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SIG MCX/Quotes

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SIG MCX Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哟,指挥官。接下来的日子,要好好相处哦。 やっほ~指揮官くん。これからじっくり仲を深めていこうね。Play 안녕, 지휘관. 앞으로 사이좋게 지내자. Yo, Commander. Let's get along from now on.
Secretary 咦?生气了?太好了,这样多精神!没精打采的才不像样子。 ん?怒った?よかった、元気出たみたいで!しょげてるのはらしくないよ?Play 응? 화났어? 잘됐네! 어때, 정신 확 들지? 기운 없는 모습이야말로 꼴불견이라구. Hm? Are you mad? Wonderful, you look much more lively now. Being listless and all doesn't suit you.
有什么麻烦困难都可以跟我说,毕竟我也勉强算个警察呢。 困ったときはあたしを頼ってね。これでも一応は警察なんだから。Play 어려운 일 있으면 나한테 말해 줘, 나도 일단은 경찰이야. Let me know if you've got any problems or difficulties. After all, I AM a cop of sorts.
只有一种情绪的话对身体很不好哟,要不要跟我玩个游戏?体验一下输赢到极点的情绪波动。 気分転換しないのも体に毒だよ?だからさ、あたしとゲームしない?極限の勝負がもたらすコーフンってやつを味わわせてあげる。Play 가끔씩은 기분을 전환해야 몸에 좋다구. 나랑 게임 좀 할래? 염통이 쫄깃해지는 승부에서의 감정 기복을 한번 느껴봐♪ Having only one mood is very bad for the body, you know. How about playing a game with me? That way you can experience the extreme emotional fluctuations of winning and losing.
Secretary (post OATH)
새로운 카드 게임 룰이 떠올랐어! 빨리 나랑 한판 하자! 히히, 어딜 도망가려고? 내 아이디어에 지휘관은 처음부터 끝까지 함께야~
Commander, come quick, I just thought of a new way to play cards! Hehe, don't think you can run away, I designed it to include you from beginning to end, you know~
有一种游戏只能两个人参与,戒指好像就是这种游戏的证物呢,戴上它似乎就绑定了某种关系, 你确定吗?哎呀看来以后我的游戏总要习惯你的存在了呢。
参加人数が二人だけのゲームがあるの。指輪はゲーム参加の証で、つけるととある関係が結ばれるんだって。 ……ほんとに参加するの?なら今度から、あたしのゲームは君の存在ありきになるね。
단 두 사람만이 플레이할 수 있는 게임이 있는데... 반지는 그 게임의 증표고, 손가락에 끼우면 모종의 관계가 맺어진다고 해. 정말 괜찮겠어? 이런, 아무래도 앞으로는 내 게임엔 항상 지휘관의 존재도 신경써야겠는걸.
There is a kind of game that can only be played by two people, and this ring seems to be a representation of that game. Once you put it on, it seems you'll be bound into a certain kind of relationship. Are you sure you want to do this? Oh my, it looks like I'll need to get used to your presence in all my future games.
Greeting 今天有什么安排?要不要来一局…… 今日何か予定ある?無いならワンゲームいかがかな……?Play 오늘 일정은 어떻게 돼? 여유 있으면 나랑 게임 한 판 어때? What do you have lined up for today? Want to play a round...?
T-Doll Produced 又有人可以参与到我的小游戏里了。 ゲームの参加者がまたひとり。Play 내 게임의 플레이어가 또 늘어났네~ One more person who can take part in my little game.
Joining an echelon 果然还是少不了我的出场。 やっぱりあたしの存在は欠かせないよね。Play 역시 내가 빠질 수 없구나♪ Turns out I'm essential after all.
Enhancement 哎呀,从很强变得更强了呢。 わ~お、鬼に金棒だねこりゃ。Play 와아, 안 그래도 강했는데 더 강해졌네? Oh my, I've gone from very strong to even stronger.
Dummy-linking 开玩笑的乐趣要成倍放大了哟。 からかう楽しみも倍々ゲームだね!Play 장난의 즐거움이 배로 늘겠는걸. The joy of joking around is going to be multiplied.
Logistics (start) 最喜欢去新的地方了,没有戒心的小可爱是游戏最好的参与者。 行ったことのない場所に行くのは好きだよ。警戒心の無いカワイ子ちゃんはゲームへ参加させるのにぴったりだからね~Play 낯선 곳으로 가는 게 정말 좋더라. 경계심 없는 귀염둥이는 최상급 플레이어거든. I love going to new places. Cuties with no sense of wariness are the best for roping into games.
Logistics (end) 时间真是短暂啊。 時間が経つのは早いね~Play 우와, 시간 참 빨리도 지나가는구나. Oh, how time flies.
Autobattle 搞砸也是乐趣之一……别害怕,我只是简单开个玩笑。 滅茶苦茶にするのも楽しみの一つなんだ……そんなビクビクしないでよ、軽いジョークじゃん。Play 트롤링도 하나의 재미지... 농담이야 농담, 걱정 마. Messing up is also kind of fun... Don't be scared, I was just kidding.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我早就准备好了,出发吧。 準備ならできてるよ、行こう。Play 난 진작에 준비됐으니까, 출발하자. I've been ready for a while. Let's move out.
Starting a battle 哎呀,发现敌人了。 あ~あ、君、見つかっちゃったんだ。Play 어머나, 적이 보이네. Oh dear, we've discovered the enemy.
Skill activation 振作起来嘛,战斗可是很激烈的游戏。 ほらほらもっと頑張って、戦闘はハードなゲームなんだからさ。Play 기운 내, 전투는 치열한 게임이야. Pull yourself together, battle is a very intense game.
别这么严肃,有我在一定会赢的。 そんな神経尖らせなくたって、あたしがいれば勝利間違いなしだよ。Play 인상 풀어, 내가 있으면 반드시 이긴다고. Oh, don't be so grim. With me around we're sure to win.
来点刺激的。 刺激的なのをどーぞ。Play 자극적인 거 한 방! Let's add a bit of excitement.
Heavily damaged 这次玩得好像稍微过头了点…… ちょっと遊びすぎちゃったかな……Play 이번엔 장난이 좀 지나쳤나 보네... I think this game went a little overboard...
Retreat 换个方向看,也是前进嘛。 見方を変えれば、これだって前進でしょ?Play 후퇴도 따지고 보면 다른 방향으로 전진하는 거라잖아? This is also a form of progress from a different point of view.
MVP 欸,我都没有用上全力。 えぇ~、まだ本気出してないのに~Play 앗, 아직 전력을 다하지도 않은 것 같은데. Ah, I don't think I used my full strength.
Restoration 不用太在意,就算把扑克牌遗忘在哪个部位我也不会生气的,大不了重头再来。 大丈夫大丈夫、トランプを素体の中に置き忘れたぐらいじゃ怒んないよ。もう一度解体すればいいんだしさ。Play 너무 화내지 마, 어차피 다 뜯어볼 예정이었잖아? 카드를 어디다 숨겼든 상관없잖아 그럼. Don't let it bother you too much, I won't get mad even if you forget the poker cards somewhere. At most, we'll just start all over again.
Attack 准备好,该冲锋了。 準備して、突撃の時間だ!Play 준비해, 돌격할 거야. We're ready, we ought to be charging them now.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 把恶作剧的模样写在脸上就一点也不恶作剧了,丧失了恶作剧的真正精髓,哎,这种事还是得我来嘛。 イタズラしますって感じを丸出しにしてたら、もうそれはイタズラじゃないよね。イタズラの醍醐味が無くなっちゃってるって言うか。ま、こういうのはやっぱりあたしの出番だよね。Play 장난칠 생각을 얼굴에 다 드러내고 다니면 알맹이가 없지. 역시, 이런 건 내가 나서야 한다니까. The essence of true pranking is lost when your intentions are written all over your face. (Sigh) In the end, you still need me for that sort of thing.
Christmas 指挥官,礼物的话我已经想好了,不如送我新的扑克吧?最好是钢钛合金打造的,要是嫌重的话那普通合金的也行,我不挑哟。 指揮官くん、プレゼントならさ。新しいトランプがいいな、できればチタン合金のヤツ。重いのが嫌なら普通の合金製でもいいよ、別に。Play 지휘관, 나 받고 싶은 선물 정했어. 포커 새 걸로 하나 사 줘! 제일 좋은 건 티타늄 합금제인데, 너무 무거우면 그냥 합금도 괜찮아. Commander, I've thought of what I want for a present. Why not give me a new poker deck? Ideally, the cards would be made of titanium alloy, but if you think that's too heavy a regular alloy will do, I'm not picky.
New Year's Day 指挥官,新年快乐!不来个红包展示一下友好关系吗? しっきか~んく~ん、あけおめ~!早速だけど、お年玉で友好を示してはいかがかな?


지휘관, 새해 복 많이 받아~ 우정을 다지는 의미로 세뱃돈 주라! Happy New Year, Commander! Won't you give me a red packet as a show of friendship?
Valentine's day 哟,今天的节日很适合来一场多人游戏,指挥官有没有兴趣?别紧张,只是普通的扑克牌而已。 やっほー、今日はみんなでゲームをするのにピッタリの日だね。指揮官くんもどう?そう身構えないでよ、ふつーのトランプだってば。


저기, 오늘 같은 날엔 여럿이서 놀기 좋은데 혹시 흥미 있어? 별건 아니고, 그냥 포커야. Yo, today's a good day for a multi-player game. Not interested, Commander? Relax, it's just an ordinary game of poker.
Tanabata 牛郎是带着两个孩子跟织女在鹊桥上相见吗?四个人的扑克,刚好是标准局。 彦星は子供を二人連れてカササギ橋で織姫と会うんでしょ?四人かぁ、ポーカーするのにはちょーど良い人数だね。


견우는 자식 둘이랑 함께 직녀랑 만나는 거야? 4명이라... 딱 스탠다드 포커네. Didn't Hikoboshi bring two kids to meet Orihime on the magpie bridge? That makes a full table of four for a proper game of poker.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 别紧张,先防守比较重要。 まぁまぁ、先に守りを固めるのも大事だよ。Play 침착해, 지금은 수비하는 게 중요해. Relax, defending is more important for now.
Phrase 猜猜看这张牌是什么? このカードの数字、当ててみて?Play 이건 무슨 카드게~? Want to guess what card this is?
Tip 收敛是什么?这种词可不会出现在我的字典里,说起来——最近有一种新的游戏…… 大人しくするってなに?そんな言葉あたしの辞書には載ってないよ?それよりさっ、こんなゲームがあるんだけど……Play 자제? 그게 뭐야? 내 사전에 그런 단어는 없어. 그러고 보니 최근에 이런 게임을 알게 됐는데 말이야... What does it mean to be reserved? That word doesn't exist in my dictionary. Speaking of which, there's been a new game going around recently...
Loading 游戏中比的就是心态,你不会那么急吧? ゲームってのは心理戦なんだから、焦りは禁物だよ~?Play 게임은 인내심의 경합이라고. 벌써 못 참겠다는 건 아니지? What a game tests is your mental state. You aren't in such a hurry, are you?