Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | LTLX7000,报到。希望你是值得依靠的人,指挥官。 | LTLX 7000だ、よろしく頼む。指揮官、貴殿が信頼に値する人物だといいが。 | LTLX7000 reporting. I hope you're a reliable person, Commander. | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 为什么盯着我看?人类的痣是色素沉着,人形则只是一点装饰。不许碰,感觉很奇怪。 | なにを見ている?人間のホクロは色素沈着によるものだが、我々人形のものは単なる飾りだ。触るな、おかしな気分になる。 | y. | Why are you staring at me? Human moles are caused by melanin, while they're nothing more than decorations for dolls. Don't poke them, it feels weird. |
呼,沙发上真的很舒服……没什么事的话,我再呆一会儿……诶,指挥官?!已经到上班时间了吗?我立刻起来。 | フゥ……ソファーは最高だ……特に用もなければ、ここで一休みして……しっ、指揮官!?もう始業時間なのか?すぐに向かおう。 | Whew, the sofa's so comfy... if there's nothing else, I'll stay here for a while... ehhhh, Commander?! Is it time for work already? I'll get up right away. | ||
稍微有点累了吗,指挥官?我也……不,没什么。工作还没有处理完吗?已经快到下班时间了。 | 疲れたのか、指揮官?私も……いや、なんでもない。仕事はまだ終わらないのか?もうすぐ終業時間だぞ。 | Are you feeling tired, Commander? Me too...no, it's nothing. Have you finished your work yet? It's almost time to knock off. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 别摸了,我是开机状态哦,指挥官。我只是想和你一起在这里静静地多躺一会儿,就一小会儿……
撫で回すの大概にしろ!私は起きているぞ、指揮官... 。私はただ…ここであなたと静かに横になって居たいだけだ。ほんの少しの間で…構わないから…
Stop touching me, Commander, you know I'm already powered on. All I want is to lie here with you for a little while longer...
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OATH | 戒指?我不……不,事到如今,我不想再回避自己的心意了。指挥官,你大概早就知道了,我并不像看起来这样可靠,内心一直寻求你的支撑……你所期待的,是真正的我吗?如果是的话……来吧,我是你的了。
A ring? I don't... no. Things being what they are now, I no longer want to run away from my feelings. Commander, you probably know already, but I'm not as reliable as I look, and in my heart I have always been seeking your support... Is the real me what you're looking for? If it is... then come, I am yours.
| |
Greeting | 来得太晚了。不觉得让我一个人在这里等你很过分吗? | 遅い。私を独りにしておいて、心が痛まないのか? | You're late. Don't you think having me wait here by myself is a bit much? | |
T-Doll Produced | 有没有那种软乎乎的小人形可以摸? | 触り心地の良さそうな人形はいないのか? | Is there a doll that looks comfortable enough to touch? | |
Joining an echelon | 让我来领导大家?我……咳,我重视各位自己的判断。 | 私がリーダーに?そんなの、わ……ゴホン、私は各々の判断を尊重しよう。 | You want me to lead the others? I... ahem, I value everyone's judgement. | |
Enhancement | 如果性格也能像能力一样轻易改善的话就好了。 | この性格も、性能のように容易く改善できたら……。 | If only my personality could be as easily modified as my abilities. | |
Dummy-linking | 如果我们都有独立意志,就能够彼此依偎取暖了。 | もしダミーにも意志があれば、互いを慰め合うことができるのに。 | If we all have independent wills, then we can huddle up with each other for warmth. | |
Logistics (start) | 走之前,来拥抱一下?啊,开玩笑的。我先走了。 | 出る前に抱擁でも……いや、冗談だ。先に行くぞ。 | Before I go, could you give me a hug? Ah, I was just kidding. I'll be off. | |
Logistics (end) | 这些是清单上的物资,这些是意外的收获。全都给你。 | これらがリストに記されていた物資、そしてこれが偶然獲得したものだ。全て貴殿に授けよう。 | These items are on the list, and these were an unexpected harvest. They're all for you. | |
Autobattle | 交给我吧,会给你满意的结果的。 | 私に任せろ。満足のいく結果を持ち帰ろう。 | Leave it to me. I'll give you a satisfactory outcome. | |
Title | 少女前线 |
Girls' Frontline | |
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