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Story/Night 6-3 (Part2)/Script

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[Three hours after mobilization.]

Five-seven: FAL...
That bitch... How dare she leave me at a godforsaken place like this...
It’s wet and cold, and the wind is blowing sand all over my shoulders...
Arghhhhh screw everything! That tasteless and tyrannical witch! How could she do this to me?!
One day...one day, I’ll take the position of team leader from her and teach her a lesson!

Calm down, 57, calm down...
I can’t take this anymore. I’ll just calmly make another suggestion to FAL...
Stay strong, 57. Keep up your reputation and be nice to FF FNC and FF FN49...
Right...I must also pull the Commander to my side and make a good impression...


Five-seven: Huh? You’re still here, Commander?
Ah...right. It was I who asked you not to wander off...
I’m okay. Just a teeny-tiny complaint about the cold...
Oh, now that you mentioned it, Commander, I didn’t even realize how long I’ve actually been hanging around here.
Thank you for your concern. I’ll contact FAL now and ask for further directives.

[Five-seven walks over to a spot where she can’t be overheard and calls FAL.]

Five-seven: FAL.
Haven’t we waited long enough? Alchemist won’t be coming.

FAL: Already at your limit?

Five-seven: I’m just making a suggestion. I personally don’t mind waiting a bit longer...

FAL: Come off it. Look at yourself. How are you different than the newbies?

Five-seven: Quoi?

FAL: You’re not speaking your mind, are you, 57?

Five-seven: ...
I’ve never tried to hide my thoughts, FAL. I’m just politely pointing out that you won’t be the team leader forever.

FAL: Perhaps, 57. You know we’re a freshly-formed team, and I do make mistakes...
Perhaps this time...

Five-seven: Oh? What’s happening? Not every day that you admit your mistakes.
Are you admitting that it was wrong to leave your trusty adjutant to rot in a wasteland for three hours?

FAL: That, and what I did to the newbies, as well as what’s going to happen...
But it can’t be helped, 57. I simply love trying to do what other T-Dolls can’t.

Five-seven: I know. This is exactly why we’re always put on all those bizarre cases.
But you’ve really gone too far. Helian will not look kindly on an operation where subordinates are left for dead.

FAL: I’m not doing this to leave you for dead, 57.
Judging by Alchemist’s disposition and report we recievedd, she won’t target just any regular T-Dolls.
Which leads me to believe that her target has probably been me all along.

Five-seven: Is this really the moment for such narcissism, FAL.
But...if that’s the case, then your plan is to...

FAL: That’s right, 57. I’ll be the final bait.

Five-seven: ...
That’s the mistake you’re admitting?

FAL: Just preparing myself for the unexpected.

Five-seven: ...
This won’t do! It’s too risky. What are we gonna do if you get caught?!

FAL: Non, this is the safest way. This is the best opportunity to rescue the captured T-Dolls.
As for our team, that depends on you, 57...

Five-seven: Me...?


FAL: 57, I hereby hand over all authorizations of the team leader of Team FF to you.
Isn’t this what you’ve always wanted?

Five-seven: So you want to just die and dump all your responsibilities on me?!

FAL: I did NOT say that. However, if I’m ever compromised, you’re the only one who can keep Team FF operating.
You have the patience that I’ll never hop to possess.
FF FNC and FF FN49 also have strong points that you don’t. Make good use of them.

Five-seven: This is happening way too fast, FAL. I’m not ready yet.

FAL: We never are. Hurry, 57, while there’s still time...

[At that moment, the door opens behind FAL.]

FAL: And do something you’ve never done before. Au revoir.

Alchemist: Griffin’s door lock really is a bit underwhelming.
Though I did think it could be a trap when I saw this outpost is practically empty.

FAL: But you came in anyway.

Alchemist: Just so I can watch you put up a fight, but in the end...you haven’t even prepared a welcoming party for me, FAL.

FAL: Sorry to disappoint, Alchemist.
It just so happened that I’ve sent off all my subordinates on errands and inadvertently left myself defenseless against you.

Alchemist: Humph, perhaps we’re the same kind of Doll. We have all the time to confirm this.
You won’t resist, I trust? After all, Griffin’s firepower can’t hope to measure up to me in a one-on-one.

FAL: Then what exactly are you going to do, Alchemist? Where’s your weapon? Aren’t you going to load it?

[Alchemist walks slowly into the room and puts her weapon down on the table.]

Alchemist: To be honest, FAL, I don’t like guns.
They’re too quick. They don’t give me time to fully taste all the intricate emotions from your kind.
I want to take it slow. One should make the most out of what they enjoy, right?

[Alchemist drags a chair over from the table and sits down cross-legged.]

Alchemist: Sit, FAL, and let’s have a chat.
If I find you interesting, I might let you live.

FAL: Is that what you do to your other prey?

Alchemist: You’ll find out after your friends rescue them, won’t you?

FAL: ...

Alchemist: I know what you’re planning, but I don’t care.
They’ll have to do their utmost best and pray for good luck if they want to get away from the dummies and subordinates I’ve left there.
But don’t worry about them. We should focus on enjoying ourselves.
Now, I’m gonna start first.
FAL...do you like shoes?

FAL: ...
You have the right person, Alchemist.