||||||
<Name>[_costumeX]_S.png | Android/New/character<Name>/pic_<Name>_N | portrait (use René's extractor to separate and recrop) | |||||||
Icon_Skill_<icon name>.png | Android/New/spritesui | icon name fetched from "icon" parameter in /skill[X]data | |||||||
<Name>[_costumeX]_chibi[_dorm]_spritemap.png | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.png | sprite map. There may be another spritemap with the "R" prefix for dorms. | |||||||
<Name>[_costumeX]_chibi[_dorm]_skel.skel | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.skel | skel bytes. The "R" version is necessary for the dorm animations switch to work. | |||||||
<Name>[_costumeX]_chibi[_dorm]_atlas.txt | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.atlas | atlas bytes. There may be another atlas with the "R" prefix for dorms. | |||||||
Live2D (all assets defined in /Live2DSettings - get hit_areas from CubismHitDrawable - archives internally organized in normal and destroy) | |||||||||
<Name>[_costumeX][_D]_live2d_texture.png | Android/New/live2dnewgun<Name>/*.png | ||||||||
<Name>[_costumeX][_D]_live2d_[motion id].mtn | Android/New/live2dnewgun<Name>/*.fade.json (AnimationClip) | ||||||||
<Name>[_costumeX][_D]_live2d_model.moc | Android/New/live2dnewgun<Name>/*.fbx (Animator) | ||||||||
<Name>[_costumeX][_D]_live2d_physics.txt | Only for old Live2D | ||||||||
GFL Enemies/Assimilated | |||||||||
<Name>_I.png | Android/New/resourceiconenemy | icon | |||||||
<Name>_S.png | Android/New/character<Name>/pic_<Name>_SS + pic_<Name>_SS_Alpha | portrait | |||||||
<Name>.png | Android/New/character<Name>/pic_<Name>_LL + pic_<Name>_LL_Alpha | full body | |||||||
Icon_Skill_<icon name>.png | Android/New/spritesui | icon name fetched from "icon" parameter in /skill[X]data | |||||||
<Name>_chibi_spritemap.png | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.png | sprite map | |||||||
<Name>_chibi_skel.skel | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.skel | skel bytes | |||||||
<Name>_chibi_atlas.txt | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.atlas | atlas bytes | |||||||
<Name>_Upgrade.png | Android/New/character<Name>/pic_<Name>_LL_1 + pic_<Name>_LL_1_Alpha | full body - assimilation last stage (VGMToolbox for decompression then ffmepg for m2v to mp4 conversion) | |||||||
<Name>_Skill_CutIn.mp4 | Android/New/<Name>.usm.bytes | assimilated skill anim | |||||||
GFL HOCs | |||||||||
<Name>_S.png | |||||||||
Icon_Skill_<icon name>.png | Android/New/spritesui | icon name fetched from "icon" parameter in /skill[X]data | |||||||
<Name>_chibi_spritemap.png | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.png | full unit - sprite map | |||||||
<Name>_chibi_skel.skel | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.skel | full unit - skel bytes | |||||||
<Name>_chibi_atlas.txt | Android/New/character<Name>spine/<Name>.atlas | full unit - atlas bytes | |||||||
<Name>[_A/_B/_C]_chibi_spritemap.png | Android/New/character<Name>spine/R_<Name>_M[1/2/3].png | single unit - sprite map | |||||||
<Name>_chibi_skel.skel | Android/New/character<Name>spine/R_<Name>_M[1/2/3].skel | single unit - skel bytes | |||||||
<Name>_chibi_atlas.txt | Android/New/character<Name>spine/R_<Name>_M[1/2/3].atlas | single unit - atlas bytes | |||||||
<Name>_Promotion.jpg | Weibo previews | ||||||||
<Name>_Artwork.jpg | Reddit previews | ||||||||
GFL Fairies | |||||||||
<Name>[_2/_3].png | Android/New/resourcefairy | full body | |||||||
<Name>_chibi[_2/_3].png | Android/New/resourcefairy | ||||||||
GFL Equipment | |||||||||
<Name>.png | Android/New/resourceiconequip | ||||||||
PNC Dolls | |||||||||
Character_Profile_<Name>.png | files\bundles\res\character_npic | portrait | |||||||
<Name>[_costumeX].png | files\bundles\res\character\<Name>\lpic_<Name>\lpic_<Name>.png | full body | |||||||
<Name>_base[2/3].png | files\bundles\res\character\<Name>_p[2/3]\lpic_<Name>_p[2/3]\lpic_<Name>_p[2/3].png | full body - first and second breakthrough | |||||||
Icon_Skill_<name>_[passive/skill/ult].png | files\bundles\res\spriteatlas\skillicon | ||||||||
<name>_face[X].png | files\bundles\res\character\<Name>_avg\face | ||||||||
<Name>_Ult.mp4 | files\media\videos\UltSkill\ultskill<HeroId>.usm | ultimate skill animation (decrypt with CRID.usmDemux_Tool -> ffmpeg conversion) | |||||||
PNC_<Name>_Promo[_X].[jpg/png] | Weibo previews | ||||||||
PNC Enemies | |||||||||
<Name>.png | files\bundles\res\character\<Name>_avg\lpic_<Name>_avg | full body | |||||||
<Name>_face[_X].png | files\bundles\res\character\<Name>_avg\face | ||||||||
spic_<name>.png | files\bundles\res\character_spic | icon |