Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 指挥官,不用担心,没什么能挡住我的子弹。 | 大丈夫よ指揮官、誰であろうと、私の弾からは逃れられない。 | Don't worry commander. No one can escape from my bullet. | |
Introduction | 战争的喘息之际,本国开始研究反坦克武器,但进展十分缓慢。直到战争爆发才将原型命名为PTRD-41,让我走马上任。战争时的表现倒是不错,这份荣誉与战士们的勇气是分不开的。请您在使用我的同时,也铭记这份精神吧。 | In between wars, the union started researching anti armour weapons, but progressed very slowly. After the war was declared they renamed the prototype as PTRD-41 and order me to be in service right away. Actually performed pretty good on the battlefield, this honour of course is not without the courage of our soldiers. So Sir, please do keep this in mind while using me. | ||
Secretary | 啊……战争什么的,不觉得很麻烦吗? | あ~あ、戦争なんて、面倒くさいと思わない? | Aah, don't you think war is troublesome? | |
真是的……真要碰我也请认真一点啊。 | ほら、ちゃんと触って。 | Hey, if you want to touch me, at least do it properly. | ||
准备好了吗? | 準備は出来た? | Is preparation complete? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 今天也很辛苦呢,指挥官,我正好学了点按摩技法,工作结束后要不要试试看呢?
You've worked hard today too Commander, I learned some new massage techniques, wanna try it later after work?~
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OATH | 哦?这样直白地说出来,不像您的作风呢?不过…省掉了很多麻烦,看来您还是挺懂我的。感谢您的选择,指挥官。
Oh my, you went that straight. Are you sure? But it's not like I hate it, it's good to save effort. I wonder if I can thank you later.
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Greeting | 您来晚了,刚才在做什么呢? | 遅かったわね。何してたの。 | You're so late. What were you doing. | |
T-Doll Produced | 建造好像完成了,不去看看吗? | 完成したみたいだから、見に行くといいんじゃない? | Seems like she's been completed. Why we don't go and take a look? | |
Joining an echelon | 可别总依赖我一个人哦。 | 私にばっかり頼っちゃダメよ。 | Don't just rely on me. | |
Enhancement | 真是完美。 | ばっちりね。 | Perfect isn't it. | |
Dummy-linking | 编队又扩大了, 射程是不是也增加了呢? | 編成を拡大したの、射程距離が伸びたかしら? | Squadron expanded, have the firing range have increased with it? | |
Logistics (start) | 嗯?又轮到我出发了?走吧。 | あら、私が行く番?いいでしょう。 | Oh my, it's my turn to go? Alright then. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来咯......啊啊,累坏我了~ | 戻ったわよ...あぁ、疲れた~ | I'm back... Aah, so tired~ | |
Autobattle | 真够远的呢,还是要再接近一点......哼哼,说着玩的。 | 遠いのね、やっぱり距離をもうちょっと近くに…んふふ、冗談よ。 | That's pretty far. I prefer the nearer one... Ehehe, i'm just joking. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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