CZ2000 is a weapon system developed by Czechoslovakia in the early 1990s, a further development based on LADA prototype weapon by the same designer, the CZ2000 system consist of three variants: carbine, assault rifle and light machinegun. Originally intended to be a full set of weapons for different situations while having high percentage of exchangeable parts, simplifying the maintenance and logistical aspect that comes with a firearm.
Weapon calibre changed to the 5.56x45mm NATO from the 5.45x39mm Soviet when CZ2000 branched off it's predecessor LADA, CZ2000 can be classified as a selective fire, gas-operated, rotating bolt operation fire arm of 5.56 calibre, the operating mechanism of CZ2000/LADA is developed based on the Kalash long-stroke gas piston.
The three variants differs mainly in the total barrel length and some minor components, such as the carbine variant having a different style flash suppressor. As a weapon system, they retain high degree or parts commonality, all of them feature a right side folding metal wire stock, adjustable iron sight and other minor details. Accessories such as frontal bipods are available for the LMG, bayonets and underslung grenade launcher units can be mounted on the AR, though rifle grenades are not issued to the CZ2000 as the designer did not envision the need of it.
LMG variant of the CZ2000 would feature the longest barrel out of the three, able to effectively cover a firing range of 1000 metres and reaching a muzzle velocity of 960m/s with it. Carbine and AR variant however can only effectively reach 800 metres and a slower muzzle velocity with their shorter barrels. Carbine and AR variant of the CZ2000 feeds on a specially designed 30-round curved box magazine made of light weight materials, LMG variant are also compatible with this magazine, but they have access to a 75-round drum magazine, rate of fire for the CZ2000 weapons are set to be 750 to 850 rounds per minute cyclic.
CZ2000 was aimed to replace the vz.58 assault rifle, vz.61 Skorpion SMG and vz.59 machinegun from the service of the Czech Army until the plan got cancelled in 2007, the army procurement contract likely went to the CZ805, so the CZ2000 project discontinued from that point on.
Character Info
Official character sheet of CZ2000
Slightly tanned, short silver hair T-doll of around 150cm of height, the in-game appearance of this weapon is the assault rifle variant of CZ2000, hence AR type T-doll. The box she carries with her is likely to contain the conversion kits that can change her weapon into other variants of CZ2000 on the field, since the weapon is able to do that.
General colour theme for CZ2000 is black white and orange, bandages can be found at multiple places on her art. "Shrimpy" refers to the toy/weapon resembling a crustacean creature that she carries on her back. He/she/it is called Shrimpy, despite looking like a decapodal crustaceans of the infraorder Brachyura (Despite looking like a crab).
Official character description would mention that CZ2000 cares about her image in the mind of the others, she also tries her best to pretend to be cool when encountered trouble. She regularly get into small arguments with SMG SkorpionSkorpionSkorpion, she will become angry if anyone makes the remark that her hair resembles a crab, or addresses her by the nickname "Crabby", which Skorpion gave her.
According to CZ2000, Shrimpy is apparently lethal in melee combat.
Evident from her bandages and her victory animation, she is probably a clumsy T-doll who have a lot of accidents...
CZ2000 features the first skill that have different active effects depends on day or night combat. Increases damage and critical hit rate during the day, while increases RoF and accuracy in the night.
It is worth noting that when CZ2000 is equipped with a max level max calibrated crit scope while being buffed by 1 crit rate tile buffs, she is able to achieve 100% crit rate activated skill during diurnal combat.
She provides rate of fire and evasion bonus to the SMG standing in the tile in front of her.
Story Involvement
A T-doll servicing G&K main forces, a side character in the latest event Singularity. Singularity is a series of highly detailed story told by different routes describing a chaotic crossfire conflict between G&K, Sangvis Ferri, SOCOM, Defiance and 404. CZ2000 only had minor interactions with the Commander's forces during the hidden level of chapter 1: Messenger. The event of Messenger happened somewhere in between 1930 to 0000 hour
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CZ2000 was among the G&K T-doll units under another G&K service officer's command, she was part of the joint operation with SOCOM in attempt to annihilate Master mind. She was rescued by the Commander's forces from the battlefield after the whole operation had gone sour.
CZ2000 reported a Ferri command post while she was on the field, she suggests it's destruction. CZ2000 proposed that she is willing to lead a task force clean the place up should the Commander wishes to assign forces under her command, HG ThunderThunderThunder radioed in at this point and suggested a sneakier route with less enemy encounters.
"Hey! I'm the protagonist of this battle! What are you doing appearing out of nowhere!" - CZ2000
"To stop some crabby from getting people killed." - Thunder
Unhappy with the fact that Thunder interrupted her in her operation, even unhappier from hearing Thunder addressed her by the nickname "Crabby", which she got from Skorpion, she was clearly both embarrassed and enraged. But she soon calmed herself and said that it is up to the Commander to decide how this operation should be carried out, and she is fine with either going in loud or sneaking in quiet.