IOP Wiki:Guideline/General Namelist
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Chinese | English | Category |
猫猫肉垫 | Kitty Paw | T-Doll Costume |
糖果快递 | Candy Fast Delivery | T-Doll Costume |
南瓜熊熊 | Pumpkin Teddy | T-Doll Costume |
甜心小恶魔 | Sweetheart Devil | T-Doll Costume |
睡醒的 | Woken-up Idiot | T-Doll Costume |
兔女郎 | Bunny Girl | T-Doll Costume |
顽劣噪音 | Stubborn Noise | T-Doll Costume |
僵尸家里蹲 | Zombie Hikikimori | T-Doll Costume |
卡蜜拉 | Carmilla | T-Doll Costume |
古堡历险 | Castle Adventure | T-Doll Costume |
暗夜恶魔 | Imp of the Night | T-Doll Costume |
古典派女巫 | Classcial Witch | T-Doll Costume |
狩猎者礼服 | Hunter's Dress | T-Doll Costume |
异邦魔女 | Foreign Witch | T-Doll Costume |
水襦裙 | Water Skirt | T-Doll Costume |
周末警卫 | Weekend Security Guard | T-Doll Costume |
派对甜心 | Partying Sweetheart | T-Doll Costume |
直达星星的愿望 | Wish to the Stars | T-Doll Costume |
圣善夜的祝福 | Christmas Blessing | T-Doll Costume |
圣诞巡游礼服 | Christmas Parade Dress | T-Doll Costume |
圣诞居家礼服 | Christmas Dress | T-Doll Costume |
冬日仙女 | Winter Fairy | T-Doll Costume |
雪下赴约者 | Snowy Appointment | T-Doll Costume |
圣诞鹿 | Reindeer | T-Doll Costume |
冬幕补给行动 | Winter Supply Operation | T-Doll Costume |
绯红守夜人 | Crimson Night Watchman | T-Doll Costume |
耳朵山的雪妖精 | Fairy of the Ear Fell | T-Doll Costume |
爆竹红 | Firecracker Red | T-Doll Costume |
向日葵 | Sunflower | T-Doll Costume |
金姬菊 | Golden Coreopsis | T-Doll Costume |
仙客来 | Cyclamen | T-Doll Costume |
玉玲珑 | Jade Noisette Rose | T-Doll Costume |
牡丹魁 | Peony Chief | T-Doll Costume |
报春花 | Fairy Primrose | T-Doll Costume |
浪漫任务 | Romantic Mission | T-Doll Costume |
“我来晚了?” | Am I late? | T-Doll Costume |
“下不为例。” | Just this once. | T-Doll Costume |
英国恋人 | English Lover | T-Doll Costume |
战争之王 | Lord of War | T-Doll Costume |
女服务生 | Waitress | T-Doll Costume |
两人的旅程 | Journey of Two | T-Doll Costume |
契约时刻 | Moment of Oath | T-Doll Costume |
被回应的心意 | Returned Affections | T-Doll Costume |
毕生守护 | Lifelong Guardian | T-Doll Costume |
与您同在 | By Your Side | T-Doll Costume |
掌心约定 | Promises upon these Palms | T-Doll Costume |
最重要的日子 | The most important day | T-Doll Costume |
王牌值日生 | Ace Student on Duty | T-Doll Costume |
生存社员 | Survival Club Member | T-Doll Costume |
返校季 | Back to School | T-Doll Costume |
战斗水手 | Combat Sailor | T-Doll Costume |
格里芬制服 | Griffin Uniform | T-Doll Costume |
青春弧光 | Youth Arc | T-Doll Costume |
自由街头 | Free Street | T-Doll Costume |
摇滚扳手 | Rock'n'Roll | T-Doll Costume |
万圣节 | Halloween | Furniture Set |
初始 | Default | Furniture Set |
新世界(I) | New World I | Furniture Set |
秋 | Autumn | Furniture Set |
新世界(II) | New World II | Furniture Set |
Loft | Autumn LOFT | Furniture Set |
宁静日常 | Peaceful Daily Life | Furniture Set |
可爱日常 | Lovely Daily Life | Furniture Set |
指挥室 | G&K HQ | Furniture Set |
咖啡店 | Café | Furniture Set |
暖冬和风 | Warm Winter and Wind | Furniture Set |
清冬和风 | Clear Winter and Wind | Furniture Set |
铁血工造 | Sangvis Ferri Works | Furniture Set |
圣诞福音 | Christmas Gospel | Furniture Set |
便利店 | Convenience Store | Furniture Set |
极地雪屋 | Polar Igloo | Furniture Set |
年夜迎春 | New Years Eve | Furniture Set |
游戏部门 | IOP Game Division | Furniture Set |
精英徽记 | Elite Emblem | Furniture Set |
星夜幻梦 | Starry Dreams | Furniture Set |
春日课堂 | Springtime Classroom | Furniture Set |
假日漫步 | Holiday Stroll | Furniture Set |
博物之路 | Museum Road | Furniture Set |
地铁2063 | Metro 2063 | Furniture Set |
五彩社团 | Colorful Social Club | Furniture Set |
后勤支援 | Logistics Support | Game Mechanics |
模拟作战 | Combat Simulation | Game Mechanics |
好感度 | Affection | Game Mechanics |
宿舍 | Dormitory | Game Mechanics |
人形制造 | T-Doll Production | Game Mechanics |
装备制造 | Equipment Production | Game Mechanics |
资料采样 | Data Collection | Game Mechanics |
强化练习 | Reinforcement Exercises | Game Mechanics |
经验特训 | Experience Tranining | Game Mechanics |
防御演习 | Defence Drill | Game Mechanics |
作战任务 | Combat Mission | Game Mechanics |
人力 | Manpower | Game Mechanics |
弹药 | Ammunition | Game Mechanics |
口粮 | Ration | Game Mechanics |
零件 | Spare Part | Game Mechanics |
仓库 | Warehouse | Game Mechanics |
图鉴 | Collection | Game Mechanics |
梯队 | Echelon | Game Mechanics |
栏位 | Slot | Game Mechanics |
效能 | Effectiveness | Game Mechanics |
人形制造契约 | Crafting Contract | Game Mechanics |
快速制造契约 | Acceleration Contract | Game Mechanics |
扩编 | Dummy Link | Game Mechanics |
核心 | core | Game Mechanics |
人形强化 | T-Doll Powerup | Game Mechanics |
人形拆解 | T-Doll Retire | Game Mechanics |
装备拆解 | Recyelc Equipment | Game Mechanics |
技能训练 | Skill Traning | Game Mechanics |
装备强化 | Equipment Strengthen | Game Mechanics |
装备校准 | Equipment Calibration | Game Mechanics |
修复 | Restore | Game Mechanics |
快速修复契约 | Fast Repair | Game Mechanics |
勋章系统 | Medal System | Game Mechanics |
编队雷达系统 | Team Evaluation System | Game Mechanics |
重型建造 | Large-scale Construction | Game Mechanics |
特殊行动 | Special Operation | Game Mechanics |
战役结算 | Battle Settelment | Game Mechanics |
梯队预设 | Division Preset | Game Mechanics |
初级训练资料 | Beginner Training Data | Game Mechanics |
中级训练资料 | Intermediate Training Data | Game Mechanics |
高级训练资料 | Advanced Training Data | Game Mechanics |
名片背景 | ID Card Backgroud | Game Mechanics |
伯鲁泽维奇·克鲁格 | Berezovich Kryuger | Story & Lore |
赫丽安图斯 | Helianthus | Story & Lore |
帕斯卡利亚 | Persicaria | Story & Lore |
莱柯瑞斯 | Lycoris | Story & Lore |
格琳娜 | Kalina | Story & Lore |
巡游者 | Prowler | Story & Lore |
侦察者 | Scout | Story & Lore |
兵蚁 | Dinergate | Story & Lore |
劫豹 | Jaguar | Story & Lore |
切割者 | Ripper | Story & Lore |
胡峰 | Vespid | Story & Lore |
猎鸥 | Jaeger | Story & Lore |
痛击者 | Striker | Story & Lore |
护卫者 | Guard | Story & Lore |
龙骑兵 | Dragoon | Story & Lore |
“'”圣盾”型军用作战人形 | Aegis | Story & Lore |
“'”钢狮”型军用作战机甲 | Nemeum | Story & Lore |
“'”蝎甲兽”型军用作战机甲 | Manticore | Story & Lore |
‘“'”工蜂”型民用靶机 | Drone | Story & Lore |
头目 | Leader | Story & Lore |
主脑 | Mastermind | Story & Lore |
喙 | Beak | Story & Lore |
稻草人 | Scarecrow | Story & Lore |
刽子手 | Executioner | Story & Lore |
猎手 | Hunter | Story & Lore |
干扰者 | Intruder | Story & Lore |
炼金术师 | Alchemist | Story & Lore |
破坏者 | Destroyer | Story & Lore |
女神 | Gaia | Story & Lore |
计量官 | Gager | Story & Lore |
代理人 | Agent | Story & Lore |
建筑师 | Architect | Story & Lore |
梦想家 | Dreamer | Story & Lore |
法官 | Judge | Story & Lore |
衔尾蛇 | Ouroboros | Story & Lore |
伊莱莎 | Elisa | Story & Lore |
AR小队 | AR Team | Story & Lore |
404小队 | 404 Squad | Story & Lore |
铁血 | Sangvis Ferri | Story & Lore |
魔方行动 | Operation Cube | Story & Lore |
七阶谜题 | V-Cube 7 Puzzle | Story & Lore |
角先破解 | Corner First Tactic | Story & Lore |
层先调换 | Layer by Layer Strategy | Story & Lore |
次面崩溃 | Facet Disintegrate | Story & Lore |
收纳库 | Warehouse | Dorm |
采购 | Procurement | Dorm |
舒适度 | Coziness Level | Dorm |
装扮 | Costume | Dorm |
采购币 | Coin | Dorm |
兑换券 | White Ticket | Dorm |
黑卡 | Black Ticket | Dorm |
卡池预览 | Available Gacha | Dorm |
礼物 | Gift | Dorm |
波板糖 | Candy | Dorm |
蛋奶草莓芝士 | Cake | Dorm |
冰淇淋 | Ice Cream | Dorm |
家具套装 | Furniture Set | Dorm |
电池 | Battery | Dorm |
全局经验 | Global Experience | Dorm |
救助站 | Rescue Station | Dorm |
工作台 | Workbench | Dorm |
狗窝 | Kennel/Dog House | Dorm |
猫窝 | Cat House | Dorm |
资料室 | Data Room | Dorm |
办公桌 | Office Desk | Dorm |
计算机 | Computer | Dorm |
资料桌 | Data Table | Dorm |
操作台 | Operation Table | Dorm |
电传机 | Teletypewriter | Dorm |
作战报告书 | Battle Report | Dorm |
古老的 | Ancient | Dorm |
朴素的 | Plain | Dorm |
简易 | Basic | Dorm |
凌乱的 | Messy | Dorm |
简单的 | Simple | Dorm |
尘封的 | Dust Covered | Dorm |
蒙尘的 | Dusty | Dorm |
古朴的 | Quaint | Dorm |
柯尔特左轮 | Colt Revolver | T-Doll Name |
纳甘左轮 | Nagant Revolver | T-Doll Name |
托卡列夫 | Tokarev | T-Doll Name |
斯捷奇金 | Stechkin | T-Doll Name |
马卡洛夫 | Makarov | T-Doll Name |
92式 | Type 92 | T-Doll Name |
阿斯特拉左轮 | Astra Revolver | T-Doll Name |
格洛克17 | Glock 17 | T-Doll Name |
汤姆森 | Thompson | T-Doll Name |
蝎式 | Skorpion | T-Doll Name |
司登MkⅡ | Sten MkII | T-Doll Name |
伯莱塔38型 | Beretta Model 38 | T-Doll Name |
微型乌兹 | Micro Uzi | T-Doll Name |
M1加兰德 | M1 Garand | T-Doll Name |
春田 | Springfield | T-Doll Name |
莫辛-纳甘 | Mosin-Nagant | T-Doll Name |
西蒙诺夫 | Simonov | T-Doll Name |
56式半 | Type 56 | T-Doll Name |
李-恩菲尔德 | Lee-Enfield | T-Doll Name |
56-1式 | Type 56-1 | T-Doll Name |
加利尔 | Galil | T-Doll Name |
布伦 | Bren | T-Doll Name |
64式 | Type 64 | T-Doll Name |
汉阳造88式 | Hanyang Type 88 | T-Doll Name |
灰熊MkⅤ | Grizzly MkV | T-Doll Name |
内格夫 | Negev | T-Doll Name |
谢尔久科夫 | Serdyukov | T-Doll Name |
维尔德MkⅡ | Welrod MkII | T-Doll Name |
索米 | Suomi | T-Doll Name |
79式 | Type 79 | T-Doll Name |
95式 | Type 95 | T-Doll Name |
97式 | Type 97 | T-Doll Name |
59式 | Type 59 | T-Doll Name |
63式 | Type 63 | T-Doll Name |
PSM | PSM | T-Doll Name |
希普卡 | Shipka | T-Doll Name |
97式霰 | Type 97 Shotgun | T-Doll Name |
利贝罗勒 | Rybeyrolle 1918 | T-Doll Name |
火力号令 | Fire Command | Skill Name |
烟雾弹 | Smoke Grenade | Skill Name |
闪光弹 | Flashbang | Skill Name |
掩护号令 | Cover Command | Skill Name |
精确压制 | Precision Suppression | Skill Name |
照明弹 | Flare | Skill Name |
歼灭号令 | Annihilation Command | Skill Name |
冲锋号令 | Charge Command | Skill Name |
突击号令 | Assault Command | Skill Name |
火力压制 | Firepower Supression | Skill Name |
力场盾 | Force Shield | Skill Name |
手榴弹 | Hand Grenade | Skill Name |
掩护专注 | Cover Focus | Skill Name |
燃烧弹 | Incendiary Grenade | Skill Name |
锁定射击 | Locked Shot | Skill Name |
沉稳射击 | Designated Shot | Skill Name |
火力专注 | Firepower Focus | Skill Name |
瞄准射击 | Aimed Shot | Skill Name |
突击专注 | Assault Focus | Skill Name |
阻断射击 | Interdiction Shot | Skill Name |
锁链射击 | Chain Shot | Skill Name |
突击专注 | Attack Focus | Skill Name |
杀伤榴弹 | Anti-personnel Grenade | Skill Name |
强袭专注 | Raid Focus | Skill Name |
爆破榴弹 | High-explosive Grenade | Skill Name |
冲锋专注 | Charge Focus | Skill Name |
连珠终结 | Barrage End | Skill Name |
猎杀冲动 | Hunting Impulse | Skill Name |
蓄势待发 | Lock and Load | Skill Name |
掩护压制 | Cover Suppression | Skill Name |
突击压制 | Assault Supression | Skill Name |
掩护号令 | Cover Command | Skill Name |
狂躁血脉 | Frenzy | Skill Name |
突击者之眼 | Assault Eye | Skill Name |
精确专注 | Precision Focus | Skill Name |
隐秘号令 | Conceal Command | Skill Name |
精确号令 | Precision Command | Skill Name |
穿刺号令 | Piercing Command | Skill Name |
终结打击 | Terminating shot | Skill Name |
震荡打击 | Burst Impact | Skill Name |
防护专注 | Ironside Concentration | Skill Name |
生存本能 | Survival Instinct | Skill Name |
巨羚号角 | Big Antelope's Horn | Skill Name |
暴动宣告 | Ultimatum | Skill Name |
至高枪弹 | Ammo Supremacy | Skill Name |
蚀刻理论 | Theory of Etching | Story & Lore |
先进数据进程工具 | ASST (Advance Statistic Session Tool) | Story & Lore |
控制台 | Console | Dorm |
兑换券 | White Ticket/Exchange Coupon | Dorm |
兑换 | Trade Station | Dorm |
牧月之邀 | Prairial Invitation | T-Doll Costume |
黑兔玛奇朵 | Black Rabbit Macchiato | T-Doll Costume |
月之海 | Luna Sea | T-Doll Costume |
灯火下的女王 | Queen Under the Chandelier | T-Doll Costume |
舞会休止符 | Prom's Rest Sign | T-Doll Costume |
祭典强音! | The festival's fortissimo! | T-Doll Costume |
绸缪夜曲 | Affectionate Nocturne | T-Doll Costume |
星之茧 | Cocoon of Stars | T-Doll Costume |
深红的星途 | Scarlet Starway | T-Doll Costume |
月光舞会 | Moonlight Prom | Furniture Set |
都市摄影棚 | Urban Photo Studio | Furniture Set |
洋葱枪手 | Onion Gunner | T-Doll Costume |
变身!泰迪熊! | Transform! Teddy Bear! | T-Doll Costume |
拇指公主 | Thumbelina | T-Doll Costume |
小流浪家 | Little Nomad | T-Doll Costume |
小小招待员 | Petit Waitress | T-Doll Costume |
糖果小镇 | Candy Town | Furniture Set |
童心圆 | Kindergarten | Furniture Set |
伞计划 | Plan Parapluie | Story & Lore |