Official character description: Serious and responsible, and also obsessed with cleanliness, she hates dirty and ugly things, and is always having a headache over her senior AR AK-47AK-47AK-47's slovenly behavior. However, she is discreetly also interested in pretty girls, and will often say things worthy of some middle-aged guy for that reason.
Other than the above, she's known for being idolized by SG USAS-12USAS-12USAS-12, who, lacking in practical common sense, came to see Saiga-12 as someone who does understand what life is about. In addition, it was Saiga-12 who taught her sheltered junior about instant noodles, which the younger girl quickly took a liking to. However, these interactions don't show in Saiga-12's setting and lines, since she was the first of the two to be added to the game.