Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 秘密武器“紫杉树”,正式报到,指挥官,需要更详细的介绍吗? | 秘密兵器チーセス、到着!指揮官、もっと詳しい説明いる? | Secret weapon OTs-12 'Yew Tree', reporting. Commander, is any further explanation required? | |
Introduction | 以AKS-74U为原型改造的“紫杉树”,主要是为了特种行动而研发的微声突击步枪,装配有特别标识的微声子弹。因为是秘密武器,关于我的资料没有太多可公开的,不过……也可能是因为和原型很像,并不需要太多介绍了吧? | Modified version of AKS-74U, "Tiss". Low noise assault rifle designed mostly for special operation, equipped with the signature sub-sonic ammunition. Not a lot of information are declared about me, since I'm a secret weapon, well... Or maybe just too similar to the original model, there just isn't much to declare? | ||
Secretary | 那么……我近期的表现如何呢? | 最近のわたしはどう? | Um... What do you think of my recent performance? | |
指挥官,有我的任务吗? | 待ってるから。 | Commander, are there any tasks for me? | ||
稍稍有点吵呢,是你在我身后吗,指挥官?那……没关系的…… | 騒がしいわね。さっきのは指揮官?ならいいわ。 | Stop messing around, Commander. Isn't this a covert mission?
(JP) Slightly noisy... Is that you behind me Commander? That fine then. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 最近的出镜次数越来越多了,都是因为您太看重我的缘故呢……没关系,这么开心的事情,不保密也没关系哦。
Had more cameos recently, all thanks to your attention on me... It's ok, there's no need to keep this happy thing secret.
| ||
OATH | 指挥官,这是……给我的?不,不用道歉,自己究竟有多少价值,我一直是知道的。但是,如果在您心中能够成为最重要的秘密,对我而言就足够了,指挥官,谢谢你……
Commander, is this... For me? Uh, don't apologize. I know of my value. But if I could become the greatest secret in your heart, it's good enough for me. Thank you Commander.
| |
Greeting | 指挥官,今天要我出场吗?……没事,我明白,我是秘密武器,对吧? | わたしが出ようか?…あ、そっか、いいです、秘密兵器だから。 | Commander, do I need to appear today?....Ah, it's ok, I know, I'm a secret weapon. | |
T-Doll Produced | 新的同伴加入了,希望能活跃起来。 | 新しい仲間が来てるわ。 | A new friend's coming. | |
Joining an echelon | 嗯?不得不依靠我这个秘密武器了呢。 | おお?秘密兵器に頼っちゃう? | Hmm? Had to rely on the secret weapon? | |
Enhancement | 我明白,这是秘密改造,对吧? | 分かってるよ、秘密改造ですよね。 | Understood, a secret modification. | |
Dummy-linking | 哦!指挥官,这样的待遇,果然您还是很重视我的! | やっぱ大事にしてくれますよね指揮官! | Of course I'm being paid attention to by the commander! | |
Logistics (start) | 出门采购,嘘,要保密哦…… | 仕入れに行ってきます。 | Beginning procurement. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了,唔……大家都在吗? | ただいま…みんないる? | Coming back...Is everyone here? | |
Autobattle | 这次是秘密行动吧,我会不留痕迹地搞定的! | 秘密行動ですね、必ず果たします! | It's a secret operation this time, will get it done! | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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