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Story/Emergency 9-2 (Part1)/Script

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Havier: So, where do we start?
Why don’t we start from…that unlucky Lyco?

Kryuger: ……
I’m regretful for what happened to Lyco.

Havier: No no, there’s no need for regret. This is fate, a mission handed to him by God. It just so happened that he was the unlucky fellow who took the fall.
Carter should’ve mentioned that he wanted something, right? Something called… “Elisa”?

Kryuger: ...The AI that’s been commanding Sangvis Ferri to fight against us.

Havier: Elisa. What a nice name. But is she really that important? So important that the military has to make such a big hubbub out of dealing with her?

Kryuger: This is to pave the way for the future of Doll technology. The military needs to obtain better Doll technology as a contingency for the future.

Havier: Hahahaha! Oh my…Mr. Kryuger...
Do you really believe the crap that Carter spews out of his mouth? I work in the Doll industry and can tell you that a self-operating AI is no better than the thousand-strong force of my company.
Not to mention, they’re merely Dolls... Why would those wily old foxes baptized by war even care about mere infantry support equipment in this day and age?

Kryuger: You mean...

Havier: What network does Sangvis Ferri use? What was Elisa’s design based on?

Kryuger: OGAS…? You mean Carter wants that OGAS system? Wasn’t it abandoned in the 80s?

Havier: Now you’re getting on track. Luckily we’re not under the rule of those silly leaders from the 80s anymore, otherwise we’d all be digging for potatoes in Siberia.
What I can tell you is that this thing was not unearthed from any good place. It…used to be the place that everyone paid attention to.

Kryuger: …...

Havier: I would say that this thing might not be what Carter himself wants, Mr. Kryuger.
Carter is merely an insignificant cog in the machine. As for the true mastermind behind this plot… Hehehe…
I’m sure you’re aware that a nation-transcending alliance is slowly forming.
Yet, there always exist certain conservative forces that wish to prevent such monumental inceptions. The victor tends to be the side with the most power.

[...Havier scoots over to Kryuger’s side.]

Havier: Mr. Kryuger, the reason I came here today is to give you a piece of advice. Don’t be the small bird caught in the midst of a storm.
The storm will tear apart everything in its path, regardless of whether that small bird intended to be there or not.

[...Havier gets up and prepares to leave.]

Havier: If I were to lose a big customer like you, I wouldn’t know how to face the board of directors. I’d still like to build up my retirement nest egg, you know.

Kryuger: …

[...Just then, the door opens.]

Carter: Apologies for the wait. The issue has been… Havier!

Havier: (Glances at Kryuger) See, I was right. Five minutes.

Carter: I knew it was you! No one else would do such a thing!
Havier, how dare you shame me on such an occasion!

Havier: Oh my, General Carter, whatever could you be referring to? As an esteemed officer, I think you ought to be more prudent in your speech.

Carter: Get out of my sight right this instant, or I’ll break your other leg with that walking stick of yours!

Havier: Fine, fine. You’re the big shot General. I’ll leave now.

[...Havier presses up to Kryuger’s ear.]

Havier: All I did was hire some people to deflate all the guests’ car tires. Oh, except yours. Hehehe...

[...Havier gets up and prepares to leave.]

Havier: Oh, and Mister Commander over there, you seem like a promising person. We’ll most likely meet again in the near future.
Well then, everyone, I bid you farewell.