A series of SMG weapons developed by KRISS USA (Formally TDI), The SMG Vector (Gen I) was previously known as Super V in 2007, now with latest Gen II Vector released in 2015, "Super V" now merely refers to the recoil reduction mechanism featured on the gun.
A delayed blowback operated sub machinegun with a strange visual appearance, Vector fires from a closed bolt, featuring selective fire mechanism with 2-round burst, semi and full auto. Prototype Vector was designed to chamber the .45 ACP cartridge but Gen II Vector have variants that fires the 9x19mm Parabellum, can be fired at a rate of 1200 rounds per minute while being feed by Glock 21's magazine, or a larger proprietary MagEx 25+ extended 25-round magazine. Also featuring foldable stock and Picatinny rail on top of the gun for mounting optics.
Vector is noted for it's recoil reducing designs, Super V Recoil Mitigation System, that is an articulated mechanism which allows the bolt and an inertia block to move downward into a recess behind the magazine well. Together with the rate of fire brought down to 1200 from 1500 RPM, this SMG can be easily controlled even during fully automatic firing of large calibre pistol cartridges.
Gen I Vector variant are no longer in production, all further production of Vector units from KRISS USA are now Gen II. Gen II Vector SMG is available only to the military and law enforcement agency while other semi automatic variants are available for civilian market.[1]
Character Info
SA shared comments on the design inspirations of Vector on the Official Girls Frontline Art Book.
"Upon seeing the weapon Vector for the first time, I felt like that she should be a girl with silver hair. Personality should be the serious type, and she should also appear to be a bit cold. (第一次看到vector的外形时,就觉得应该是个银灰色头发的、认真又有点冷的少女)".
"Since it is a modern weapon, so her costume doesn't look as suitable for combat as the other T-doll's costumes(因为本身是现代枪,所以服装上看起来不是像其他人那样有战斗感的战术服装)."
"The colour theme of her outfit were taken from the gun, short skirt to match the short hair. Main colouring theme is black and creamy yellow, together with a clean white shirt, hoping that it gives people a sense of fresh and cool just from looking at her.(从枪身上提取图形和颜色为元素,选择了不累赘的连衣短裙和短发,主色是黑色和黄色搭配干净的白衬衣,希望能给人清爽帅气的印象)"
Vector is also one of the taller SMG T-dolls, body height well exceeds 160cm, though her height seem to be reduced a lot with her Kitty Paw costume (below 150cm) and increased with the wedding dress (almost 2 metres)...
Official character description would have her down as a T-doll with very few words and a weird personality, despite her asocial persona she would still silently offer aid to her allies in need, as a result she is actually a fairly popular T-doll. Vector possesses an incredibly pessimist characteristic, she radiate intense level of negative energy with the way she acts with the things she says, she would expect the worst outcome out of any situation.
The way Vector act out is likely a referred to the difficult and intertwined history of the actual weapon. Being developed by an American company, designer is Swedish while the mechanism copyright is French. After first public reveal, the weapon received doubts from the audience due to the strange visual appearance. Over a period of several years redevelopment, even a name change for both the weapon and the company, the weapon's performance is finally being admired by public. Despite the high performance of the finished product it still did not enter Military service, while the civilian market started complaining about it's high pricing (Popular with the film industry though due to it's Sci-Fi look).
Together with the high default rate of fire/damage and the given ability, Vector is in fact, the strongest thrown-grenade type unit in the game. Her default shooting damage when buffed is notable, while her Molotov skill is very effective against large enemy crowds and/or high evasion enemies during day and night missions. On top of that Vector is able to provide a massive rate of fire bonus to the AR unit standing behind her. Note that Vector's default evasion is lower than most SMG, so her tanking performance is not as ideal as the others.
The second 5* SMG introduced in the game, the first one is SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson. Vector is actually fairly common for a 5* rarity doll, most Commanders will have received their Vector within a month of playing, which could mean for most players, her expansion is less expensive than the other 5* T-dolls. (Just like Thompson)
Story Involvement
Vector was as part of Hitori Bocchi, she was one of the two main characters who represented Girls Frontline during the collaboration event with Honkai Gakuen on November 16th 2017.
Vector's costumes Kitty Paw and Love is Blind described her side story interactions with the Commander during 2017's Halloween and 2018's Sweet Oath.
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Hitori Bocchi
Vector was the first T-doll to make contact with a Honkai character after she encountered HG KianaKianaKiana. (Note that Hitori Bocchi is told from a perspective of Kiana being the Commander, the actual player character "could not interact with this event due to unnameable reasons", according to HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN). T-doll SMG PP-90PP-90PP-90 interacted with Vector extensively through out this event, even gave her the nickname "Vivi" out of affections, while Vivi can address PP-90 as "Pipi". Initially irritated by this, Vivi eventually gave in, accepted her fate and her new nickname.
"We've been here three times Ms Kiana, are you sure you want to lead?"
Hitori Bocchi centred around Vivi, Pipi and Kiana, the story began with Schicksal Valkyrja entering the world of Girls Frontline with their flagship Hyperion. The garrison Vivi and Pipi stayed at suddenly came under attack by waves of "Zombies", Vivi stayed back to guard a warehouse alone, promises were made for her own extraction from Pipi, but Vivi never expected it to arrive. Endless waves of zombies have exhausted Vivi's munitions, just when she is ready to accept her fate, enters Kiana. Mistaking Vivi as a human at first, Kiana and Vector exchanged information on their current situation, decided to work together and exit the powerless facility. "By the way Ms Kiana, I'm not a human. While I'm probably not very good representation of my company's image but, Vivi Vector of Private Military Contractor Gryfon & Kryuger, here by thank you for enlisting our service.".
With Kiana bought back to Vivi's the main unit in that sector, Pipi explained that they are still under siege from waves of zombies, communication to G&K HQ and their Commander (the Player) is cut off, Kiana as the only human there that can take over command of all the T-doll units. After a quick tutorial Kiana got the hang of the basics of commanding T-doll units, Pipi assumed the role of her adjutant. Under Kiana's command, they swiftly dealt with the zombie problem and reunited with HG TheresaTheresaTheresa and AR Murata HimekoMurata HimekoMurata Himeko, later on the reunited group obtained contact with FN Squadron, exchanged Intel and discussed further plans against the invasion.
Honkai energy is essentially the negative chaotic energy, it expresses itself through many aspects, primarily it incites war, spreads diseases, wreaks havoc, many worlds have already fallen to Honkai. Members of Schicksal Valkyrja have fought this across many worlds and dimensions, but their journey to the world of Girls Frontline was an unexpected one. Honkai energy that should have never existed in this world, it some how incarnated and spawned countless numbers of mechanized zombie girls. The next move for the group would be to locate their other missing crew members RF Raiden MeiRaiden MeiRaiden Mei and RF BronyaBronyaBronya, for Vivi however was to locate the Hyperion and escort a fellow Valkyrie named SG SeeleSeeleSeele to their new operation HQ, Pipi begged to come along but Vivi rejected the offer and said that she works better on her own, so Pipi joined the main group instead.
Vipi and Pipi fell victim to Seele's attacks
Being efficient with her work, Vivi quickly located the Hyperion with the coordinates provided, she contacted Seele on Hyperion's bridge, who agreed to the escort mission after hearing it was at her companions' request. After the Honkai source from the Sangvis Ferri leader was dealt with and a brief repair, Pipi set off to rendezvous with Vector who is currently in a tunnel. The group continued with their travel back to the operation HQ, everything proceeded smoothly until suddenly the two was cut down by a series of precise and deadly melee blows, Seele was never in her normal persona, she was the one who unleashed a sample of Honkai from the Hyperion while the Valkyries were entering this world. The pair was left critically wounded while alter Seele proceeded with her intended task.
Costume story: Kitty Paw
G&K's Halloween celebration is similar to how normal society celebrates, trick or treats, fancy costumes and parties. But only a few T-dolls manage to leave a deep impression on the Commander that night...
"Overall, everything have been proceeding smoothly this Halloween...", the Commander thinks to him/herself while patrolling the dinning hall of the base. "The HQ is of a reasonable size, so there are a few naughtier girls, the strict rules we set meant they didn't enjoy themselves to the fullest, but at least nothing too horrid happened.", the Commander continues to ponder while strolling through the base. "Despite this being a social event, but there are always those who are less social, I'm looking at one right now.", the Commander sets his/her gaze on Vector, who isn't wearing a costume, leaning against the wall at the corner of the room in her usual outfit, while watching the other girls have fun. The Commander approaches Vector, "Why are you not taking part in the event Vector?", Vector refocuses her visions on the Commander, "Oh, it's the Commander...", her face is void of expressions. "Yes... It is me."
"You actually have tasks that involves using me?", Vector's reply is filled with negative energy, "Everyone is dressed up for Halloween,
Costume story: Love is Blind
In attempt to advertise G&K, a few T-dolls was chosen as wedding dress models, Vector was one of them.
KRISS Vector SMG, original name was Super V. When the prototype was first announced it quickly became everybody's laughing stock for over a year. Might be weird looking, but it was designed with the user's ergonomics in mind, heh, could at least be thankful for that.
How did it end up like this, I never expected this. We even had so many quarrels before... I'll consider this a trick you played on me then. Don't think it's over yet, you're in my hands now.