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VHS Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition ……啊。光顾着看书,原来已经到了吗?VHS报到,请尽情地使用我吧。 あ、「」集中してた。もうついたんだね。VHS、にゅうたいします。私のことは好きに使ってくれていいから。Play Ah, I was deep in thought. It seems you've finally arrived. I'm VHS. Use me as you see fit.
Secretary 有一时不知道该怎么处理的事情时,不要硬钻牛角尖,那只会让思维更加局限于一处。来做点别的事情吧,比如玩三十二阶魔方? 対象方がすぐに浮かばない時は、無理に考え込まない方がいいよ。思考が返って一つに限定されちゃうだけだから。そういう時は、他のことをしてみるのはどうかな?例えば、三十にかける三十「」なパズル、といて見るとか?Play When something doesn't immediately come up, it's best not to think on it too hard. When my thoughts return, they can only come one at a time. In the meantime, why not try something else? For example, why not solve this 30×30 puzzle?
虽然我喜欢玩这些东西,但别再强行给我和SL8牵线了,我没有原谅她的打算。和太热情的人交往会干扰我的思考,这点我已经从她身上证实了。 こういうおもちゃで遊ぶのは好きだけど…だからって、私とSL8強引に仲直りさせてようしないでもらえる?彼女を許すつもりはないな。「」すれば、私の思考の邪魔になることは、彼女で自身自称づみだから。Play I enjoy playing with these toys, but...would you mind not forcing me into reconciling with SL8? I have no intentions on forgiving her. Associating with someone who's way too enthusiastic gets in the way of my train of thought, which is something that I have confirmed from her.
交友的标准?嗯……话不多,行动效率高,即使在一间房里也能各做各的事,互不打扰的人。就像FAMAS那样。 友人の条件?んん…口数が少なくて…作戦効率が「」…同じ部屋にいてもそれぞれのことができて…お互いのことに干渉しない人かな?それこそ、FAMASみたいな。Play A criteria for making friends? Hmm...someone who doesn't talk much...and is super efficient...you could both be in the same room and they would do their own thing without bothering you. Sounds just like FAMAS.
Secretary (post OATH)
Do you...not wish to continue talking? It's fine. It isn't a distraction at all. Let's talk things out first, then let's think of a solution together.
Thanks for bringing me out, Commander. Those people were really noisy. So, got something you wanna talk about? What? Well, this was...I never would've expected it from you, Commander. But, I don't hate you. So...mhmm...this is fine.
Greeting もう出勤の時間?ちょっと待って。先に片付けてさせて。Play Is it time to go to work? Give me a minute. Let me clean this up first.
T-Doll Produced 出る時は静かに頼むね?今模型を組み立ててるから。Play When you leave, could you please ask quietly? I'm building a model right now.
Joining an echelon 協力は苦手だけど…やるしかないか…Play I'm not very good with cooperation...but I have to do it...
Enhancement 強くなることには、意味がある。Play Getting stronger only makes sense.
Dummy-linking このダミーたち、私の動きに付いてこられるかな?Play Will these dummies be able to keep up with my movements?
Logistics (start) おもちゃは持って帰った来た方がいい?Play Should I bring a toy back home?
Logistics (end) ただいま。あまり面白いものはなかったかな。Play I'm back. I didn't find anything particularly interesting.
Autobattle あなたの戦術を真似すれば出来るよ。Play You can imitate your tactics here.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission さあ!慎重に進もう!Play Alright! Let's tread carefully!
Starting a battle 一つ残らず、全て破壊する。それでいいんでしょう?Play Destroy all but one. Does that sound good?
Skill activation 見えるもの全てから学び取る!Play Learn from everything you can see!
学べるのであれば超えられる!Play If you can learn, you can exceed!
捕らえた!Play Caught you!
Heavily damaged あれ?どうして身体が軽いの?Play Huh? Why do I feel so light?
Retreat 「」のパズルで躓いた時と一緒、冷静になってから、もう「」共。Play It's the same as solving a puzzle. Once you've calmed down, try it again.
MVP 「」があろうと、勝てればいいんだ、勝てれば。Play If there's a chance of winning, then I will win.
Restoration ここって凄く退屈なんだよね。本ほ貸してもらえない?Play It's very boring in here. Mind lending me a book?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 恐ろしい格好でここに座れば、みんなコミュニケーションを取りたがらなくなってくれるよね?別に、コミュニケーションを取るのが怖い訳じゃないけど。必要性を感じなくて。Play If you sit here with a terrifying appearance, then no one will want to communicate with you, right? Other than that, I'm not afraid to communicate with others. I merely don't feel the need.
Christmas なにが欲しい?お互いに願い事を伝えて、お互いがそれほ叶えるせっかくのイベントなんだから。私が出来る配意で叶えてあげるよ。Play What is it you want? This is a great time to share our wishes with each other and see them realized. I'll do it in the only way that I can.
New Year's Day 新年で騒がしいとはいえ、静かな場所くらいないの?もう、我慢の限界…指揮官、明けましておめでとう。ねえ、あなたの部屋に避難させてもらえない?


It's really noisy in the New Year, but isn't there a quiet place around here? My patience has already hit its limit...Commander, Happy New Year. Hey, would it be alright if we evacuated to your room?
Valentine's day チョコレートの作り方なら習ったことあるし、簡単だよ。作って欲しいの?いいよ、模型作りに付き合ってくれてからね。


I've learned how to make chocolate, and its pretty easy. Would you like me to make some? That's fine, since you went out of your way to make a model for me.
Tanabata 携帯出来る、自分だけの空間があったらいいのに。それがあれば、いつでも一人で落ち着けるでしょ?お、そう考えてみると、寝袋は結構いい選択肢だね。


I wish I had my own space to carry. With that, I could always calm down alone, right? Oh, on that thought, a sleeping bag would be a great option.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
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