Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 哎呀抱歉……原来是新的长官啊,因为一脸可疑的样子,差点抓错人了呢。 | あら失礼…新しい指揮官じゃない。怪しい顔してるから、不審者かと思ったわ。 | Ah, I'm sorry... you must be the new Commander. I almost arrested you because of how suspicious you seemed. | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 外面好吵啊,该不会又是谁犯事儿了吧?哼哼……昨天新想的惩罚游戏好像就快派上用场了。 | 外が騒がしくない?ならず者かしら。うふふ…昨日考えたばかりの罰ゲームが、早速出番のようね。 | It's so noisy outside, no one's breaking any rules, right? Hehe.. I might be able to use the new penalty games I thought of yesterday. | |
长官,在我这块巧克力解决之后,会议也差不多要开始了,抓紧忙完手头的工作吧。 | 指揮官、そろそろミーティングの時間だわ。アタシがこのチョコを食べてるうちに、さっさと仕事を片付けて頂戴。 | Commander, after we've dealt with this chocolate I have, It'll be time for the meeting. Let's hurry and finish the task at hand. | ||
在意我的发夹吗?这可是手铐的钥匙呢,小心别弄掉了哦。 | アタシのヘアピンが気になる?それは手錠の鍵よ。落とさないように気をつけてね。 | Do you like my hairpin? It's actually the key to the handcuffs. Please don't lose them. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 长官,你怎么最近好像越来越喜欢我的惩罚游戏了?就那么有意思吗?
Commander, Why do you seem to be enjoying my penalty games more and more lately? Is it really that entertaining?
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OATH | 长官,从某种意义上来说,您也真是罪孽深重呢。为了拷牢您,光用这幅手铐看来是不够的。就让我用这份誓约,让您永远留在我的身边吧……❤
Commander, from a certain point of view, you really are a sinful person. I don't think these handcuffs are enough to restrain you anymore. Then with this oath, I'll let you stay by my side forever...❤
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Greeting | 時間だ。全員席に着いて。 | It's time. Everyone, take a seat. | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新人さんおいで。宿舎まで案内するわ。 | Greenhorn, come here. I'll guide you to your lodging. | ||
Joining an echelon | 列に並んで。指揮官が出席取るわよ。 | Form a line. Commander will have an appearance. | ||
Enhancement | この力で殻を破れるのかしら。 | Will this power break the shell? | ||
Dummy-linking | 手錠の鍵も同じなのかしら。 | Does she carry the same handcuff key? | ||
Logistics (start) | ピザを注文して、戻ったら食べようか。 | Order a pizza, I'll eat it once I get back. | ||
Logistics (end) | 任務完了……って、アタシのピザは届いたの? | Mission complete... huh, has my pizza arrived? | ||
Autobattle | 逃げたネズミはアタシが片付けるわ。 | I'll take care of that escaping rat. | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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