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A-91 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 嗯?让我看看是谁来接我了?……一个、两个……呵呵,指挥官还真是多呢~ ほほう~、どれどれ?あたしを迎いに来たのはどいつだ?一人…二人…あははは。指揮官って大勢いるのね~…Play Emm? Who is here to pick me up? ...one, ...two, Hehe, that's a lot of Commanders~
Introduction (同上)
Secretary 哎?指挥官不是刚刚才出去吗?好像又看错人了啊~ あら、指揮官。さっき出て来なかったっけ?あたしってばまた見間違いかしら~。Play Eh? Didn't the Commander just leave? Guess I got the wrong person again~
如果想让我保持状态的话,每天至少得保底660毫升的伏特加呢。 あたしにベストの状態でいて欲しいのなら、最低でも一日660ミリリトルのウォッカを用意しないとね~。Play If you want me to maintain my conditions, I'll need at least 660mL of vodka everyday.
我的香水味可是很浓烈的,可不要醉倒了哦? あたしの香水かなりきついけど…酔っぱらないでね。Play My perfumes are very strong, don't get drunk on it, alright?
Secretary (post OATH)
As long as I am by your side, commander, I will be drunk even without drinking... Vodka probably isn't as strong as you.
Commander, there's something you probably don't know... Sometimes, my flushed face isn't because I've been drinking. It's just there's someone in my eyes that gets me wasted even faster...
Greeting 指揮官、ウォッカ飲まない?元気出るわよ!Play Commander, won't you have some vodka? You'll feel great!
T-Doll Produced な~んか見覚えのある顔ね…。気のせいかしら?Play Yooou seem awfully familiar~. Is it just a coincidence?
Joining an echelon お嬢ちゃんたち、あたしの入隊を歓迎しなさい!Play Hello, my little enlisted ladies!
Enhancement うふふ、この程度じゃ…物足りないわ~Play Ufufu, with only this much...I'm not satisfied yet~
Dummy-linking ま~た人が増えたんじゃないの~?あたしが見間違ってるわけじゃないわよね?Play Did the number of people around here increase again? I can't be mistaken this time, right?
Logistics (start) だいぶ時間がかかりそうね。ウォッカ足りるかしら?Play This'll take a while. Is there enough vodka?
Logistics (end) 計算ミス?あらごめんなさい~。ゼロが一つ置く見えちゃって~Play A miscalculation? Ah sorry~. I can only see one zero~
Autobattle あたしのやり方で行くわよ。Play I'll do this my way.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 火薬とお酒…どっちの匂いがあたしをより興奮させるのかしら~。Play Gunpower and alcohol...I wonder which one excites me more~.
Starting a battle あんたたちにいっぱい付き合ってあげるわ~。Play I'll go out with the lot of you~.
Skill activation にゃはは~!回ってきた回ってきた~Play Nyahaha~! Around and around~
もう倒れちゃったの~?!Play Did you fall already~?!
こんな時に眩暈を起こさないわ~。Play I won't get dizzy at times like this~.
Heavily damaged よくもあたしのウォッカを…!お前ら…全員ぶっ殺してやる!Play How dare you do that to my vodka...! I'll kill you all!
Retreat あれ~?これでおしまい?Play Huuuh~? Is it over already?
MVP ヤホオ~!体内のアルコホルを全部飛んで気分よ~!Play Woohoo~! Feels like you're flying with all that alcohol in your body~!
Restoration アルコホルで麻酔休ませてから、十二直していいわ~。Play After resting from the alcohol anesthetic, could you fix me twelve more~.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ほれだから子供は、お菓子よりもウォッカの方がいい決まってるのね。Play Listen kids, vodka is definitely better than sweets.
Christmas 指揮官、寒い夜は、お酒がよく効くわよ。温かくて…気持ちいのよ~。Play Commander, during a cold night like this, booze works wonders you know. It'll warm up your body... it'll feel good...
New Year's Day 「…」のよ…る…は…「…」にしちゃだめよ。しっかり「…」まで付き合ってもらうわよ~。


Valentine's day 私からの…特性ウィスキーぼんぼんよ。まあ、チョコの部分は必要ないと思うけどね。


From me... it's a special whiskey bonbon. Well, there is no need for chocolate.
Tanabata 私、飲む時「…」出さないでわよ。うふ、もちろん、願い事もね。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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