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MP7 Strategy Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition “饲养员”,你终于来接我了吗?辛苦了哦。 よ~「飼育員しいくいん」、やっとわたしむかえにたんだね?ごくろうさん。Play “사육사 씨”, 드디어 마중 나온 거야? 수고했어. "Caretaker", you are finally here to pick me up? Good work~
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 人形里也是存在“天才”的,我会找机会让您见识一下。 人形にんぎょうにも天才てんさいがいるよ。{機会きかいがあったら、指揮官しきかんせてあげる。Play 인형 중에서도 "천재"가 있는 법, 기회가 생기면 보여줄게. Genius exist among T-dolls as well, I'll show you when I get a chance.
PDW?那只“老鼠”好像挺努力的,不过要取代我可还早一万年呢。 PDW?あの「ネズミ」はよく頑張がんばった。わたしにはおよばないけど。Play PDW? 그 "생쥐"도 제법 노력하는 것 같지만, 날 대신하려면 한참 멀었다고. PDW? That "Rat" works hard, but she's 10,000 years away from replacing me.
想吃我的糖吗?不过我先声明,这可是酸的哦……超酸的哦! わたしあめべたい?さきっとくけど、結構けっこうしょっぱいよ…げきしょっぱいからね!Play 내 사탕을 먹어보고 싶다고? 미리 말해두지만, 이거 셔... 엄청 시다고! You want to try my candy? But I'm warning you, this is sour~... like SUPER sour!
Secretary (post OATH)
그 "된장녀" 바보처럼 보이는데, 일하는 걸 보면 또 "천재" 같네... 하지만 나도 지지 않는다고? 여러 가지로 말이지...
That "gold digger" looks dumb but she's quite a genius at her work... However, I won't lose to her, at... anything...
어?! "사육사" 씨... 지, 진심이야? 이런... 이거 한 방 먹었는걸, 이런 상황 익숙지 않은데... 하지만, 언제나 이런 내 마음을 전하고 싶었어, 고마워... 앞으로도 잘 부탁해!
Eh? "Caretaker"... a-are you serious? Tch... how troubling, I'm not good with this kind of things.... However, I've always wanted to answer to your feelings, thank you... I'll be counting on you from now on~
Greeting 有什么需要帮忙的吗? うん?なに手伝てつだうことでもある?Play 응? 뭐 도와줄 거라도 있어? Hmm? Is there anything you need help with?
T-Doll Produced 该为新来的,取什么绰号呢? 新入しんいりか?なんてあだけよう。Play 신입이야? 무슨 별명을 붙여줄까? A newbie? What nickname should I give you?
Joining an echelon 我会发挥所有实力的! わたし能力のうりょく十分じゅうぶん発揮はっきしようじゃないか!Play 내 능력을 충분히 발휘해 보실까! I will unleash my full potential here!
Enhancement 这份把我变强的恩情,总有一天会报答的。 わたしつよくしたおかえしをかならずする、保証ほしょうするよ。Play 나를 강하게 해준 답례는 반드시 하겠어. 보증해. You wish for me to become stronger? I will repay you one day for this.
Dummy-linking 需要这么多人吗?好吧,人多也不是什么坏事。 そんなに人数にんずう必要ひつようなの?まあ、人手ひとでおおいのはわるくないけど。Play 그렇게나 인원이 필요해? 뭐, 일손이 많은 건 나쁘지 않지만... Do we really need this many? Oh well, not like it's a bad thing.
Logistics (start) 只需要这些吗?我知道了。 リストはこれだけ?そう、わかった。Play 리스트는 이것뿐? 그래, 알았어. Only these? Alright, I got it.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,这次拿到品质不错的东西哦。 ただいま、今回こんかいひんわるくないらしいよ。Play 나 왔어. 이번 물건은 나쁘지 않은 모양이야? I've returned, came back with some high quality merchandise this time too.
Autobattle 不觉得偶尔轻松一下,也不错吗? たまにはらくたたかいもいいじゃない?Play 가끔은 편한 것도 좋지 않아? It's alright to relax like this sometimes, right?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 到底会遇到,什么样的敌人呢~? どんなてきってるのかな~?Play 어떤 적이 기다리고 있을까~? What kind of enemies will we encounter this time~?
Starting a battle 先下手为强! 先手せんて必勝ひっしょうPlay 선공 필승! 에헤헷! Striking first!
Skill activation 吃下我这招吧! ファインプレー!Play 파인 플레이! Take that!
来比比看,谁干掉的比较多! だれさきたおすのか、決着けっちゃくけよう!Play 누가 먼저 쓰러뜨릴지, 승부를 내자고! Let's compare who takes down the most!
别照原计画走了! 作戦さくせんかええるよ!Play 작전을 바꾸겠어. Change of plans!
Heavily damaged 先、先等一下啦! えぇ!?ちょ、ちょっと、たんまたんま!Play 엣!? 자, 잠깐! 타임 타임! Wa.. wait! Time-out! Time-out!
Retreat 这几个...怎么那么难搞啊? こいつら...一体いったいどうなってるんだ?Play 이 녀석들... 도대체 어떻게 되먹은 거야? Those ones... why are they so hard to deal with...?
MVP 看到了没!这就是我的实力! たか!これがわたし実力じつりょくさ!Play 봤느냐! 이게 나의 실력이야! Did you see that! This is what I'm capable of!
Restoration 别担心,我有避开要害。 なるべく急所きゅうしょけたから、心配しんぱいしないで。Play 되도록 급소는 피했으니까, 걱정하지 마. I've avoided the vitals, don't worry about it.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 碁盤ごばんからあめをもらったよ。でもあますぎて、わたしくちわない。Play I got some candy from a Go board. It's a bit too sweet for my tastes, though.
Christmas 飼育員しいくいん、メリークリスマス!にぎやかなイベントは遠慮えんりょするけど、ものはちょっとちょうだい。Play 사육사 씨, 메리 크리스마스. 북적이는 이벤트는 사양이지만, 먹을 건 좀 받을게! Caretaker~, Merry Christmas! I usually stay away from lively events, but I will partake in some of that food!
New Year's Day 新年しんねんってひまだなぁ…ぼちゃに…映画えいがとかりてようっか。


새해는 한가하네. 잠꾸러기한테 영화라던가 빌려올까? There's free time in the New Year...to sleep...let's go grab a movie.
Valentine's day チョコつくりと繊細せんさい産業さんぎょうも、天才てんさいわたしにとって簡単かんたんなものさ!


초콜릿 만들기라는 섬세한 작업도, 천재인 나에게 있어선 간단한 일이야. The delicate art of chocolate-making is easy for a genius like me!
Tanabata 一つひとつねがごとか?ちょっとむずかしいな。だってわたしみたいな天才てんさいにはあまりよくはないんだよね。


My one wish? Hmm, that's hard to say. Stuff like that is no good for a genius like me

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
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