Welcome to IOPWiki, Commander.
With the release of the new game, we encourage contributions to topics related to Girls' Frontline 2. Learn how to contribute, read the maintenance guide, and join our Discord server to discuss major changes.
If you or someone you know can help deciphering the game files, contact our administrator.


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RLQ.push(['jquery', function () {
	$(document).ready(function() {
		var skillforms = $('.skillform');
		if (skillforms.length > 0) {// Only 1 on normal pages
			skillforms.each(function(idx, element) {
				initButtons($(element).find('.tabButtonLane'), function(tabs) {
					initSkillForm(element, tabs);
					$(element).find('.tabButtonLane button').first().click();

function initButtons(buttonContainer, finishedHandler) {
	var skillform = buttonContainer.closest('.skillform');
	// Remove any existence of another button
	var skillCount = skillform.find('.skilldataraw').length;
	for (var idx=1; idx<=skillCount; idx++) {
		var idxNameAddOn = idx === 1 ? "" : ""+idx;
		var skillDataRawElement = skillform.find('.skilldataraw[data-skilldata-content="skill' + idxNameAddOn + 'data"]');
		var skillElement = skillDataRawElement.find('div');
	if (skillElement.length === 1) {
		var buttonData = skillform.hasClass('gfl2') ? convertSkillData(skillElement, true) : convertSkillData(skillElement, false);
		var button = $('<button></button>');
		button.data('skilldata', buttonData);
		var skillEditLinks = skillDataRawElement.find('.skilleditlinksraw');
		if (skillEditLinks.length === 1) {
		button.data('skilleditlinks', skillEditLinks.html());
		//Special tab names in Template:PNCHero
		if (skillform.hasClass('pnchero')){
				case 1:button.text('Passive'); break;
				case 2:button.text('Auto'); break;
				case 3:button.text('Ultimate'); break;
				default:button.text('Skill' + idx);
		}else if (skillform.hasClass('gfl2')){//For Template:GFL2Doll
				case 1:button.text('Basic Attack'); break;
				case 2:button.text('Active 1'); break;
				case 3:button.text('Active 2'); break;
				case 4:button.text('Ultimate'); break;
				case 5:button.text('Passive'); break;
				default:button.text('Skill' + idx);
		}else{//For GFL
		button.text('Skill' + idx);

function initSkillForm(element, tabs) {
	var skillform = $(element);
	// selector is not possible in Wiki so we have to create it :/
	var levelSelector = skillform.find('.skilllevel select');
	if (levelSelector.length < 1) {
		levelSelector = $('<select></select>');
	//The skilldata object will be properly bound to .skilllevel>select during display_data()
	levelSelector.on('change', function() { display_data(skillform, $(this).data('skilldata'), $(this).data('skilleditlinks')); });
	if (skillform.hasClass('assimilated')) {
		// Add checkbox for max analysis (visibility is controlled from display_data())
	var anamax = $('<label><input type="checkbox">&nbsp;Max Analysis</label>');
	//The skilldata object will be properly bound to .maxanalysis>input during display_data()
	anamax.find('input').on('change', function() { display_data(skillform, $(this).data('skilldata'), $(this).data('skilleditlinks')); });
	tabs.click(function(evt) {

function skillformButtonHandler(element) {
	var currentButton = $(element);
	var skillform = currentButton.closest('.skillform');
	skillform.find('.tabButtonLane button').removeClass('tabButton-active');
	var convertedData = currentButton.data('skilldata');
	var skillEditLinks = currentButton.data('skilleditlinks');
	display_data(skillform, convertedData, skillEditLinks);

function convertSkillData(dataElement, preserve_tags = false) {
    skill_data = {};
    dataElement.find('tbody tr').each(function(index, row) {
        var key = $(row).find('th').text().trim();
        var tds = $(row).find('td');
        if (tds.length === 1) {
            // Preserve tags or strip them based on preserve_tags flag
            if (preserve_tags) {
                skill_data[key] = tds.first().html().trim(); // Keep HTML tags
            } else {
                skill_data[key] = tds.first().text().trim(); // Strip tags
        } else {
            var lines = tds.map(function(index, td) {
                return preserve_tags ? $(td).html().trim() : $(td).text().trim();
            skill_data[key] = lines;

    return skill_data;

function calculateDescriptionText(data, chosenLevelIdx) {
	var regex = /\(\$\w+\)/g;
	var resultText = data.text;
	if (!data.text || typeof data.text.match !== "function") {
		//console.log("debug", data);
		return resultText;
	var vars = data.text.match(regex);
	//No parameters defined
	if(vars === null) {
		return resultText;
	var i; // For i not being global :)
	if($('.maxanalysis input').is(':checked')) {
		for (i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
			var_name = vars[i].substring(2, vars[i].length - 1);// Trim beginning $( and trailing )
			var_name_max = var_name + '_4';
			if (typeof data[var_name_max] !== 'undefined'){// If defined, use max analysis data instead of base data
				resultText = resultText.replace(vars[i], "<span class='skill-value'>" + data[var_name_max][chosenLevelIdx] + "</span>");
			} else {
				resultText = resultText.replace(vars[i], "<span class='skill-value'>" + data[var_name][chosenLevelIdx] + "</span>");
	} else {
		for (i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
			var_name = vars[i].substring(2, vars[i].length - 1);// Trim beginning $( and trailing )
			resultText = resultText.replace(vars[i], "<span class='skill-value'>" + data[var_name][chosenLevelIdx] + "</span>");
	return resultText;

function calculateConditionText(data, chosenLevelIdx) {
	/* Passive for skilldata without special properties. */
	var result = "Passive";
	/* Change name of skill points, default is for fairies */
	var pointsToUse = ' support';
	if ($('.skillform').hasClass('assimilated')) { pointsToUse = ' action'; }
	if ($('.skillform').hasClass('gfl2')) { pointsToUse = ' Confectance'; }
	if (data.hasOwnProperty('skill_cost')) {
		/* Fairys have both turn_cooldown and skill_cost. */
		if (Array.isArray(data.skill_cost) || typeof data.skill_cost === 'object') {
			result = data.skill_cost[chosenLevelIdx] + pointsToUse + ' point(s) per use';
		} else {
			result = data.skill_cost + pointsToUse + ' point(s) per use';
		if (data.hasOwnProperty('turn_cooldown')) {
			if (Array.isArray(data.turn_cooldown) || typeof data.turn_cooldown === 'object') {
				result += ', ' + data.turn_cooldown[chosenLevelIdx] + ' turn cooldown';
			} else {
				result += ', ' + data.turn_cooldown + ' turn cooldown';
	} else if (data.hasOwnProperty('turn_cooldown')) {
		if (Array.isArray(data.turn_cooldown) || typeof data.turn_cooldown === 'object') {
			result = data.turn_cooldown[chosenLevelIdx] + ' turn cooldown';
		} else {
			result = data.turn_cooldown + ' turn cooldown';
	} else if (data.hasOwnProperty('cooldown')) {
		/* cooldown and initial are used for T-Doll Skills. */
		result = data.cooldown[chosenLevelIdx] + 's cooldown';
		if (data.hasOwnProperty('initial')) {
			result += ', ' + data.initial + 's initial cooldown';
	} else if (data.hasOwnProperty('activation')) {
		/* Skills/Buffs activated with a certain chance are defined by 'activation' */
		result = data.activation[chosenLevelIdx] + '% chance to activate';
	return result;
function display_data(skillDataContainer, data, skilleditlinks) {
	if (data == null) {
		console.log("Skill called without data", data);
	// Make sure skillcontainer is visible, as it is display:none by default
	// Make sure Level Selector shows the fitting amount of levels
	var idx = 0;
	var skillLevels = 10;
	var levelSelector = skillDataContainer.find('.skilllevel select');
	if (data.hasOwnProperty('skilllevelcount')) {
		try {
			skillLevels = parseInt(data.skilllevelcount, 10);
		} catch (e) {
			console.log("Error parsing 'skilllevelcount'", e);
	if (levelSelector.find('option').length != skillLevels) {
		for (idx=0; idx<skillLevels; idx++) {
			var opt = $('<option></option>');
			opt.text('Lv. ' + (idx+1));
			opt.attr('value', idx);
			if (idx == skillLevels-1) opt.prop('selected', true);
	// We have to remember skilldata for the levelSelector
	levelSelector.data('skilldata', data);
	var name = skillDataContainer.find('.skillname');
	if (skilleditlinks) {
		var skilleditlinksDestination = skillDataContainer.find('.skilleditlinks');
	var iconImg = skillDataContainer.find('.skillicon img');
	var iconId = data.icon || "";
	var iconFilename = "Icon_Skill_" + iconId + ".png";
	if (iconImg.attr('alt') != iconFilename) {
		iconImg.attr('alt', iconFilename);
		var wikiPath = "/images/" + gfUtils.createWikiPathPart(iconFilename) + iconFilename;
		var fallbackPath = "/images/thumb/5/5b/skill_backup.png/75px-skill_backup.png 1.5x, /images/5/5b/skill_backup.png 2x"
		iconImg.attr('src', wikiPath);
		if (iconId == '' || iconId == null) {
		iconImg.attr('srcset', fallbackPath);
	} else {
		// Check if icon actually exists as a file
		var img = new Image();
		img.src = wikiPath;
		img.onload = function(){ iconImg.attr('srcset', wikiPath + " 1.5x"); }
		img.onerror = function(){ iconImg.attr('srcset', fallbackPath); }
	if (skillDataContainer.hasClass('assimilated')) {
		// Show checkbox for max analysis only for assimilated first skill, else hide (hidden by default)
		var anamax = skillDataContainer.find('.maxanalysis');
		anamax.find('input').data('skilldata', data);
		if (skillDataContainer.find('.tabButton-active').text() == 'Skill1') {
		} else {

	var chosenLevelIdx = skillDataContainer.find('.skilllevel select').val();
	var formatted_text = calculateDescriptionText(data, chosenLevelIdx);
	var description = skillDataContainer.find('.skilldesc');
	var conditions = skillDataContainer.find('.skillconditions');
	if (data.hasOwnProperty('cost')) {
	} else {
	if (data.hasOwnProperty('cooldown')) {
	} else {
	var conditionText = calculateConditionText(data, chosenLevelIdx);