Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 指挥官您好,感谢使用八一式马,我将带您前往胜利的终点,接下来一定是场愉快的旅程 | 初めまして指揮官。八一式をご利用いただきありがとうございます。わたくしが勝利へとご案内します。きっと楽しい旅になりますよ。 | Greetings Commander, thank you for enlisting Type 81 Carbine's service. I will take you to your victorious destination, this journey will be a pleasing one. | |
Introduction | 我是由八路军研制的八一式马步枪,汲取了捷克式,三八,无名式,汉阳造等步枪的优点,受到当时军队的一致好评,不过因为枪管材料使用的是轨道钢,再加上产能问题,导致我最后无法大规模的生产,但即便如此,我相信自己已经为需要我的人,带来了他们希望的胜利。 | I'm Type 81 Carbine developed by the 8th Route Army. Combining features from Type Czech, Arisaka, Type Nameless and Hanyang rifles, received positive feedbacks from the servicing army at the time. But due to the manufacturing material being railway steel and manufacturing difficulties, I did not enter large scale production. But despite this, I believe I have bought victories to all those who needed me. | ||
Secretary | 指挥官,您需要咖啡还是牛奶呢?放松一下吧。 | 指揮官、コーヒーと牛乳、どちらにしますか? | Commander, would you like coffee or milk? Relax a little. | |
对我的服务有什么建议嘛?欢迎您在意见簿上留下宝贵意见。 | わたくしへのご意見、ご要望などはこちらの意見欄にご記入ください。 | Do you have any feedback for my service? Feel free to write them down on the suggestion pad. | ||
指挥官......您再这样,我就叫警员过来了! | 指揮官…やめてください!警備員を呼びますよ! | Commander... If you carry on like this, I will call for security! | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,我最近的服务周到了不少吧?当然,为了您的话,这一切都是值得的。
If it's for you, I will provide any kind of service.
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OATH | 指挥官……这里就是,您所期望的目的地吗?不管是起点还是终点,唯有我的陪伴,这一点不会改变,今后,请让我陪着您,一起向幸福的终点站出发吧……
Commander is this... Is this the destination you are expecting? Whether it is a start or a destination, I will continue to accompany you. Please let me stay by yourself until we reach the destination of happiness...
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Greeting | 指揮官!お疲れ様です!何かお手伝いしましょうか? | Commander! Thank you for your hard work! Is there anything you'd like for me to help with? | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新しい乗客がいらっしゃいました! | Some new passengers have arrived! | ||
Joining an echelon | いつでも出発できます! | We're ready to leave at any time! | ||
Enhancement | 努力の結果ですね! | This is the result of our hard work! | ||
Dummy-linking | 新しい乗務員さんですか?すごく助かります! | Are you a new crew member? That'd be really helpful! | ||
Logistics (start) | 任務遂行を約束します。では、出発いたします! | I promise to complete the mission. Now then, let's go! | ||
Logistics (end) | 指揮官、お求めの品はこちらで全て揃いましたでしょうか。 | Commander. have you received everything you were looking for? | ||
Autobattle | 気楽な旅になりそうです! | Seems like a pretty easy trip! | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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