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Type 4/Quotes

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Type 4 Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 四式自动步枪,向您问安。您若有何需求,请尽管向吾辈下达命令! 四式自動小銃、ただいま入隊したのであります!御用の「」何なりと思いつけください!Play 4식 자동소총이 삼가 아뢰오니, 이 몸이 필요한 일이 있다면 얼마든지 분부를 내려 주시옵소서! Type 4 automatic rifle, sending you our regards. If perchance you should have any need, permit us the honor of your commands!
Secretary 有什么可以交给吾辈执行的工作,请尽管吩咐,主公……呃,指挥官。 我輩に出来る仕事があれば、何なりと思いつけしてください、主君!いいえ、指揮官どの…Play 소녀에게 맡길 일이 있다면 주저 말고 명을 내려주옵소서, 주군... 아, 아니라, 지휘관 나리! If any task seems fit for you to give to us, please do not hesitate, Master- um, I mean, Commander.
截稿日,截稿日就快要……这样下去会赶不上死线……啊,没事,指挥官!吾辈什么也没说! 締め切り…締め切りが…このままだと原稿が落ちて…し、指揮官どの!何でもないのであります!Play 으으, 마감일이 벌써 코앞까지... 이러다간 기한까지 원고를 완성 못할 수도... 앗, 지휘관 나리! 아무것도 아니옵니다! Due date, it's almost the due date... I don't think I'll make the deadline at this rate... Ah, it's nothing, Commander! We didn't say anything!
……您说看到了网上匿名连载,指挥官做主角的少女漫画?吾、吾辈没听说过那样的东西,指挥官真爱说笑啊。 指揮官殿が試訳の漫画が、ネットで匿名連載されていると?ご、ご冗談を…!我輩はそのようなものは見た覚えはないのであります!Play 누가 지휘관 나리가 주인공인 순정 만화를 익명 연재하고 있단 말이옵니까...? 무, 무슨 농담을...! 소소... 소녀는 그런 거 드, 듣도 보도 못했사옵니다! You've read a Shoujo manga online by an anonymous author, which has the Commander as the main character? W-what of it? We don't know anything about such a thing. You sure like to joke, Commander.
Secretary (post OATH)
指揮官殿は、「」がますます上手くになってきたでありますな。我輩が思うに貴方様は、いつかきっと、一厘の アシスタントであります!しかし、もっとも大事なことは、指揮官殿が…我輩の一番目の読者になること…なので!今回のストリーはいかがでしたか?
지휘관의 먹칠과 스크린톤 붙이는 솜씨가 나날이 느는 것이 보이옵니다. 분명 장차 일류 어시스트가 될 것이 틀림없사옵니다! 하지만, 역시... 나리가 첫 독자가 되어 주는것이 제일이옵니다. 그런고로, 이번 화 내용은 어떻사옵니까?
The Commander's shading techniques sure are improving steadily. We think that one day, you have the potential to be a professional manga assistant! However, it's more important for you to be our first reader... For this scene, won't you tell us your feelings about it?
소녀에게 이걸...? 자, 잠깐... 전개가 딱 꿈 아니옵니까?! 만화 속의 스토리에 빠져 있다가 바로 다음 순간 깨어나는... 아얏! 정말 꿈이 아닌 것인가... 지휘관 나리, 소녀를 이토록 소중히 해 준 은혜, 전심전력으로 보답하겠사옵니다!
...For us? Wait, hold on, this type of development, are we dreaming? We must be fantasizing again, I gotta wake up!... Ow! So it's really not a dream... Commander... if you hold us to such importance in your heart, we will do our utmost to return your feelings!
Greeting 御分を!Play 무운을 비나이다! Greetings!
T-Doll Produced 我が郡に新たな助っ人か!吉報であります!Play 이 몸에게 새로운 어시스트가! 좋은 소식이옵니다! So you're the army new helper! This is a good news!
Joining an echelon 指揮官殿に見込まれるとは、恐悦至極であります!Play 지휘관 나리께서 소녀를 신뢰하여 주시니, 대단히 기쁘기 그지없사옵니다. For you to put your trust in me, I'm extremely and humbly delighted!
Enhancement 兵器には、月月火水木金金…であります!Play 병기(兵器)의 삶이란, 「월월화수목금금」이옵니다! A weapon's job is seven days a week!
Dummy-linking ミッションに一人、原稿に一人、指揮官殿の護衛に一人。んん、少なくともダミーは三体必要でありますね。Play 임무에 하나, 원고에 하나, 지휘관 나리를 모시는데 하나, 음.... 더미는 적어도 3명은 있어야 할 것 같사옵니다. This one is for mission, this one for writing manuscript, this one for escorting Commander. Hmm, I'll need at least three dummies for these tasks.
Logistics (start) 川を渡って…道を越えて…どこへ行こうか…Play 강을 건너~ 길을 지나서~ 어디로 갈까요~♪ Crossing the river... pass through the road... where would we go...
Logistics (end) 我輩が凱旋したのであります。暖かいお茶、もらいますか?Play 개선했사옵니다. 지휘관 나리, 뜨끈한 차를 내주실 수 있사옵니까? I've made my triumphal return. Could you give me some warm tea?
Autobattle 指揮官殿は隊によう我輩に…恐悦至極であります!Play 지휘관 나리께서 이러한 중임을 맡기시다니... 성은이 망극하옵니다.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 指揮官殿の命が従い、我輩は必ず、敵軍を撃つのであります!Play 지휘관 나리의 명에 따라 필히 적을 섬멸하는 것이옵니다. Following Commander's order, I'll definitely, shoot through enemy ranks!
Starting a battle 敵手!全員戦闘準備!Play 적습이다! 전원 전투 준비! It's the enemy! Everyone, prepare for battle!
Skill activation 覚悟!Play 각오해라! Steel yourself!
鎧袖一色!Play 식은 죽 먹기다! Defeat them with a single blow!
我輩の弾丸は外さないのであります!Play 소녀의 총알은 빗나가지 않사옵니다! My bullet won't miss!
Heavily damaged 我輩も...桜の如く散り行くのでありますか?Play 소녀도.... 벚꽃처럼 지는 것이옵니까..? Will I... scatter like a cherry blossom?
Retreat これは…面目次第のございます!Play 이건... 참으로 면목 없사옵니다... This... is also part of one's honour!
MVP えい、えい、おう!Play 에이, 에이, 오오! Hip, hip, hooray!
Restoration 指揮官殿心配させるなど…面目ない…Play 지휘관 나리가 걱정하게 만들다니 면목이 없사옵니다... I'm ashamed... to make you worry...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 我輩は今日、面白い出来事沢山見たのであります。作品なアイデアにはちょうどういいのであります。やはり、原稿を掘り出して出かけたのは正解だったのであります。Play I saw so many things happened today. They would make a good material for work. I knew it was a right call to go out. I managed to get lucky finding for my manuscript.
Christmas サンタクロウス?この演技の悪い名前のやからを迎えれるのでありますか?我輩はどうにもいい祝日だと思えないのであります。Play 산타...크로스...? 이름이 참 불길하게 들리는 자를 방에 들이는 것이옵니까? 소녀는 이게 좋은 명절로는 안 보이옵니다만. Santa Claus? Does this celebration used to welcome this guy with weird family name? I can't think this as a good holiday in any means.
New Year's Day 指揮官殿と初詣ですか?はい、最近我輩も締め切り。自主練で…早々疲れたのであります。外に出れば、なにかインスピレショんもらえるかも知れませんね。


지휘관 나리와 함께 새해 참배 말이옵니까? 예, 최근 소녀도 마감... 자유훈련으로 좀 지쳤으니... 밖의 바람 좀 쐬면 영감이 떠오를지도 모르겠군요. You're visiting the shrine Commander? Yeah, my deadline is close. After that voluntary practice... I was dead tired. Maybe I could get some inspiration outside.
Valentine's day 指揮官殿、受け取って欲しいであります!か、勘違いしないでください!これは義理のチョコ!我輩は、指揮官殿にそう言いた思いは一切ないのであります!


Commander, please take this! D-don't get it wrong! This is just obligatory chocolate! I absolutely have no special feelings for you!
Tanabata 指揮官殿が無事で営利ようにと。用意ひらめきがあるようにと。そして締め切りに間に合うようにとうむ、証明はやめておきましょう。このままで問題ないのであります。


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