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Story/Night 7-1 (Part1)/Script

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???: ...Let’s put it this way, Negev.
If today was to be your last day... If it’s gonna be over for you today, what would you do?

Negev: I...
I’m not sure...
I’d probably give myself a holiday. Read in the dorm, listen to some music, and water my flowers.

???: Water your flowers... So you like flowers too?

Negev: Well, I’m not crazy about them. It’s just a hobby.

???: How leisurely of you… Wouldn’t you want to make up for some of your regrets?

Negev: Regrets? With the precious time I have left? Why?

???: Don’t you have any regrets?

Negev: She once said...
“If someone tells the whole world ‘I love you’ on their very last day, they’re lying.”

???: But you never know how to lie, I know.

Negev: I just want to be myself, Jericho… The closer I am to dying, the more I want that.

[...Jericho chuckles with great difficulty in the shadows.]

Jericho: That’s exactly why I chose you...
To be my adjutant...over them...

Negev: I don’t know...
If I’ve actually made myself useful...

Jericho: Goes without saying that you’ve only been dragging us down ever since you joined us.

Negev: Yeah, I’m “a piece of junk with zero self-control”. Your exact words.

Jericho: Humph...
Let’s talk about something else. Something lighter.

Negev: Is the【Test】still not over?
Is this really necessary, Jericho? It’s been two hours. If the rescue party still can’t get to us, we’ll...

Jericho: The rescue party can’t get to us. That’s exactly why we should have a chat.

[...Negev takes a slow, deep breath.]

Negev: ...
Could this be...the final step of the 【Test】?

Jericho: Is there any other choice? Even I can’t think of anything else, not to mention you.
So, how have you been doing at Griffin recently?

Negev: (Sighs) You said you wanted to discuss a lighter subject...

Jericho: I’m sure you’re keeping something from me.

[...Negev falls silent for a while and finally sighs.]

Negev: Fine. There’s no hiding from you. I was planning to tell you at a more proper occasion.
A week ago, my squad carried out a major operation for the Commander.

Jericho: Wait, YOUR squad? You’re my adjutant.

Negev: It was temporary. I was ordered to lead a mission in Area S05 during your last recovery.

Jericho: Area S05? That’s not a very nice place.

Negev: Well, it was no better than the hellholes you’ve led us to.
Plus, I’ve taken an enemy head-on that even you would find surprising.

Jericho: You encountered the Mastermind?

Negev: One of her aces.

Jericho: And you lived? You expect me to believe a little girl like you defeated a Sangvis Elite and survived?
Go on then, tell me all about it. I want to know.

Negev: Ah, there it is again. Miss Jericho’s infamous “not really the best time”.

Jericho: I’m still your leader here. I won’t go easy on you.

Negev: Yeah, you’ve always been terrifying, even with your body like this...

Jericho: Even if there’s nothing left of it but my head, you have to obey me. As I’ve said before -

Negev: I know, I know. “You’re mine. All of my subordinates are mine.”

Jericho: And come closer. I can’t hear you very well anymore.

[...Negev sits up and shifts over.]

Negev: Now, where do we start?

Jericho: Start from the part where you hopped off the carrier. Skip over the part where you received your orders like a hotshot.

Negev: Tsk... Shame...
After receiving my orders, I led my subordinates off the carrier... Then...
Let me think...

Jericho: You must‘ve made a fool of yourself.

Negev: No, back then...I was...

Galil: Negev?

Negev: Oh, right. Galil called my name...


Galil: ...Negev. Negev?

Negev: ...Huh?

Galil: Don’t “huh” me. What are you spacing out for?


Negev: Back then, I was spacing out.

Jericho: See? Told ya.

Negev: I like thinking. Or have you forgotten?

Jericho: Yeah, I have What happened then? What did Galil say?

Negev: Same old things. Rambling on and worrying about everything. And ended up being right about everything.


Galil: Focus, Negev. Can’t you take this a bit more seriously?

Negev: Ha, I was just thinking about something.

Galil: Huh? Even you “think”? What was it that you said? That famous quote of yours? “Thinking...”

Negev: “Thinking is for idiots. Prodigies need only their ingenuity.”
But this is an important mission. I’m just being extra cautious.

Galil: Cautious? Ha ha. Look at me, Negev.
Let me see how you define “cautious”.

Negev: Being cautious means I want you to help me with recon.

Galil: Give me a route that’ll allow me to finish mapping out the area without dying. Then I’ll go.

Negev: Humph, you make it sound like a challenge for me.

Galil: Might not be for you, not sure about our superior. Don’t make trouble for the Commander.

Negev: Everything is up to fate. I’m just an enforcer.

Galil: Lovely. More Negev-esque quotes… Yep, you’re still you.
I’m off to make my prep. Contact the Commander.


Jericho: I didn’t know you can be so cocky.

Negev: Being self-assured and being cocky are two different things.
Any T-Doll will become an elite under your hellish training.

Jericho: IF she survives it.

Negev: That’s why I’m the only elite.
As I’ve promised, I’ll make it till the very end.


Negev: Good evening, Commander. Did you sleep well? I hope you’ve adjusted your biorhythm properly.
Have you finished reading the mission brief?
...Hey, is that a yawn? I told you to fix your body clock, didn’t I?
...I don't want to hear your excuses. Go wash your face and let’s begin the operation.


Negev: Feeling better, Commander? Can we start?
This mission is highly dangerous. We’re heading deep into Sangvis territory to retrieve something. Conflict with S.F. is probable.
The Ringleader presiding over the area is still unidentified, but don’t worry. Just listen to my advice.
As a Griffin elite, it’s my job to help you achieve victory. Trust me.
Now let’s be on our way!