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M26-MASS Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 嗨嗨嗨我是M26-MASS!从今天起正式加入这里啦!你是指挥官对吧?有需要喊我一声就行,我随时待命! Play Hello, hello, hello! I'm M26-MASS! I'm officially a part of Griffin as of today! You're the Commander, right? If you need anything, just give me a shout, I'm always ready!
Secretary 我好像在哪里见过你——啊这绝对不是搭讪,看我真诚的双眼!看我闪亮的内心!看我……喂喂别走啊! Play I feel like I've seen you before...oh, I'm not trying to chat you up! Look into my sincere eyes and pure heart! Look at my...hey, don't go!
哇今天食堂里居然有香肠披萨!光吃这个多腻呀,我去切点芒果来!嗯?怎么感觉有人盯着我,是杀手吗?格里芬的食堂怎么会有杀手? Play Wow, they're serving sausage pizza at the cafeteria today! But isn't that a bit heavy on its own? I'll cut some mango to add on top! Hm? I feel a gaze on me. Is it an assassin? How come there are assassins in Griffin's cafeteria?
指挥官,我们叫上几十人出去团建吧?整天憋在基地里都要长霉了——啥,为什么我不去喊人……我要是叫得到还用你……啊不是,我就想跟你一起玩! Play Commander, let's go on a team-building trip with some other dolls! I'm bored out of my mind hanging around the base all day...huh? Why don't I get people to join...I wouldn't be asking you if I could get them to listen...uh I mean...I just want to spend some time with you!
Secretary (post OATH)
I thought I saw a few fellow pizza enthusiasts here just a second ago. Why have they gone?
An Oath? Haven't we been spending lots of time together already? Oh...so it will be an even more intimate relationship...I see...Commander, I totally understand what you're trying to get across! I'll save you the biggest slice next time I'm making fruit cocktail and seafood pizza!
Greeting 指挥官,今天我们吃什么? Play
T-Doll Produced 哇我要看看哪个小伙伴来了——诶,我一看你就特别眼熟! Play
Joining an echelon 都站我身后来——吃饱了饭的我现在干劲十足! Play
Enhancement 唔,仿佛刚吃完两块菠萝龙虾披萨! Play
Dummy-linking 来吧,我亲爱的朋友! Play
Logistics (start) 哇好像要去很远的地方了,不过没事,我会准备所有人的食物! Play
Logistics (end) 指挥官,我把你要的货齐齐整整的带回来了! Play
Autobattle 啊就是这套策略对吧?我已经很熟练了! Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 放心吧,我已经带好干粮了! Play
Starting a battle 让我看看是哪个不长眼的在对面。 Play
Skill activation 冲吧,我膨胀的战斗欲! Play
感受到我的力量了吗? Play
休想找到我的破绽! Play
Heavily damaged ……再坚持会儿……火龙果披萨在等我…… Play
Retreat 呃……战术性撤退才不是失败! Play
MVP 哼哼很轻松的战斗嘛,下顿饭我来请客! Play
Restoration 我觉得我还可以再加一个胃。 Play
Attack 嘿嘿,到我的专场了! Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 南瓜灯……彩虹软糖……等等,我有一个好想法!让我来做一个应季的特色披萨吧! Play
Christmas 圣诞老人到底是怎么爬到别人家里的?这个技术我也想学一下,这样下次被人拒之门外的时候我就有办法了! Play
New Year's Day 诶诶诶过年了吗?会不会有庆典啊?庆典上得准备披萨吧?我可以下厨帮忙的哇——绝对不会偷偷往烤炉里面塞水果,真的不会!


Valentine's day 情人节啊,好像是要互相送礼物的绝佳时刻!我这就去准备三百个榴莲霸王蟹披萨。


Tanabata 一年只见一次?那得吃什么才能匹配得上这种仪式感啊?


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 唔,还是不要这么激进。 Play
Phrase 哎嘿嘿嘿—— Play
Tip 哎怎么有人踩我?哼,罚你等下陪我吃点心,不准挑食! Play
Loading 这点时间用来做一个披萨,会不会太赶了点? Play