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Tony Profile Quotes


UC-HS is a service Doll model created by Universal Anything Services in collaboration with Cyber Media targeting the beauty industry, which found success by virtue of its reasonable upkeep costs and moderate price. UC-HS boasts a series of unique mechanisms in its wrist, allowing it to execute movements with greater precision than other models. Additionally, due to the beauty industry's inherent requirements for the appearance and mien of its employees, a massive amount of custom orders rushed in from third parties.

A UC-HS model named "Tony" once worked at a barber shop named "The Hands of Venus". Compared to the star Dolls of the industry, Tony's portfolio may seem unimpressive, but both his abilities and outward appearance received acclaim from customers. However, a suddenly erupting armed conflict forced "The Hands of Venus" to close down, and Tony was retrieved after a series of events. He was then sent to Project Neural Cloud.

Doll Profile 1[edit]

It is human nature to pursue beauty, and thus the industries related to beauty have historically been fraught with competition. As the trend of workforce takeover via Dolls swept across the world, the UC-HS model came into existence at a perfect time, quickly occupying stations as beauticians, barbers, and even fashion department stores. Its commercial success has brought UAS significant income.

As a comparatively older model, save for the mechanisms within the wrists, the UC-HS has very few notable traits to speak of and it is often said that "its most notable trait is that it has none". As a Doll developed for a very specific market within the skilled service sector, however, UC-HS boasts a massive amount of customizable features. Even with only the customization parts provided by UAS, more than a thousand variations are available and third-party modifications for the model soon sprang up like sprouts in spring.

The UC-HS' capabilities are nothing to scoff at either. With the flexibility afforded by its unique wrist mechanisms, it is capable of the precision needed for the work of a beautician or barber. The wide range of available customization options also allowed purchasers to sculpt an appearance appropriate to their storefront, making them more approachable to customers.

Doll Profile 2[edit]

Like many UC-HS models employed at barber shops, Tony left the factory with a series of customized features—a custom-made wrist capable of the most precise maneuvers, synthetic skin made of superior materials, neural amplification models, and of course a head of gradient pink hair. All for the sake of the shop's business, of course.

Tony began his career as a hair stylist at a chain cosmetic salon, "Post-punk Salon". This chain became prominent due to its astoundingly high prices, extravagant decor, and designs so flagrant they were too avant-garde for even the most adventurous of people. It was a popular destination for influencers and their like, but their success would not continue for long. The salon chain soon crumbled due to aggressive over-expansion and class action lawsuits over business practices, which led them to being forced to decrease its scale of operations, and to resell much of its property.

Tony was transferred to a very normal barber shop named "The Hands of Venus", situated in a quiet border town. When the topic comes up in conversation, Tony only smiles, though he does admit that he once worried whether he would be recycled or not.

Doll Profile 3[edit]

In the culturally old-fashioned town, Tony's avant-garde wear appeared quite out of place, and he attracted no lack of stares when he first appeared at "The Hands of Venus". As a barber shop of a quaint little town, "The Hands of Venus" had no modern furnishings, luxurious hair care products or shiny contemporary tools, only aged implements and furniture from several centuries ago. The owner of the shop looked old enough to be Tony's father, and the town's inhabitants consisted largely of laborers, the elderly, and children. There was no demand to be found for Tony's more contemporary styling talents—a simple tidy head of hair would do.

Be that as it may, Tony sees that period of his life as nothing short of idyllic. After the big city's commotion, consumerism, and chicaneries, the little town's peace and quietude were particularly precious. Tony's own affable disposition soon led him to acceptance from the townsfolk, even if some of the children liked to call him "pink mushroom-head". In retribution, Tony would give them an occasional scare while trimming their hair.

"Shall I shave your eyebrows today? Just kidding."

Doll Profile 4[edit]

Tony's idyllic days were soon crushed; it was the surging currents of life, both sudden and brutal.

The worsening situation soon escalated into full-on conflict and the town "The Hands of Venus" was situated in became a locus of strife, trampled into the ground and tossed around. The old owner did all he could to maintain the place, but the guests only grew fewer.

Even as other bade him leave, Tony had no intention of doing so. The unwillingness born of a comfortable life here was one side of it, but he knew deep down that by his lonesome he holds precious little sway over his own destiny in this war-torn world. Tony remained, keeping "The Hands of Venus" open on the outside while providing what help he could to the citizens of the town. He sheltered them, provided them food, took care of the occasional body, and sometimes bargained with the various forces that vied to raise their flag over the town.

He continued like this for quite some time, but he never spoke of how that story ended. When asked why he wished to reestablish "The Hands of Venus" in the Oasis, he only smiles bitterly.

Doll Profile 5[edit]

The "The Hands of Venus" in the Oasis is quite similar to the original storefront in the real world, with no large changes in its layout. The equipment and decor however, were brand new, and seemed to take inspiration from Tony's earliest workplace, the "Post-punk Salon", scored with some personal touches of Tony's.

Many Agents of Magrasea possess aesthetic concepts similar to that of humans, which naturally extends to hairstyles. It is for this reason that Tony finally has an arena in which to display his talents. Even the designs too avant-garde for even the most adventurous of people would not be too strange for an agent, and thus Tony makes reality each and every strange request given to him, and is lauded with praise for it.

He soon amassed a loyal customer base with his personable attitude and superb technique, some of them unwittingly becoming his hairstyling guinea pigs in a sense. Though most of Tony's improv work fulfills his clients' needs well enough, he occasionally has hiccups. It is said that a certain swordsman fell asleep by accident while having his hair cut, and woke up to a lick of hair on his head styled like a stereotypical delinquent's. He drew his blade, and split Tony's trousers in half.

"An artisan's work... is always accompanied by risk! But I shall never give up on my work!" The barber exclaimed as he quickly reverted his work.