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M1 Garand/Quotes

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M1 Garand Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition M1加兰德,指挥官,从今以后,请让我陪伴在您左右吧。 M1ガランドです、これからずっと指揮官の元で戦います。Play M1 Garand, Commander, please let me accompany you from now on.
Introduction 我,M1加兰德,是第二次世界战争中,为了接替春田小姐而研发的半自动武器,经过十五年的研发才最终定型,并大量生产。因为射击精准、可靠耐用等优点,直到M14小姐服役前,我一直都是战争年代中最出色的步枪之一。 I, M1 Garand, am a semi-auto weapon designed to replace Miss Springfield in WWII and put into mass production when my design finalized after 15 years of development. I have always been one of the topnotch rifles in war times because of advantages such as accurate aiming, reliability and durability. That is, until Miss M14 saw service.
Secretary 指挥官还真是贪心呢,哼哼…… 指揮官は欲張りですね、ふん、へへ…Play Commander really is quite greedy, hmhm...
指挥官,多谢你这样照顾我。 指揮官、構ってくれてありがとうございます。Play Commander, thank you for taking care of me.
真是的……今天的工作还没做完哦,先和别的孩子玩吧。 もう…今日の仕事がまた終わってませんよ、他の子と遊んでください。Play What am I supposed to do with you... I'm not done with today's work yet, so why don't you go play with the other kids for now?
Secretary (post OATH)
Sir, tell me if you need anything. I’m always ready. It is not right without me by your side.
I'm simply too tired today, Commander. I really did put in all I've got, but somehow I just wasn't very efficient...I'm so sorry! Hmm? What did you say...Me? ...Why?
Greeting お勤めご苦労様です。Play Thank you for your hard work.
T-Doll Produced 製造が終わりました,どんな子は来るでしょうね?Play Production is over. I wonder what kind of girl will come?
Joining an echelon 指揮官,ありがとうございます。Play Thank you very much, Commander.
Enhancement 私,強くなりました,ありがとうございます。Play I've gotten stronger. Thank you very much.
Dummy-linking 増員完了,全員決裁に合格しました。Play Reinforcement complete. All members have passed inspection!
Logistics (start) そろそろ出発します,指揮官,お元気で。Play It's time to depart. Take care of yourself, Commander.
Logistics (end) 部隊が戻りました,異常はありません。Play The unit has returned. No problems to report.
Autobattle 皆さんお待たせ!今度は間に合いましたか?Play Sorry to keep you waiting, everyone! Did we make it in time?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 私の勇姿,見逃さないでくださいね。Play Don't miss my brave figure.
Starting a battle 敵軍の主力部隊を発見しました。Play I've encountered the enemy's main force.
Skill activation 用意ーー,撃て!Play Ready--, Fire!
チャンスです,反撃開始!Play Now's our chance! Commence counterattack!
弾を込めだら,決着をつけますよ!Play I'll settle this with one bullet!
Heavily damaged うん!…ちょっと痛いです。Play Ugh...! That hurts a little.
Retreat 指揮官… ちゃんと戦術の勉強をしました?Play Commander...did you study tactics properly?
MVP 勝利しても,気を抜いてはいけません。Play Even if we won, don't let your guard down.
Restoration 申し訳ありません,指揮官,やっぱり故障しちゃいました。Play My sincerest apologies, Commander. I ended up failing after all.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 虽然已经不是小孩子了,但既然被发了糖果,我还是收下吧。 もう子供じゃないけど、お菓子はくれるならもらいます。Play Though I'm not a child anymore, I will partake in some sweets.
Christmas クリスマスですか?チキン、クリスマスけーき、楽しみです。Play Is it Christmas already? Chicken, Christmas cake, I'm looking forward to it!
New Year's Day もう新年ですね指揮官。明けましておめでとうございます。


It's the New Year, Commander. Happy New Year!
Valentine's day はい、私からチョコレートです。食べて下さい。


Here, I made you some chocolates. Please have some.
Tanabata 七夕祭り楽しそうですね。行けたらいいな。


The Tanabata Festival looks like fun. Wish I could go.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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