Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | RMB-93,很乐意为您效劳,不过在这之前,让我们先谈谈服务条款吧。 | RMB-93, happy to serve, but before that lets talk about the servicing cost. | ||
Introduction | RMB-93战斗散弹枪在研制完成后,最初是作为警用武器被采购,后来的衍生型号也用于出口到各国的民用市场。这件武器兼具轻盈和坚固的优点,但由于操作方式另类,销售时遇到了很多阻碍……想让所有人满意是不可能的呢。 | RMb-93 combat shotgun was originally meant to be procured by policing units after development, further developed variants were also sent for export and entered civilian markets of other countries. Despite having both light weight and tough weapon frame, the unusual operations of the weapon did create difficulties during the sales... Seems to impossible to make everyone happy. | ||
Secretary | 工作还顺利吗?也许您该听听我的建议呢。 | 仕事は順調?私のアドバイス、聞いたほうがいいかもよ。 | Are things going smoothly? Maybe you should listen to some of my advices. | |
要我继续陪您也可以,但是加班可要额外计费哦。 | このまま付き合ってもいいけど、残業代はいただくわよ。 | I can stay here to accompany you, but there are additional cost to working overtime. | ||
您的手在做什么?这不是我们事先说好的服务内容吧? | どこ、触ってるの?話が違うじゃない? | Your hands, what are they doing? Was this in the service description we talked about? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,周末要约会吗?我这次选了个偏远又浪漫的新餐馆,不会再有人打扰了~
Commander would you like to go on a date this weekend? I chose far away restaurant, romantic too, won't be anyone there to bother us this time~
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OATH | 真没想到,到头来,您还是做了出格的事情…不过既然相处了那么久,我也就通融一下,破例为您修改一次原则吧。但是,仅此一次,绝对不许反悔哦。
Can't believe in the end you still did something as outrageous as this... But since we've know each other for a long time, I suppose I can turn a blind eye and make an exception this time, just for you. But just this one time, and don't you dare regret ok!
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Greeting | 久等了,指挥官。快点开始工作吧。 | お待たせ、指揮官。早くお仕事に入りましょ。 | Kept you waiting for long Commander? Let's start working right away. | |
T-Doll Produced | 公司新成员吗?要好好遵守礼仪哦。 | 新入社員か?ちゃんとマナーを守るのよ。 | New member of our company? Obey the rules ok? | |
Joining an echelon | 很荣幸能与大家共事。 | みんなとお仕事できて光栄だわ。 | It's an honour to join everyone. | |
Enhancement | 呵呵,我还能再进步。 | うふふ、もっと遠くにいけるわね。 | Hehe, I can get even better at this. | |
Dummy-linking | 很温柔呢,有点喜欢上你了。 | 優しいわね。ちょっと好きになっちゃったよ。 | So kind, I'm starting to like you. | |
Logistics (start) | 诶?无论如何都要去吗? | え〜?どうしても行くんの? | Ehh? Do I really have to go? | |
Logistics (end) | 终于想我了吗? | あら、やっと私に会いたくなったの? | Have you finally missed me? | |
Autobattle | 怎么样?果然我是必要的。 | どう?やっぱり私は、必要でしょう? | See this? Looks like my presence is needed once again. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン! | 소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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