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Webley Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是韦伯利,等您很久了,请带我去宿舍吧,我有很多行李需要安置。 Webleyです、お待ちしてありました。荷物を降ろしたいので、宿舎までご案内いただけますか?Play 기다리고 있었습니다. 웨블리라고 합니다. 어서 숙소로 안내해 주세요, 정리할 짐이 잔뜩이에요. I am Webley. I've been expecting you for a long time now. Please show me to the dormitories, as I have a lot of luggage to unpack.
Introduction 타인을 대할 땐 너무 열성적이지도, 너무 쌀쌀맞지도 않은 완만한 태도를 취한다. 양복에 관해 대단히 조예가 깊어, 저축해서 구입한 고급 양복과 액세서리를 밤마다 방에서 남들 몰래 입어보곤 한다. 바다와 배를 엄청 무서워해, 바다에 나가면 반드시 물에 빠져 죽게 될 거라 생각한다.
Secretary 放心,为了让您胜利我会穷尽一切可能性……为什么?因为我知道自己肩负着许多人的冀望,为您献上荣耀是我作为战术人形的使命。 ご安心ください。あなたの勝利のためなら、どんな手段だって付くします。理由ですか?それは、多くの人々の希望を、この身に託されているからです。あなたに栄光をもたらすこそが、私の人形としての指名なのです。Play 안심하세요, 지휘관님의 승리를 위해 전력을 다하겠습니다. 왜냐면 저는 많은 사람들의 기대를 짊어지고 있으니까요. 당신께 영광을 바치는 것이 전술인형으로서의 사명입니다. Rest assured, I will exhaust every possibility of victory for you... Why? Because I know that I bear the hopes of many people, and that it is my mission as a Tactical Doll to bring you glory.
下次想带我去海边?想看看我会怎么搭配衣服?……不、不行!绝对不行!衣服可以搭,但到海边的话……你肯定会失去我这个优秀的人形,绝对不能带我去哦! 私のビーチコーデ見たいから…今度海にでも行かないかですって?い、行けません!絶対に駄目です!海になんて行たら、優秀な人形である私を失うことになります!なにがあろうと駄目です!Play 제 바닷가 옷차림이 궁금하니 같이 가자고요!? 아, 안 돼요! 수영복이라면 입어드릴 테니 제발 바다만은...! 가, 갔다간 저라는 우수한 인형을 잃으실 거예요! 절대 안 돼요! You wish to see my beach outfit...you want to take me to the beach next time? ...No, no! Absolutely not! If we go to the beach...you will most definitely lose me, so you absolutely must not take me there!
希望能给我安排一个更大的衣柜,新买的西装已经塞不下了。 もう少し大きなクロセットが欲しいですね。お洋服はいっぱいで、もう入りませんわ。Play 조금 더 큰 옷장을 주문해도 될까요? 새로 산 옷을 둘 자리가 없어서요. I hope I can arrange for a larger wardrobe. This one's already packed full and is hard to walk through.
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관님의 옷을 한 벌 만들어 봤어요. 음... 저와 같은 양식의 양복인데, 밤에 제 방에서 한번 같이 입어 보시겠어요?
The order-made clothes that I chose specifically for you have arrived. Indeed, it's our matching clothes. Tonight, come to my room to try it on.
특별히 넓은 넥타이를 매셨군요.... 후훗, 무슨 용무로 부르셨는진 알고 있어요.그렇다면 고민할 게 뭐가 있겠어요... 이렇게 많은 사람 앞에서 키스해 달라곤 하지 않을게요.앞으로는, 제 시간을 전부 당신께 쏟겠습니다.
You even went as far as donning a necktie. I already know the reason why you called me here. My answer, will you hear it? There are a lot of eyes around us, so let's keep the kiss for later. From now on, I will devote my time just for you.
Greeting ご機嫌よう。これは丁度いい所に。ショッピングに付き合ってくれませんか?あなたのスタイルでしたら、きっとどのようなお飯ものでも似合うことでしょう。Play 안녕하신가요, 마침 잘 오셨어요. 저와 같이 쇼핑하러 가지 않으실래요? 당신 같은 스타일엔 어떤 옷도 어울릴 거예요. Good day. What perfect timing. Would you accompany me for some shopping? With your fashion sense, we can have a meal anywhere.
T-Doll Produced 新しい人形さんですか?では、一緒にお迎えにお参りましょう。うふふ、ファッションセンスのチェックもついでにね。Play 새 인형인가요? 그렇다면, 함께 인사하러 가요. 후훗, 그녀의 패션 센스도 확인 해보면서요. Is it the new doll? Well then, let's greet her together. Ufufu, we might as well check up on her fashion sense.
Joining an echelon お洋服のコーディネートと同じです。各の良さが、ちゃんと引き立つような編成をしてくださいね。Play 옷의 코디네이트처럼, 각자의 장점이 돋보이도록 편성해 주세요. It's the same as coordinating outfits. Please make sure that their best elements stand out properly.
Enhancement 強くなったのなら、お洋服も変えないといけませんわね。ボーナス…も足りるかしら?Play 강해졌다면... 옷도 바꿔야겠죠...? 보너스가 충분할지... You'll need to change your clothes when you get stronger. This bonus...will it be enough?
Dummy-linking ダミーの数だけ、ドレスも用意しないといけませんわね。足りるかしら、予算?Play 더미 수만큼 드레스를 준비해야겠군요... 예산이 충분할까요... I should prepare as many dresses as there are dummies. I wonder if our budget can hold out?
Logistics (start) ついでに外のブティックを見て回ってきますわ。Play 가는김에 밖에 옷가게를 들려 볼게요. I will also be checking up on those boutiques outside.
Logistics (end) 洋、洋、洋服が手に入りましたわ。もちろん、用意戦禍も。では、お受け取りください。Play 괜찮은 양복을 찾았어요. 물론 성과도 가져왔죠, 여기 받아주세요. I got so, so, so many clothes. Of course, the spoils of war as well. Then, please take it.
Autobattle 私に任せるとは賢明な判断です。尽力いたしましょう。海辺でなければ…Play 제게 맡기는 것은 현명한 판단입니다. 전념을 다하겠어요... 바닷가만 아니라면... Leaving it to me is a wise decision. As long as we're not going to the beach...
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 装備のチェック完了。出撃いたします。Play 장비 점검 완료, 출발하겠습니다. Equipment check complete. Moving out.
Starting a battle その戦場にそぐわぬ格好…あなたの結末はもう見据えました。Play 전장에 안 어울리는 옷차림... 당신의 결말은 이미 훤히 보여요. That outfit isn't fit for the battlefield... I can already see your demise.
Skill activation 弾薬を無駄にしたくはありませんので、覚悟してください。Play 총알 낭비할 생각 없으니 각오하세요. I do not wish to waste ammunition, please be prepared.
お洋服のセンスがなってないですわよ!Play 옷 입는 센스가 꽝이에요! You have no sense of fashion!
一揆に片付けます!皆さん、私に加勢を!Play 단숨에 해치워요, 모두 제게 맞춰주세요. Let's take care of this at once! Everyone, lend me your strength!
Heavily damaged よくも…よくも私のドレスを…Play 잘도... 잘도 내 드레스를... How dare you... How dare you to do this to my dress...
Retreat 敵の戦力がこちらの想定を遥かに上回っています。撤退です。速やかに撤退を…Play 적의 전력이 예상을 훨씬 넘었어요... 퇴각합니다, 즉시 퇴각이에요. The enemy's strength exceeded our expectations. Withdraw. Withdraw at once...
MVP 整った身なり、整った陣形、全てが整って始めて。勝利への道は開かれるのです。Play 가지런한 옷차림, 가지런한 진형, 모든 것이 정돈되어야 승리를 추구할 수 있어요. A well-equipped, well-organized formation. When everything falls into place, the path to victory shall be opened.
Restoration お洋服がぼろぼろです。戦闘用の「」ドレスだったのが幸いですわ。Play 옷이 넝마가 되었어요... 전투용 드레스라 망정이네요. This outfit is ruined. At least this dress was made specifically for combat.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween お菓子を入れるポシェットを作ってきました。これで子供が沢山来ても安心ですわ。うふ、お菓子を欲しそうな顔をしていますね。では、一番多きの差し上げましょう。皆さんには内緒ですよ。Play I made a candy-filled sling bag. With this there will be no worry if there's a lot of kids come here. Ufufu, look at your face. Do you want the candy so bad? Well then, I'll give you this much. Please keep it secret from everyone.
Christmas クリスマスセールをしているブティックがこんなに…指揮官、今月のボーナスを前借りしてもよろしいですか?Play Look at these boutiques doing Christmas sales... Commander, may I receive this month's bonus in advance?
New Year's Day 新しい一年が始まありました。どうやら、新しいお洋服はまだ変われていない御用すですね。私が選んで差し上げましょうか?必ずや、貴方にぴったりのものを見つけて見せましょう!


A new year has begun. Looks like you still haven't prepared new clothes. Shall I choose them for you? I'll make sure to find the one that will suit you perfectly!
Valentine's day チョコレートは要りますか?どうせ初めて作ったものなので、要らないのでしたらそれはそれで…あ、ちょっと勝手に取らないでくだ…え?美味しい?ん、そらなら良かったです。


초콜릿 필요하신가요? 저도 처음 만드는 것이니까 억지로 받으실 필요는... 앗, 함부로 가져가시면... 아, 맛이 괜찮다고요? 휴, 다행이에요. Do you want chocolate? This is my first time making one, I don't mind if you're not wishing for mi... Ah, don't just take it from me- Eh? It tastes good? I'm glad.
Tanabata 七夕ですね。貴方の為、特注のお洋服をご用意しました。早くお召しになって、一緒にお出かけましょう


It's Tanabata. I've prepared this tailor-made outfit just for you. Now, quickly finish your meal and let's head out together.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play 제 차례예요.
Tip Play
Loading Play 오늘 코디를 고민하느라 시간에 눈치 못 챘어요, 죄송합니다.