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Line 62: Line 62:
| BLACKACTION_JP = 久しぶりに本気を出す…!
| BLACKACTION_JP = 久しぶりに本気を出す…!
| BLACKACTION_EN = It's been a while, let's get serious...!

| GOATTACK_JP = 行動開始です!足元に注意しなさい!
| GOATTACK_JP = 行動開始です!足元に注意しなさい!
| GOATTACK_EN = Commencing action! Watch your step!
| MEET_CN =  
| MEET_CN =  
| MEET_JP = 敵と遭遇しました!
| MEET_JP = 敵と遭遇しました!
| MEET_EN =  
| MEET_EN = Encountering the enemy!
| MEET_KR =  
| MEET_KR =  
| SKILL1_CN =  
| SKILL1_CN =  
| SKILL1_JP = チャンスだ!
| SKILL1_JP = チャンスだ!
| SKILL1_EN =  
| SKILL1_EN = It's our chance!
| SKILL1_KR =  
| SKILL1_KR =  
| SKILL2_CN =  
| SKILL2_CN =  
| SKILL2_JP = もういっぺん「失敗作」と言ってみなさい!
| SKILL2_JP = もっと恐怖が味わいなさい!
| SKILL2_EN =  
| SKILL2_EN = Taste more fear!
| SKILL2_KR =  
| SKILL2_KR =  
| SKILL3_CN =  
| SKILL3_CN =  
| SKILL3_JP = もういっぺん「失敗作」と言ってみなさい!
| SKILL3_JP = うぐ!もういっぺん「失敗作」と言ってみなさい!
| SKILL3_EN =  
| SKILL3_EN = Ugh! Why don't you try say "Mission Failed" again!
| SKILL3_KR =  
| SKILL3_KR =  
| BREAK_CN =  
| BREAK_CN =  
| BREAK_JP = くっ…みんなとはぐれたか…!?不覚です。
| BREAK_JP = くっ…みんなとはぐれたか…!?不覚です。
| BREAK_EN =  
| BREAK_EN = Ugh! I'm separated from everyone...! This is a failure.
| BREAK_KR =  
| BREAK_KR =  
| RETREAT_JP = こんな結果になるなんて…もうしわけ…ないです…。
| RETREAT_JP = こんな結果になるなんて...申し訳...ないです...。
| RETREAT_EN = To think that will lead to this result... I'm really... sorry...
| WIN_CN =  
| WIN_CN =  
| WIN_JP = 勝利を収めたのも皆のおかげよ。感謝します。
| WIN_JP = 勝利を収めたのも皆のおかげよ。感謝します。
| WIN_EN =  
| WIN_EN = I offer this victory and it's thanks to everyone. My gratitude.
| WIN_KR =  
| WIN_KR =  
| FIX_CN =  
| FIX_CN =  
| FIX_JP = 戦場での経験がまだ足りないです…訓練をもっと頑張らねば…。
| FIX_JP = 戦場での経験がまだ足りないです…訓練をもっと頑張らねば…。
| FIX_EN =  
| FIX_EN = Looks like my field experience is nowhere near enough... I need to put more effort on training...
| FIX_KR =  
| FIX_KR =  

| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 就算是胡闹的节日,过大尺度的服装请注意一下!不过有些…平时的尺度也不小啊……
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 就算是胡闹的节日,过大尺度的服装请注意一下!不过有些…平时的尺度也不小啊……
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 例えふざける祭日だとしてもどのすぎた服装は注意してください。ただ多少…普段の饗応配意も大きと思っていますが。
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 例えふざける祭日だとしても、どのすぎた服装は注意してください。ただ…多少…普段の饗応配意も大きと思っていますが。
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Even if it's a celebration day, try to dress with consideration. Also... regarding the feast, be considerate of it as well.
| CHRISTMAS_JP = 指揮官、メリークリスマス。いたずらっこは誰かさんを除いて、みんなのクリスマスの準備していますよ。
| CHRISTMAS_JP = 指揮官メリークリスマス。「…」は誰かさんを除いて、みんなのクリスマスの準備していますよ。
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander, Merry Christmas. Also there's a prankster, who peeking on everyone Christmas preparation.
| NEWYEAR_JP = もう新年です指揮官。今年の作戦さらに危険なものになるので、油断はいけませんよ。
| NEWYEAR_JP = もう新年です指揮官。今年の作戦さらに危険なものになるので、油断はいけませんよ。
| NEWYEAR_EN = It's already new year, Commander.  
| NEWYEAR_EN = It's already new year, Commander. This year mission is going to be dangerous as well, so please don't let your guard down.

Latest revision as of 10:15, 29 May 2020

FG42 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition FG42,报到!指挥官,希望能在您这里获得更多的磨练! Rheinmetall FG42が着任しました。指揮官の下でもっと鍛えてもらいたいです。Play FG42, reporting for duty. It is my humble wish to hone myself further under the Commander.
Introduction 针对伞兵作战而设计的FG42步枪,这个名字,正是那一年的伞兵步枪之意。在严苛条件下设计而成的我,却没能得到太多机会。但是请放心,指挥官,我会在您这里继续完成我的使命。
Secretary 指挥官,大家都在积极准备着,请放心。 指揮官、皆さんが頑張って練習しています。ご安心ください。Play Commander, don't worry, everyone is actively preparing.
请不要松懈,作战随时会开始。 気を緩めないで。まもなく作戦会議が始まります。Play Please don't let your guard down, the battle will start soon.
指挥官,请按照规章制度进行工作!……呃,这一条……也是允许的吗? 指揮官、軍紀(ぐんき)を守ってください。これは許容範囲外(きょようはんいがい)です!Play Commander, please follow rules and regulations while working! ...um, this item... It's allowed as well?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, how did today's snacks taste? ... it was better, wasn't it! I didn't strictly follow the recipe this time, but I seem to have gotten an unexpectedly good result!
Since I was chosen by you, that means the path that I chose was the correct one. I once had various worries, but now that you are by my side, i will no longer be lost. Thank you, Commander!
Greeting 指揮官、また遅刻です。残業2時間追加ね。Play Commander, you're late again. I'll add two more hours to your overtime.
T-Doll Produced わたしが新隊員に軍紀を教えます。Play I will be the one who drill the discipline to the new member.
Joining an echelon わたしがこのチームに入った以上、風紀を乱すマネは許しませんよ。Play And now since I've joined this team, I will not tolerate anyone who disturb the public moral.
Enhancement 武器の強化もいいですが、もっと実践的経験が欲しいです。Play I appreciate the equipment strengthening but I want practical experience more.
Dummy-linking ご安心ください。傀儡が増えても、訓練を怠るつもりはありません。Play Please rest assured. Although my dummy has increased, I have no intention to neglect my training.
Logistics (start) 必ず任務を完遂します!Play I will definitely accomplish this mission!
Logistics (end) 戻りました。完璧な結果です。Play I've returned. The result was perfect.
Autobattle 久しぶりに本気を出す…!Play It's been a while, let's get serious...!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 行動開始です!足元に注意しなさい!Play Commencing action! Watch your step!
Starting a battle 敵と遭遇しました!Play Encountering the enemy!
Skill activation チャンスだ!Play It's our chance!
もっと恐怖が味わいなさい!Play Taste more fear!
うぐ!もういっぺん「失敗作」と言ってみなさい!Play Ugh! Why don't you try say "Mission Failed" again!
Heavily damaged くっ…みんなとはぐれたか…!?不覚です。Play Ugh! I'm separated from everyone...! This is a failure.
Retreat こんな結果になるなんて...申し訳...ないです...。Play To think that will lead to this result... I'm really... sorry...
MVP 勝利を収めたのも皆のおかげよ。感謝します。Play I offer this victory and it's thanks to everyone. My gratitude.
Restoration 戦場での経験がまだ足りないです…訓練をもっと頑張らねば…。Play Looks like my field experience is nowhere near enough... I need to put more effort on training...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 就算是胡闹的节日,过大尺度的服装请注意一下!不过有些…平时的尺度也不小啊…… 例えふざける祭日だとしても、どのすぎた服装は注意してください。ただ…多少…普段の饗応配意も大きと思っていますが。Play Even if it's a celebration day, try to dress with consideration. Also... regarding the feast, be considerate of it as well.
Christmas 指揮官、メリークリスマス。いたずらっこは誰かさんを除いて、みんなのクリスマスの準備していますよ。Play Commander, Merry Christmas. Also there's a prankster, who peeking on everyone Christmas preparation.
New Year's Day もう新年です指揮官。今年の作戦さらに危険なものになるので、油断はいけませんよ。


It's already new year, Commander. This year mission is going to be dangerous as well, so please don't let your guard down.
Valentine's day 指揮官いくらバレンタインとはいえチョコを食べすぎです。もう、何回もう言いました、カロリちゃんと計算してください。


Commander, even if it's valentine you've been eating too much chocolate. Honestly, I've been telling you for so many times, please watch your calories intake.
Tanabata 望みは自分で叶えてこそが意味があるんです。そのよりところであるこの空とそして指揮官のことを、信頼しています。


My wish is meant to be accomplished by myself. That's why I put my faith in this sky, and in you, Commander.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play