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Colt Revolver/Quotes

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Colt Revolver Story Quotes

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,是您在叫我嘛?您这里有可乐吗!有很多很多的可乐么! 指揮官、あたしのこと呼んだ?コーラある?ねえ、コーラはあるの?Play 지휘관~ 나 불렀어? 콜라는 있어? 저기~ 콜라는 있는 거야? You called for me, Commander? Do you have cola? Hey~ you have cola right?
Introduction Hoo-ah!我就是M1873,创下过无数传奇的左轮武器哦。历经了数十年的演变,我可是超越时代的大明星呢!有多少勇士靠我赢得了决斗呢?我已经记不清啦。不过靠着这些事迹,我也获得了“和平缔造者”的称号,要好好记住啊 안녀엉! 내가 바로 M1873이야! 만들어진 이후 무수한 전설을 만든 리볼버라는 말씀. 십 수 년 동안 변천을 겪으면서, 난 시대를 초월한 대스타가 되었어! 얼마나 많은 용사들이 날 사용해 결투에서 승리했는지 알고 있어? 난 이제 기억나지도 않는다니까~ 그래도 그런 경험 덕분에 나는 “피스메이커”라는 칭호를 얻을 수 있었지. 잘 기억해두라구. Hoo-ah! That's right, I'm the legendary and mythical, the one and only M1873 Single Action Army Revolver! After decades of changes and evolution, I've become a timeless super superstar! I wonder how many brave heroes of the West have trusted me to win their duels? I can't even remember them all! But because of them, I have earned the nickname, "Peacemaker." You better remember it!
Secretary ?想知道我的年龄……指挥官,这种事呀,还是算了吧…… あたしの年齢が知りたい??…ねぇ、指揮官。年齢の話はやめようよ。Play 내 나이를 알고 싶어? 저기, 지휘관. 나이 이야기는 그만하자. You want to know my age... Commander, this kind of thing, it's best if you let it go.
喂,人家的皮肤很光滑吧,全都是可乐的功劳哦! ねぇねぇ、あたしのお肌、ツヤツヤでしょう?コーラのおかげよ!Play 있잖아~ 내 피부 매끈매끈하지? 콜라 덕분이야~ Hey, my skin is really smooth, all thanks to the power of cola!
诶?我被可乐灌醉了?……错觉,是错觉啦! えぇ?コーラ酔い?気のせい、気のせい♪Play 응? 콜라에 취했다고? 기분 탓이야~ 기분 탓. Ah? I got drunk from drinking cola? ...it's an illusion, an illusion!
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관, 이것 봐! 콜라 빔! 이제 정신이 들어? 세수하고 힘내! 같이 있어줄게!
Commander, take this ! Cola Beam ! Are you awake now ? Give your face a rub and continue your work,I'll be there by your side !
诶?今天这是 要庆祝什么?诶?指挥官?和我?……真的吗?那就做好觉悟,和我永远泡在汽水里吧!
어라? 오늘의 콜라는 병이 조금 다르네. 축하할 일이라도 있어? 어? ...지휘관? 나랑...정말로? 그럼...각오하라구! 이제부터는 나랑 쭈욱 같이 콜라를 마실 테니까!
Eh? What are we celebration today? eh? Commander? With me? ...Really? Then prepare to soak in cola water with me forever!
Greeting 指挥官,今天的可乐,还没来吗? 指揮官、今日のコーラまだなの?Play 지휘관, 오늘 콜라는 아직 안 왔어? Commander, did you already drink your cola today ?
T-Doll Produced 呀嗬,新的朋友来啦,把可乐也分给她吧… きゃっほー!新しい友達が来た!コーラ分けてあげよ~っと。Play 얏호, 드디어 새 친구가 도착했어! 나중에 콜라 같이 마셔야지. Yahaa !! A new friend is here ! Let's give her some cola !
Joining an echelon 呀嗬~看来很喜欢我嘛~ ヤーホー!あたしのこと好きなんだねPlay 야호! 내가 좋은가 보구나? Yeehaa ! You really like me, right ?
Enhancement 呀嗬,是可乐! きゃっほー!コーラだ!Play 야호! 콜라다! Yeehaa ! It's cola !
Dummy-linking 噢噢噢噢,“我”变成好多个了! おおおー!あたしがいっぱい出てきたよPlay 우오~ 내가 잔뜩 나타났어! Wooaah, There's so many of "me"s now!
Logistics (start) 为了寻找可乐,出发! コーラを探す旅に出発!Play 콜라를 찾으러 출발! To get more cola, Let's go !
Logistics (end) 我回来啦~!我发现了好大罐装的可乐哟! ただいまー!おっきな缶のコーラを見つけたよ!Play 다녀왔어, 엄청 큰 콜라병을 찾았어! I'm back~ We found a giant can of cola !
Autobattle 啊哈哈,M9酱,下次要不要真的…来场可乐雨啊? うふふ、M9ちゃん、今度は本当にコーラの雨を降らすよ!Play 후후, M9, 이번엔 정말로 콜라의 비가 내릴 거야! Hehehe! M9-chan, this time I'll really make it rain cola.
Title 少女前线 少女前線


소녀전선 Girl's Frontline
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 呀嗬,我是队长呢! きゃっほー!私がリーダーですね!Play 야호! 내가 대장이지? Yaho~ I am the leader !
Starting a battle 唉呀,看来是敌人呢。 きゃっほー!どうやら敵みたいですね!Play 야호! 아무래도 적인가 보네. Yahoo~ Looks like enemy~
Skill activation 准备—!开火! よーい、撃て!Play 준비... 쏴라! Readyyy- Fire!
嗯哼哼,最后一发,要赏给哪个当慰问品呢? えへへ、最後の一発、誰にお見舞いしてあげようかな。Play 후후~ 마지막 한방은 누구에게 줄까나? Teheeheee~ My best shot, who should i give it to~ ?
就让你们再次见识下,那征服西部的奇迹般的力量吧! 西部を制した奇跡の力、もう一度見せてあげる!Play 서부를 제패한 기적의 힘을 다시 한 번 보여주겠어! I'll let you see once again, the miracle of West Conquest.
Heavily damaged 唉呀,好像被集火了。 きゃっほー・・・攻撃されちゃったみたい・・・。Play 야호... 공격당했나봐~ Yahoo... It looks like I took an attack.
Retreat 呜哇,肌肤变得好粗糙呀… あぁ・・・お肌が荒れちゃうよ・・・。Play 우으... 피부가 상하잖아... Aww.. My skin is ruined now...
MVP 胜利后的可乐…最好喝了呢! 勝利のコーラは最高にうまい!Play 승리하고 마시는 콜라가 제일 맛있어! The victory of cola is the best and the tastiest !
Restoration 呼…真怀念热水澡和冰可乐啊~! あぁー・・・熱いシャワーと冷たいコーラが恋しいよー・・・。Play 하아... 따듯한 샤워와 시원한 콜라가 그리워! Aah~ Hot shower and cold cola are really legit.
Attack 呀嗬,攻击命令,下达~ やほぉ!攻撃命令来た!Play 야호! 공격명령이 내려왔어! Yahoo! Here comes the attacking order!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 快给糖果!不然就捣乱咯! お菓子頂戴!じゃないと、悪戯だよ?!Play 과자 줘! 안 그러면 장난 칠꺼야~? Give me a treat! Or I'll play a trick!
Christmas 圣诞快乐呀!我们的圣诞树真是太漂亮啦! メリークリスマス!ツリーが綺麗!Play 메리~ 크리스마스! 트리가 예쁜걸! Merry Christmas ! Our Christmas tree is so beautiful !
New Year's Day 来~干杯!这可是新年的可乐啊! さあ祝杯だ!新年のコーラだ!


자, 축배를 들자! 새해의 콜라야! Now is the celebration! It's the New Year cola!
Valentine's day 我可以收下吗?M1903的手工巧克力? M1903の手作りチョコ。もらっていい?


M1903이 손수 만든 초콜릿, 내가 받아도 돼? This is M1903's chocolate. Would you take one?
Tanabata 七夕でもコーラがいいの。織姫と彦星は天の川、私はコーラの川。


칠석날에도 콜라가 좋아. 직녀와 견우는 은하수, 나는 콜라의 강. Even during tanabata, cola is the best. Orihime and Hikoboshi have their Milky Way, I'm here having my Cola Way.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 呀嗬,似乎是,防御命令呢~ やほぉ!「」命令みたいね!Play 야호! 방어명령이 내려온 거 같네~
Phrase やほぉ!Play 야호! Yahoo!
Tip いい事教えてあげるよ!Play 좋은 거 알려줄게! Let me tell you something good!
Loading 今、コーラ飲むから、ちょっと待ってよ!Play 지금 콜라 마시고 있으니까 기다려봐. Wait, let me drink my cola first!

MOD3 Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哼哼,指挥官,现在的我可是提升了200%的活力哦,还有剩下的800%,请用可乐来填充吧 ふふん、指揮官。あたしのパワー、200%アップしたよ。残りの800%はコーラで補ってね!Play 흐흥, 지휘관, 지금 난 활력 200%야, 나머지 800%는 콜라로 채워줘! Heh heh. Commander, Right now, my power have increased by 200%! The rest 800%, please use cola to fill it up!
Secretary 指挥官,下一场决斗,安排好了吗? 指揮官、次の決闘、決まったの?Play 지휘관, 다음 결투 날짜 잡았어? Commander, have you scheduled the next duel yet?
别乱晃啦,气泡都要摇出来了! 揺らさないで、泡が増えちゃう!Play 흔들지 마, 김이 다 빠져나오잖아! Don't shake it! The bubbles will come out!
指挥官,冰箱里还有可乐吗?……只剩十几瓶了,我再放点进去吧。 指揮官、冷蔵庫にまだコーラある?…十数本しかないね。もうちょっと入れとこ。Play 지휘관, 냉장고에 콜라 남아있어?... 열몇 병밖에 없네, 몇 병 더 넣어둘게. Are there still colas in the fridge, Commander? ...There's only a dozen left, I'm gonna add some more.
Secretary (post OATH)
받아라! 콜라 빔! 정신이 번쩍 들지? 얼굴 닦고 계속 힘내자, 함께 있을테니까!
Take this! *Cola beam*! You're fully awake now, aren't you! Now, wipe your face and do your best today! I'll by your side!
诶?今天这是 要庆祝什么?诶?指挥官?和我?……真的吗?那就做好觉悟,和我永远泡在汽水里吧!
어? 오늘 무슨 날이야? 어? 지휘관하고 나랑?...정말로? 그럼 나하고 영원히 소다에 절여질 각오하라고!
Eh? What are we celebration today? eh? Commander? With me? ...Really? Then prepare to soak in cola water with me forever!
Greeting 指揮官!今日の天気は、コーラ雨だよ。Play 지휘관! 오늘 날씨는 콜라비야! Commander, today's weather will be cola rain!
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間だね。ようこそ!冷やしたコーラ上げる!Play 새 동료네, 환영해! 이 시원한 콜라 마셔봐! A new partner, welcome! Take this cold cola!
Joining an echelon よっしゃー!待ちくたびれてたとこだよ!Play 좋아! 한참 기다리던 중이었어. Alright! I was tired of waiting!
Enhancement ワァオ!力が湧いてきちゃった!Play 와오... 힘이 솟아난다! Wow, my firepower went up!
Dummy-linking 噢噢噢噢,“我”变成好多个了! おぉ~、あたしがいっぱい出てきたよ~!Play 우오~ 내가 잔뜩 나타났어! Wooaah, There's so many of "me"s now!
Logistics (start) 为了寻找可乐,出发! コーラを探す旅にしゅっぱーつ!Play 콜라를 찾으러 출발! To find more cola, Let's go!
Logistics (end) 我回来啦~!我发现了好大罐装的可乐哟! ただいまー!おっきな缶のコーラを見つけたよ!Play 다녀왔어, 엄청 큰 콜라병을 찾았어! I'm back~ We found a giant can of cola!
Autobattle 啊哈哈,M9酱,下次要不要真的…来场可乐雨啊? うふふ、M9ちゃん、今度は本当にコーラの雨を降らすよ!Play 후후, M9, 이번엔 정말로 콜라의 비가 내릴 거야! Hehehe! M9-chan, this time I'll really make it rain cola.
Title 少女前线 少女前線


소녀전선 Girl's Frontline
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 用意はいい?出発するよ。Play 준비됐어? 출발하자! Are you ready? We're heading out!
Starting a battle 決闘だよ!Play 결투야! It's a duel!
Skill activation ふふん、あたしより一歩遅れてるよ!Play 흐흥, 나보다 한 발 늦었어! Hehe, you are one step late behind me!
喰らえ!コーラビーム!なんちゃって♪Play 받아라, 콜라 빔! 막 이래~ Take this! Cola beam! Just kidding!
何度でも奇跡を見せてあげる。Play 몇번이든 기적을 보여주겠어! I'll show you miracle again and again!
Heavily damaged うわぁ!ごめんごめん。ちょっとしゃっくりしてたら…やられちゃった。Play 우왓! 미안 미안, 살짝 트름했더니 당해버렸어... Wah, sorry sorry. I got too relaxed and they got me
Retreat ふん!次の決闘は、絶対勝ってみせるから!Play 흥! 다음 결투엔 반드시 이길 거야! Hmph, just see. I'll definitely win on next duel!
MVP ふふん、完璧な勝利だね。撤収撤収!Play 흐흥, 완벽한 승리였네. 철수다 철수! Hehe, perfect victory! Now bring the drink out!
Restoration 呼…真怀念热水澡和冰可乐啊~! はぁ~、熱いシャワーと冷たいコーラが恋しいよ~!Play 하아... 따듯한 샤워와 시원한 콜라가 그리워! Aah~ Hot shower and cold cola are really legit.
Attack いっけ!Play 가자! Let's go!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween お化けとか怖くないからね!「…」のお礼だもん。でも、もうちょっと妖魔心をもっと方がいいと思う。Play
Christmas メリークリスマス、指揮官!コーラが多すぎて溢れちゃっいそうだから、そこの空き瓶に入れておくね!Play 메리 크리스마스, 지휘관! 콜라가 너무 많아서 넘칠 것 같으니까, 거기 빈 병에 넣어 둘게! Merry Christmas, commander! There are too much cola and they're spilling out, put them on empty bottle over there!
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとう、指揮官!今夜はかがり火パーティして古い洋服を全部燃やすよ!


새해 복 많이 받아, 지휘관! 오늘 밤엔 모닥불 파티하면서 낡은 옷들을 모두 불태울 거야! Happy New Year, Commander! Let's have a bonfire party tonight, and burn all the old clothes!
Valentine's day バレンタインだね、指揮官!たくさんコーラグミを買ってきてから、今日は命目一杯かも!


발렌타인이네, 지휘관! 콜라 젤리를 잔뜩 사왔으니까, 오늘은 목숨이 붙어있을지도! It's valentine, Commander. I bought you lots of cola gummy. as much as I can today!
Tanabata こんなにロマンチックの行事があるんだ。今日ならいくらコーラ飲んでも指揮官許してくれるよね、うふふ。


이렇게 낭만적인 행사가 있구나. 오늘이라면 아무리 콜라를 마셔도 지휘관이 허락해 주겠지, 으흐흐. To think such as romantic day even exists. 「…」

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 気を付けて!Play 조심해! Be careful!
Phrase やほぉ!Play 야호! Yahoo!
Tip いい事教えてあげるよ!Play 좋은 거 알려줄게! Let me tell you something good!
Loading 今、コーラ飲むから、ちょっと待ってよ!Play 지금 콜라 마시고 있으니까 기다려봐. Wait, let me drink my cola first!