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AK-47 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哈,终于轮到我啦!期待我横扫世间的表现吧 ! んっはははは、やっと私の出番ね、弾を地球に宛てて見せるよ!Play Hahaha, my turn at last, huh? I'll be sure to show you what I can do on the world stage!
Introduction 我就不需要太多介绍了吧?……没错,我就是AK-47,苏联第一代突击步枪,风靡全球的明星武器。设计时借鉴了Stg44等知名武器,同时又简便耐用,适应各种环境。因此我才能光顾世界上的大半战场,这都多亏了我的设计师哦。
Secretary 突然干嘛啊! な、なんだよ、急に。Play 뭐,뭐야? 갑자기.... What are you doing all of a sudden?!
唔嘻!不要碰奇怪的地方啊! あははは、変なとこ触ってくんじゃねえ!Play 으하핫! 이상한 곳 만지지 말라고! Eek! Don't touch me in strange places!
哈哈,就那么想要接触我吗? はっはん、触りたくなったか。Play 아항~ 만지고 싶어졌어? Haha, you wanna touch me that badly huh?
Secretary (post OATH)
Ah... yes, I drank a little bit. But it's okay since you're here, because you can carry me back later!
Oh? Boss, you're not picking someone else for this kind of thing? Well, I suppose we're similar in some ways. How about it then, you and me?
Greeting Play
T-Doll Produced Play
Joining an echelon Play
Enhancement Play
Dummy-linking Play
Logistics (start) Play
Logistics (end) Play
Autobattle Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission Play
Starting a battle Play
Skill activation Play
Heavily damaged Play
Retreat Play
MVP Play
Restoration Play
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 哈哈~还有能够随便吓唬别人的节日啊。要变装成什么呢?诶?熊?有点过分啊。 あはははは、他人を驚かすお祭りもあるだなぁ、一体どんな仮装をすればいいんだ?え?熊?酷いなーPlay HAHA~ A festival for scaring whatever people you want? What costume should I wear? Eh? A bear? That's too much.
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play