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Savage 99/Quotes

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Savage 99 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您好,指挥官,我是沙维奇,狮鹫小队的狙击手……虽然我既不穿白色也不是幽灵,但请相信我一定会成为下一个明日之星。 Play Hello, Commander. I'm Savage, a Griffin sniper... While I'm not wearing white nor am I a ghost, please believe me when I say that will be the guiding star of tomorrow.
Secretary 我并不是在追名逐利,只是想要体验那样的成就感。真正成功的特工永远不为人所知,往往留给他们自己的只有回忆……我也想要能让我自己满足的回忆。 Play I'm not after fame and fortune, I just want to experience the feeling of accomplishment. A truly successful agent is never acknowledged, and they only leave memories for themselves... I too wish to leave behind memories that I can be satisfied with.
指挥官!要跟我一起去打猎吗?我刚刚跟M500小姐聊了很多,没想到您这里居然有在组织这样的活动,我很期待——那么,您是打算成为我的队友,还是劲敌呢? Play Commander! Do you want to go hunting with me? I just spoke with Miss M500. I never would've expected you to organize an event like this. I'm really looking forward to -- So, does that make you an ally or a rival?
我跟帕罗沙搭档的时间其实并不久,但仿佛已经过去了很多年一样。如果您也见过她就会知道,她有一种独特的魅力,该怎么说呢……就像您一样,或许这就是所谓的领袖气质吧。 Play The time I've partnered up with Perosa hasn't been long, but it seems that many years have passed. If you have met her, you will know that she has a unique charm, how to put it... Just like you, maybe this is the so-called "leadership temperament."
Secretary (post OATH)
...I'm not disappointed that we didn't go out into the wilderness, but if you really want to do something to make up for it, how about a three-day infected hunting tour in the yellow zone?
...Actually, I've thought of such a moment long ago, so I guess you did as well? It makes me happy that our ideas are the same... In that case, you must be ready to enjoy our honeymoon out in the wilderness! Come on, let's set out!
Greeting 早安,指挥官。您休息的可太久了些,传奇的道路上可没那么悠闲喔。 Play Good morning, Commander. You've been resting for too long, and the legendary road is never that leisurely.
T-Doll Produced 新的伙伴已经苏醒了,去迎接一下吧,指挥官。 Play A new comrade has awoken. Let's go and greet them, Commander.
Joining an echelon 我一定能让各位吓一跳的,您等着看吧。 Play I'm certain that you will all be pleasantly surprised with me. Please wait and see.
Enhancement 又更加接近了…… Play I've gotten a little closer...
Dummy-linking 这是取得成功的必经之路。 Play This is the only way to success.
Logistics (start) 希望不会是一场简单无趣的旅行。 Play Hopefully this won't be a simple and boring trip.
Logistics (end) 路上发现了很多有价值的目标,现在都在这里了。 Play There were many valuable targets on the road, and now they are here.
Autobattle 随机应变的话,刚好可以试试另一种打法了。 Play If you adapt to the circumstances, you can simply try another style of play.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发!在历史的车轮上刻下属于我们的车辙吧。 Play Move out! Let us carve our mark onto the wheel of history.
Starting a battle 有成功者,就会有失败者……我不当后者。 Play Where there are winners, there are losers... I am not the latter.
Skill activation 锁定,射击! Play Locked on, shoot!
不过是白费力气。 Play It's just a waste of effort.
成为历史的尘埃吧! Play Become the dust Of history.
Heavily damaged 我还是太嫩了吗……要学的还有很多吧。 Play Was I too naive...it seems I still have a lot to learn.
Retreat 保存有生力量才有未来,这里就先…… Play There can only be a future if you preserve your vitality. For now, let's...
MVP 还不够呢,这只是里程碑的一块基石而已。 Play
Restoration 好想快点回到前线…… Play
Attack 帮我掩护一下! Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 因为擅长隐藏行迹,在扮鬼的时候着实吓到了不少人,不过,我应该为这样的成就感到高兴吗……? Play
Christmas 等待漫长的一年,只为了今天这短暂的幸福时光,有点划不来。我是说,如果用陷阱把圣诞老人捕获起来的话……哦,不可以啊…… Play
New Year's Day 回望过去,可以看到自己走过的脚印是否扎实,而向前看,那片尚没有探索的未来更充满了可能。


Valentine's day 巧克力的话,我倒是知道一种辣椒巧克力的做法,是偏远地带必备的提神食品,这里还有一些,尝尝看吧。


Tanabata 愿望的话,早一步抵达我所梦想的顶峰……吧。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 我给你们掩护! Play
Phrase 很好。 Play
Tip 无论是多大的猎物,对我来说都不在话下。 Play
Loading 耐心是狩猎的一环。 Play