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Fresnel Profile Quotes
OSRA "Fresnel"
Full name OSRA "Fresnel"
Index 1006
Rarity 2
Class Sniper
Affinity Attacker
Affiliation/Company 42LAB
Vocation Optics Researcher
Birthday 10-May
Voice actor Tsumugi Risa
Artist pORAfree
Released on CN (菲涅尔) (2021-9), EN (2022-11), TW () (2022-11), KR () (2022-11), JP () (2022-11)
Arma Inscripta
  • CN
  • EN - Collimating Crystal (2024-8)

Playable character in Project: Neural Cloud.


This unit is a starting unit. It is given to all players once they have completed the tutorial.

Stats / Data

Initial stats scaling

Type Rating
Attack Growth B
Hashrate Growth B
HP Growth C
Physical DEF Growth C
Operand DEF Growth C

Stats (for CN server)

How to use
Max HP Crit Rate
Attack Crit Damage
Hashrate Physical Penetration
Physical Defense Operand Penetration
Operand Defense Dodge Rate
Attack Speed Post-battle HP Regen


Algorithm Slots

White tiles are unlocked by default. Blue tiles are unlocked by upgrading the Doll. Black tiles cannot be used.

Offense Stability Special

Preferred and Disliked Gifts

  • Preferred gifts
    • Coffee
    • Spaceship in a Bottle
    • Digital Toy Brick
  • Disliked gifts
    • Teddy Bear
    • Fast Food

How to use

Background info

Fresnel is an OSRA model optics research doll, one of the most high-end and expensive product lines from 42Lab's Austrian factories. She is fitted with high-performance optical sensors, including a custom-made Fresnel lens as expensive to produce as the Doll. Only a few research organizations have the finances needed to order OSRAs due to their production costs and limited production. "Even if they've been machined into uniformity with artificial precision, each and every crystal still shines with their own distinct beauty when the light shines on them."



Main artworks

Alternative artwork

Alternate expressions


  • Augustin-Jean Fresnel (pronounced [frɛnɛl]) was a French physicist known for his groundbreaking work in optics. Fresnel's weapons resemble a type of optical lenses called a Fresnel lens.
