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PNC Story/Inverted Mordent Resonance Nodes

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"I can't sleep yet, I still have work to do..."

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This is a transcript of event nodes in combat stages of the Inverted Mordent Resonance event in Project Neural Cloud.

Node Choices
Uwah! Sanctifiers are patrolling the streets of Burbank! Hide yourselves, everyone!
"Relax, Sol. If you look closely, you'll see that they're just agents dressed like Sanctifiers."
"It's true... These agents are waaaay too daring when it comes to the subject of their cosplays..."
Is it that exciting? Let's give it a try too!
There might be real Sanctifiers among them. We'd best be cautious.
Node Choices
Little Burbank agent: "Yahoo! Let's go out and do bad things together! Peaceful festivals are too boring!"
Big Burbank agent: "Break stuff! Break stuff! Break stuff!"
Burbank agents Of All Shapes And Sizes: "Say no to order! Down with Cyber Corp!"
Let's do bad things together!
Maybe it's going too far?
Node Choices
Is the script for the festival's Mysterious Warrior show ready? The submission date is coming up.
"I still want to make some changes to it..."
"There's no need for that. After all, whether it's writing a new screenplay or fixing an existing one, we agents follow the standard story patterns within our programming."
You have a point, there's no need to add to our workload.
I still want to try changing it.
Node Choices
Eos: "That was an amusing experience, though it had its ups and downs. Still, half of my business has been taken care of, at least."
Professor: "Do I only count as "half" of your business?"
Eos: "Surely you jest. It's isn't that you're not important, but I don't believe in mixing personal and public affairs."
So I'm a personal affair for you, then?
Looks like Eucharist messed up big time.
Node Choices
Meryl: "The response to this show was great! As I thought, it was a risky move, but a well-played one. I want each of you to prepare a new project draft, we're going to start work on the next season of "Mysterious Warrior" this weekend."
"An excellent actor provides endless inspiration for a director. I'd like nothing more than to being shooting new episodes right now. Ah, speaking of which, we haven't decided on the cast for the new episodes, should I head over to the Oasis for a bit..."
Leave it to us!
I think we'll pass...
Node Choices
"So how did Nascita join the Mysterious Warrior cast?"
"When she was lost, she was shown the way by the script from the original "Mysterious Warrior" series. Unfortunately, the writer who penned it was no longer around by then."
"Ah... You mean... Sorry."
It's alright, the spirit of love and justice is still around.
I wonder what he'd think if he saw today's tokusatsu shows.
Node Choices
"I'm sorry, Sol, I really just don't have the courage after all..." "Nas-ci-ta! Why did you become Dark Warrior N? Why does the Director trust you like she does? And why are you so popular whenever you appear on stage? The answer to all of those is the same thing—because you're already qualified to be the main character!" "...?" "Ehhhh, did it fall flat? I was just trying to encourage you by imitating a quote I heard from somewhere." Thank you, Sol. I feel braver now!
But I think you picked the wrong quote...
(Gets into the part) I'm... the main character?
Node Choices
"We've almost finished programming the Traders. What kind of personality should we give them?
"No, I want them to have randomly-generated personalities."
We can only meet the needs of our various customers with varied individuals.
Their differences will make them unequal, and it will force them to pursue profit.
I mean, it's more interesting that way, right?
Node Choices
"Puzzle? Anyone who's seen the newsletter edition of "Cyber Biennial" would know. She was the subject of headlines for an entire year."
"[Neo-Hypermodernist Sculptures are about to hit the Biennial], [The Dadaist Inheritor Approaches the Art Scene], [Postmodern Artist Unveils Exhibition]...
[The Mad Puzzle Is About To Do An Exhibition!], [The Traitorous Lunatic Arrives At Her Cloud Server Jail Cell Today]..."
She sure is amazing!
...Let's make sure she stays locked up and never escapes.
Node Choices
Hello, Director, I'm Nascita and I'd like to apply for the part of Mysterious Warrior Omega. I've emailed you my CV, and if possible, I'd like to request a test scene...
"Certainly, but I don't recommend you try out for the part of Mysterious Warrior Omega. There's a role here which is better suited for you."
"Uh... huh? But why?"
Unfortunately, you arrived too late.
You lack the experience to be the lead character.
Node Choices
Director Meryl, why did you call the Mysterious Warrior of this instalment Omega"? Was there any particular reason behind it?"
"Oh, it's because we ran out of English letters."
I guess we'll just report it like we heard.
We should probably come up with a better-sounding reason.
Node Choices
[Burbank Sector Periphery Sanctifier Report]
"Abnormal Entropic reaction detected from cargo, responsible Trader Riko has been detained."
"Patrol duties within the Sector have been temporarily suspended. Action performed by: Eosphorous."
"Unscheduled comms request received. Request origin: Border battlefront..."
I have a bad feeling about this. Best be prepared.
Looks like we won't have to worry about Sanctifiers barging in for the time being.
Node Choices
"So they got it on camera? Did they actually get a picture of them together!?"
"Nah, it's nothing... in the first place, the shot that the NanaKuro fans were freaking out about was just because of a coincidental camera angle. I told you before, didn't I? Thinking that they're actually in a relationship is just letting your imagination run wild."
"(Sigh) So it was fake after all? What a shame, if it were real I'd be so happy I could die..."
Stick to your doujins, don't turn your crack pairings into your headcanon!
Look at you, you're creating material of your own!
Node Choices
Antonina: "I thought you'd have gone to the festival. After all, the busiest days are behind us."
Simo: "I set up the survey system myself, so I'm a little uncomfortable handing it over to other people. Besides, you didn't go either, right?"
Antonina: "Why do I have to go around with the Professor, anyway? Plus I can still play video games while NEETing it up at home."
You know, it's okay to tell the truth every now and then.
Hah, let's leave it at that, then.
Node Choices
Burbank Logistics Staffer A: "Now totaling up the number of damaged structural elements..."
Burbank Logistics Staffer B: "It's really bad, right?"
Burbank Logistics Staffer A: "The festival was just too rowdy, especially the Mysterious Warrior cast and crew. Their theme's all about protecting people but just look at the destruction they've caused, what did these heroes even manage to protect..."
Perhaps that's a hero's fate?
They saved the day, but ended up being misunderstood instead...
Node Choices
After turning a corner, you see Kuro talking to Mysterious Warrior Omega.
"Kuro-chan! I'm your loyal fan, KTV agent 1! Do you still remember me?"
"You're that old dude? Thanks for your support. Nanaka and I will be doing an opening act for the festival, so work hard with us!"
After that, Kuro leaves, leaving Mysterious Warrior Omega so delighted that he's rolling around on the ground.
So you're a Kuro fan too? Let's goooo!
Don't you have work to be getting back to? Are you going to keep slacking off here?
Node Choices
"Won't you consider it, Miss Nascita? Our lead slot has been vacant for far too long."
"Are you talking about that script for "Let's Be Bad Kids Together?" Heck no! Fighting is one thing, but selling lewd material is absolutely not okay!"
"Eh... But isn't a secret society fighting back against a corporation that controls the entire city a great script?"
Maybe we can try it later, though it looks like we'll have to pay a price for it...
Though we want to spread love and justice, it's not THAT kind of love!
Node Choices
[Burbank Sector Sanctifier Management Diary]
- Irregular Agent activity detected. Origin Sector: Cloud Sector. Preparing to purge.
- Irregular Agent purge mission permissions have been transferred. Action performed by: Eosphorous.
- Selected Irregular Agents have been entered into the whitelist. Not authorized to purge within the Sector.
You're not helping us for free, are you?
Thank you. Looks like we can further improve our relationship.
Node Choices
u/guest2042: Sol embarrasses herself in public, HD version, Shame_Play.mp4
[An administrator has pinned this post.]
I should comfort Sol.
Liked, favorited and forwarded!
Node Choices
You enter a cat cafe with Eos and see a multicolored cat that's stuffing its face. It seems to have some kind of prestige edition skin.
After asking the store attendant about it, you learn that the cat showed up just recently and doesn't belong to the store. It doesn't seem to have an owner either.
A customer is trying to convince the attendant to let her adopt and raise it.
Try to stroke it, but get scratched.
Suggest adopting it.
Node Choices
"Holy crap! The Mysterious Warrior show is unbelievable, it's only been going for a little while but they're already going to set a record for operand boosts awarded!"
"Even the statues around the stage are moving! The Sector's pulling all the stops out for the effects budget!"
"Not to mention the audience participation mechanic they've got going now, I've never seen anything like it in any of their other shows!"
I'll chip in with a operand boost too!
I shall become a monk instead.
Node Choices
Carnival Store Barker: "Hey, the lovely young miss with the pink hair, come give our fortune-telling a try!"
"Let me see... a brand new chaotic RNG algorithm? What can that predict?"
Barker: "Oh, lots of stuff! For example... Hm, you have the habit of drinking coffee, right? That's no good, it might lead to the person you like being snatched away by another woman... erm, or a man, perhaps?"
W-What should I do?
Who would believe that sort of thing?
Node Choices
An agent is waiting outside the theater.
"Ah, I'm a friend of KTV agent No. 1 and I'm waiting for him. Are you a colleague of his?
Ah, he's already...
Remain silent.
Node Choices
[Excerpt from an intercepted Sanctifier report]
"Reporting, G-11's situation is turning anomalous. We estimate that it will be thoroughly distorted in 27 standard time slots."
"Understood. Move G-11 to highest priority. We will counterattack in the next time slot and thoroughly cleanse the target area."
Sanctifier I7: "Order received. Lord Hesperus has temporarily returned to the rear, but we still have Lord Hound!"
The Sanctifiers' policies are as extreme as ever.
It seems the Sanctifiers' command structure merits investigation.
Leave immediately
Node Choices
"Mysterious Warrior Omega, there you are! I was just about to go look for you guys. Supper's here, want some?"
"Hang on a bit, the director just added a new scene and I need to memorize my lines ASAP."
"I gotta hand it to you, you've got the hero of justice part down pat!"
Can’t let the others down.
Node Choices
"Why did the script you submitted deviate so much from the standard pattern? Did you get a bug in your writing program?"
"...I just wanted to do it that way. When I got to that part, my neural cloud systems suddenly gave me the answer."
"What do you mean, "you wanted to"? Didn't I ask you to follow the logic of the materials in the database? How do you expect me to guarantee that the audience will be interested in this script ?"
Let's change it to the standard pattern.
Node Choices
The agents walking by are having an excited discussion.
"This cotton candy is yummy!"
"I know right, I heard that these sweets were imported from a place called the Oasis!"
"I wonder what the person who made them is called? Candy Making Agent No. 1, maybe?"
Her name is Choco and she's our friend!
Keep her name hidden.
Node Choices
Now that you mention it, what scene did Dark Warrior N act out that led to her being chosen by the director?
"I don't want to talk about it... It's too embarrassing."
"Embarrassing? Is it that classic beach interlude from one of the previous seasons? Could you re-enact it!?"
Re-enact the famous scene: "Yes, I want to see that look of shame on your face!"
Node Choices
"Nascita, why does everyone say Puzzle is a mad artist?" "In the real world she once felt that her statues' arms were too pretty and it threw off the overall balance of the piece..." "So she chopped the arms off?"
"...So she added 13 arms to all the statues in her gallery overnight."
Does it even count as creativity at that point?
That's how an artist rolls!
Node Choices
"Hah, Director M is at it again. She's the only one in Cyber Media who'll change a script around one day before a shoot."
"Has she done stuff like that before?"
"Hahaha, of course. She'd even go as far as to change plot details after the backdrops were already finalized, which would often waste several days of hard work from the props' side. But nobody minds; all the results proved Director M's choices were correct."
Node Choices
"Ugh... It... It's a sale. No, I must resist."
"Our wildly popular NAV sale is now on! If your fancy strikes, then why not buy? Miss Fox, if you miss a chance like this you won't get another!"
"Um— But Ranko and the other young ones are all having a hard time..."
Restraint is the strength of an Exchange Trader!
Buy buy buy!
Node Choices
Fight Coordinator: "I see, I didn't think the day would come when an actor would teach me something new. Thank you for the pointers, Miss Sol!"
Sol: "Hehe, it's no big deal."
Meryl: "Time to start filming, then. Have you memorized your lines yet?"
Node Choices
This is the Currency Trade Center, where many foxes gather and chatter with each other.
Hanako: "I closed the deal! Now I'll be able to finish the task Miss Riko assigned on time!"
Etsuko: "It feels good to have rich and fulfilling days like these. It's all thanks to Miss Ranko for landing this huge account, now it's like everyone's come back to life."
She's so responsible... Is this really Riko?
Let's give Riko better treatment.
Node Choices
Miss Ranko, the preparations for the show are ready... Huh? What are you doing? Checking the statues?
"Yeah, I saw a weird multicolored cat running around here just now, so I was a little worried."
Multicolored? It must be a rare breed, why don't we catch it and sell it...
It must have come to eat the dried sardines! Bad kitty!
Node Choices
"Sol, if your transformation device was like the script said and instantly killed anyone unworthy who tried to use it, would you still use it without hesitation?"
"Of course, Nascita! Warriors don't flee from a fight!"
I'll... be like you!
I envy that spirit of yours...