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M1911 Story Quotes

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 真是命运的邂逅呢,指挥官,没想到会在这儿遇到您。 運命的な出会いですね、また指揮官様に会えるなんて…Play 운명적인 만남이네요~! 또 이렇게 지휘관님이랑 만나게 되다니~ What a fateful encounter! Never in my imagination would I have expected to meet you here, Commander.
Introduction 为了阻挡更顽强的敌人,本国着手研制新的制式手枪,在史无前例的严苛选拔中,我有幸成为了优胜者,并获得了M1911这个名字。战争期间曾多次立下奇功,即使战后数十年依然受到重用。指挥官,您的安全,请安心交给我吧。 더 강력한 적을 저지하기 위해, 미국은 새로운 제식권총의 연구제작에 착수하면서 전무후무한 엄격한 선발을 시행했어. 다행스럽게도 내가 우승자가 됨과 동시에, M1911이란 이름을 얻었지. 전쟁기간 동안 수없이 많은 탁월한 공적을 세웠고, 전후 수십 년 동안에도 여전히 중요하게 사용되었어. 지휘관, 당신의 안전은 안심하고 나에게 맡겨달라구! To stop tougher enemies, my homeland had started to develop a new standard handgun. And I became the winner in an unprecedented strict selection and was given the name M1911. I had made wonders in war times, and been well trusted after war for decades. Commander, please entrust me with your safety without doubt.
Secretary 您很闲吗 ? 暇なの?Play 한가롭나요? Are you free?
被大家这样看着,真的好难为情啊…… そんなにジロジロ見られると、恥ずかしいんですけど…Play 그렇게 뚫어져라 쳐다보면, 부끄러울지도... It's embarrassing with everyone looking at me like this......
既然是Darling的话,其实也没关系呢…… ダ、ダーリンなら…別にいいんですけど…Play 다, 달링이라면…괜찮을지도… If it's Darling, it's ok......
Secretary (post OATH)
달링, 여기서 갖고싶은거 있어? 우리사이에 뭐 어때, 사양하지 않아도 괜찮다구?
Darling, you need anything over there ? We are already in this relationship, there need to be so courteous about is it ?
지휘관님 저의 기분이…드디어 맺어진 걸까나? 에헤헤, 너…너무 갑작스러워서 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어…핫! 지금부터 노력해서 반격할 테니까요!
Commander, my feelings ...I guess it was finally rewarded ...oh ...oh, it's too hasty, I do not know what to do ...oh! I will do my best to fight back from now on!
Greeting おやおや、今日は何をしますか?Play 어라라라~, 오늘은 무엇을 하실 건가요? Hey there~ So what are we going to do today ?
T-Doll Produced 製造完了しました!Play 제조가 완료되었습니다! Mechanical manufacturing complete!
Joining an echelon ナイスチョイスです!Play 나이스 초이스입니다! it's a nice choice!
Enhancement ダーリンの愛を感じます~Play 달링의 사랑이 느껴져요! I can feel the love of my Darling~
Dummy-linking 編成完了~私がいっぱい、愛がいっぱいですよ~Play 편성 완료~! 제가 잔뜩, 사랑이 잔뜩이에요~! Upgrade done ! There is a lot of me, and a lot of love~ !
Logistics (start) 指揮官様、行って参ります。寂しがらないでくださいね。Play 지휘관님 다녀오겠습니다. 쓸쓸해 하지 말아주세요. Commander, i'm going out. Don't get depressed too much please !
Logistics (end) 指揮官様、ただいま戻りました!寂しかったですか?Play 지휘관님 다녀왔습니다. 쓸쓸하셨나요? Commander! I'm back. Did you feel lonely ?
Autobattle 指揮官様、私はここですよ、早く見て~Play 지휘관님, 저 여기에 있어요! 빨리 봐주세요~ Commander !!! I am right here ! Hurry up and look at me~~ !
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出撃だ~私の帰りを、ちゃんと待っていて下さいね。Play 출격이다! 제 귀환을 기다려 주세요! Advance !!! Be sure to wait for my return.
Starting a battle 敵軍はそこです!Play 적군이 저기있습니다! The enemy is right there !
Skill activation 今から撃ちま~す!Play 지금부터 쏩니다! Here I shooooot~
指揮官様に、いいところ見せないと!Play 지휘관님에게 좋은 모습을 보여드려야! For commander, I must show my good side!
この一撃が、指揮官様の心に、永遠に刺さりますように!Play 이 일격이 지휘관님의 마음에 영원히 기록될 수 있도록! I'll pour all the love for Commander, from the bottom of my heart, into this attack!
Heavily damaged ダーリンの愛があれば……私は、無敵です!Play 달링의 사랑이 있으면…저는, 무적입니다! As long as i have my love for Darling, i am invincible!
Retreat そんな…ダーリンの力になれなかったなんで……Play 이런…달링의 힘이 될 수 없다니… impossible... My power for Commander was not enough... ?
MVP ヤッター!ダーリン❤Play 해냈다~! 달링♥ I did it! Darling~ ♥
Restoration 補給の用意はできましたか?指揮官様、優しくしてくださいね。Play 보급의 준비는 되었나요? 지휘관님, 상냥하게 해주세요. Have you done with emergency care? Commander, please be gentle with me.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 不给糖就捣蛋!一起来玩吧~ トリックオアトリート!一緒に楽しもう!Play 트릭 오어 트릿! 같이 놀아요! Trick or Treat! Come play together!
Christmas 达令~,圣诞节两个人单独庆祝吧? ダーリン, クリスマスは二人きりで祝おうね!Play 달링~ 이 크리스마스를 단 둘이서만 보내요! Darling~ Let's spend Christmas just the two of us together!
New Year's Day 新年快乐!一起去参拜吧? あけおめです!一緒に初詣に行きましょう!


신년이에요! 같이 사당에 갈까요? Happy New Year! Let's visit the shrine together.
Valentine's day 这是本命巧克力!灌注了满满的爱情哟!嗯哼哼~ 本命チョコです。愛情たっぷりですよ!うふふ。


본명 초콜릿이에요! 애정을 듬뿍 담았어요! 우후후~ This is true feeling chocolate. It is full of affection. *giggles
Tanabata ダーリンの素敵な女性になりますようにって短冊に願いを書きました!


I wish I'll become a wonderful woman, that's what I write in the tanzaku!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition まさに運命の再会ですわ。どうです指揮官様、今の私の格好、お気に召しましたか?Play This is certainly a fated resumption. How is it, commander. Do you dig my current appearance?
Introduction 为了阻挡更顽强的敌人,本国着手研制新的制式手枪,在史无前例的严苛选拔中,我有幸成为了优胜者,并获得了M1911这个名字。战争期间曾多次立下奇功,即使战后数十年依然受到重用。指挥官,您的安全,请安心交给我吧。 더 강력한 적을 저지하기 위해, 미국은 새로운 제식권총의 연구제작에 착수하면서 전무후무한 엄격한 선발을 시행했어. 다행스럽게도 내가 우승자가 됨과 동시에, M1911이란 이름을 얻었지. 전쟁기간 동안 수없이 많은 탁월한 공적을 세웠고, 전후 수십 년 동안에도 여전히 중요하게 사용되었어. 지휘관, 당신의 안전은 안심하고 나에게 맡겨달라구! To stop tougher enemies, my homeland had started to develop a new standard handgun. And I became the winner in an unprecedented strict selection and was given the name M1911. I had made wonders in war times, and been well trusted after war for decades. Commander, please entrust me with your safety without doubt.
Secretary 要做什么呢,长官? 何をしますの、指揮官様?Play What are you doing, commander?
嗯?没什么事啊,就这样看着您好了。 ん?何でもないですわよ、指揮官様。あなたを見つめているだけですわ。Play Hmm? It's nothing, commander. I just staring at you.
长官,离我太近,大家会嫉妒呢,嘻嘻♪ 指揮官様、私に近づきすぎると…皆さんが嫉妬しますわよ、うふふ。Play Commander, if you are too close to me, everyone will get jealous, ehehehe.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, do you need anything else? We already have this kind of relationship, don't you think you shouldn't hold back?
지휘관님 저의 기분이…드디어 맺어진 걸까나? 에헤헤, 너…너무 갑작스러워서 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어…핫! 지금부터 노력해서 반격할 테니까요!
Commander, my feelings ...I guess it was finally rewarded ...oh ...oh, it's too hasty, I do not know what to do ...oh! I will do my best to fight back from now on!
Greeting また会えましたわね、指揮官様。今日の私、幸せですわ。Play We meet again, commander. I feel so happy today.
T-Doll Produced これはあなたのものですわよ、指揮官様。Play This is your belonging, commander.
Joining an echelon ちゃんと私を見てくれてますの、指揮官様?Play Do you look at me properly, commander?
Enhancement 私をこれほど信頼してくれてるなんて、本当に感謝しますわ。Play I truly appreciate that you trust me this much.
Dummy-linking 編成完了~私がいっぱい、愛がいっぱいですよ~Play 편성 완료~! 제가 잔뜩, 사랑이 잔뜩이에요~! Upgrade done ! There is a lot of me, and a lot of love~ !
Logistics (start) 指揮官様、行って参ります。寂しがらないでくださいね。Play 지휘관님 다녀오겠습니다. 쓸쓸해 하지 말아주세요. Commander, i'm going out. Don't get depressed too much please !
Logistics (end) 指揮官様、ただいま戻りました!寂しかったですか?Play 지휘관님 다녀왔습니다. 쓸쓸하셨나요? Commander! I'm back. Did you feel lonely ?
Autobattle 指揮官様、私はここですよ、早く見て~Play 지휘관님, 저 여기에 있어요! 빨리 봐주세요~ Commander !!! I am right here ! Hurry up and look at me~~ !
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 指揮官様、私を信じて下さいですわ。Play Commander, please put your faith on me.
Starting a battle 時が来ましたわ、作戦開始!Play The time has come, commencing operation!
Skill activation 射撃開始!Play Open fire!
指揮官様、私の活躍見ててくださいですの!Play Commander, please look at my effort!
あなたは私のものですわ!Play You are mine!
Heavily damaged えっ…私がこんな所で…Play Eeh, on a place like this...
Retreat ごめんなさい指揮官様、でも責めないで欲しいですわ。Play I'm sorry, commander. Please don't assault me.
MVP うふふ、この勝利をあなたに捧げますわ。お返し、期待してますよ。Play Ehehe, I devote this victory for you. I'll expecting my reward.
Restoration 補給の用意はできましたか?指揮官様、優しくしてくださいね。Play 보급의 준비는 되었나요? 지휘관님, 상냥하게 해주세요. Emergency care are done ? Please Commander, be gentle with me.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 长官,苹果酒的味道还可以吗?嘻嘻♪我之前问您喜欢什么……就是为了这一晚啊。 指揮官様、りんご酒のお味いかがですか?うふふ、前に好きだと言っていたからこの夜のために特別に用意したんですの。Play Commander, how does the apple cider taste? Ehehe, you said you like it before, so I prepare it specially for tonight.
Christmas メリークリスマス、指揮官様!今夜のM9ちょっと綺麗過ぎますわね。さっきとった彼女との写真を捨てましょ!うふふ、冗談ですわよ。Play Merry Christmas, Commander! M9 looks so pretty tonight. I'll throw away a picture with her! Ufufu, I'm joking.
New Year's Day 指揮官様、一年間側にいさせてくれて光栄ですわ。これからもあなたのお役に立てるよ頑張りますわね。


Commander, it's an honor to be with you for the entire year. I'll keep giving my best to keep being useful to you.
Valentine's day 指揮官様、さっき上げたチョコ、本当は文字を刻んであったですのよ。なんて書いてあったのかって?教えませんわ、うふふ。


Commander, the chocolate I gave you earlier have some letters engraved into it. Why did I do it you ask? I won't tell, ufufu.
Tanabata へぇ…このような行事があったんですのね。でも私には願い事は必要ありません。今のままで満足ですわ。


Wow, to think such celebration exists. I don't need to wish for anything though. I'm fine as it is.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play