Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | PP19,报到!你就是指挥官吗?请给我好好记住吧。 | PP19(ぴーぴーじゅうきゅう)、到着!指揮官はあなた?ちゃんとわたしの名前を覚えてよね! | PP19 reporting in! Are you the Commander? Please do well to remember me. | |
Introduction | PP19野牛冲锋枪,无论火力、精准、装弹量还是稳定性都十分出色。这不是我自夸,毕竟也是拥有着AK和SVD的双重血统,吸收了不少优点,又拥有自己的特色。……没错,就是这个螺旋式弹匣,很特别吧? | PP19 Bizon SMG, excels in the field of firepower, accuracy, bullet count and balancing. I'm not bragging myself, after all I am an offspring of both AK and SVD, absorbed quite a bit of advantages while continue to have distinctive self features... Yes, this helical magazine, real special right? | ||
Secretary | 指挥官,还有什么活吗? | 指揮官、なんか任務あるの? | Commander are there any other tasks? | |
这里还真热啊,空调是不是开得不够低啊? | 熱いな、クーラーないの? | It's really hot here, is the air conditioner on? | ||
指挥官,不要以为我看着瘦小就好欺负啊,怎么,想比试一下吗? | わたし、背が小さいけど力は強いよ?どう?試してみる? | Don't think I'm weak just because I'm skinny, why, would you like to try me? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,今天的起床时间又落后了哦。再这么磨磨蹭蹭的,我可就要亲自上阵了!
Commander you overslept your scheduled wake up time again today. If you continue like this I will have to wake you up personally!
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OATH | 长官啊,这是什么表情,有心事可以跟我说啊!……啊?搞什么啊!不不,我是说,怎么突然说出这个啦!别看我这样,我也是——唔,可以是可以啦……
What is that expression of yours Commander, you can share with me if anything is on your mind... Ahh?! WHAT! No I mean, what is this all of a sudden! Even though I'm... I mean I still... I accept...
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Greeting | 早,指挥官。什么啊……快给我打起精神,工作开始了哦。 | おはよう指揮官!なーに?元気出しなさいよ! | Morning Commander! What is this? Come on wake yourself up, we're starting the work. | |
T-Doll Produced | 新的伙伴加入了哦。 | 新しい仲間が入って来たよ。 | A new companion has joined us. | |
Joining an echelon | 那么,我要上了咯! | じゃあ、行ってきます! | Alright, it's my turn! | |
Enhancement | 就这样吗?嗯……确实更有力气了吧。 | そっか。これでもっと力が出せる! | Like this? Hmm... Actually feel more powerful now. | |
Dummy-linking | 编制扩大啊……指挥官,看来你也不讨厌我嘛。 | 編成拡大(へんせいかくだい)か…やっぱわたしのこと好きでしょう指揮官~。 | Expanded the echelon eh... Seems like you don't dislike me Commander. | |
Logistics (start) | 没问题啦,快出发吧。 | 大丈夫、出発するよ。 | No problem at all, going now. | |
Logistics (end) | 哼,勉勉强强算是完成了吧。 | まぁ、なんとかやってきたよ。 | Hmm, that's that done. | |
Autobattle | 就算是支援的行动,我也不会落后的! | 支援行動(しえんこうどう)も遅れることはないよ! | I won't fall behind even if it's a support mission! | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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