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PP-19 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition PP19,报到!你就是指挥官吗?请给我好好记住吧。 PP19(ぴーぴーじゅうきゅう)、到着!指揮官はあなた?ちゃんとわたしの名前を覚えてよね!Play PP19 reporting in! Are you the Commander? Please do well to remember me.
Introduction PP19野牛冲锋枪,无论火力、精准、装弹量还是稳定性都十分出色。这不是我自夸,毕竟也是拥有着AK和SVD的双重血统,吸收了不少优点,又拥有自己的特色。……没错,就是这个螺旋式弹匣,很特别吧? PP19 Bizon SMG, excels in the field of firepower, accuracy, bullet count and balancing. I'm not bragging myself, after all I am an offspring of both AK and SVD, absorbed quite a bit of advantages while continue to have distinctive self features... Yes, this helical magazine, real special right?
Secretary 指挥官,还有什么活吗? 指揮官、なんか任務あるの?Play Commander are there any other tasks?
这里还真热啊,空调是不是开得不够低啊? 熱いな、クーラーないの?Play It's really hot here, is the air conditioner on?
指挥官,不要以为我看着瘦小就好欺负啊,怎么,想比试一下吗? わたし、背が小さいけど力は強いよ?どう?試してみる?Play Don't think I'm weak just because I'm skinny, why, would you like to try me?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander you overslept your scheduled wake up time again today. If you continue like this I will have to wake you up personally!
What is that expression of yours Commander, you can share with me if anything is on your mind... Ahh?! WHAT! No I mean, what is this all of a sudden! Even though I'm... I mean I still... I accept...
Greeting 早,指挥官。什么啊……快给我打起精神,工作开始了哦。 おはよう指揮官!なーに?元気出しなさいよ!Play Morning Commander! What is this? Come on wake yourself up, we're starting the work.
T-Doll Produced 新的伙伴加入了哦。 新しい仲間が入って来たよ。Play A new companion has joined us.
Joining an echelon 那么,我要上了咯! じゃあ、行ってきます!Play Alright, it's my turn!
Enhancement 就这样吗?嗯……确实更有力气了吧。 そっか。これでもっと力が出せる!Play Like this? Hmm... Actually feel more powerful now.
Dummy-linking 编制扩大啊……指挥官,看来你也不讨厌我嘛。 編成拡大(へんせいかくだい)か…やっぱわたしのこと好きでしょう指揮官~。Play Expanded the echelon eh... Seems like you don't dislike me Commander.
Logistics (start) 没问题啦,快出发吧。 大丈夫、出発するよ。Play No problem at all, going now.
Logistics (end) 哼,勉勉强强算是完成了吧。 まぁ、なんとかやってきたよ。Play Hmm, that's that done.
Autobattle 就算是支援的行动,我也不会落后的! 支援行動(しえんこうどう)も遅れることはないよ!Play I won't fall behind even if it's a support mission!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 那就赶快出发吧,把麻烦都解决掉! さっそく行こう!全部やっつけちゃえ!Play Let's get going now, deal with all the troubles!
Starting a battle 终于来了吗!求之不得啊! 望むところ!Play Finally here!
Skill activation 可别小看我! なめるなー!Play Don't underestimate me!
不会放过你们的! 見逃さない!Play You won't get away!
等不了啦,我要冲上去啦! もう待てない!突撃!Play I'm not waiting any longer, assault!
Heavily damaged 可恶,绝对饶不了你们!指挥官也是,别乱看啦! クソッ!絶対許さない!指揮官も見てないで!Play Damn it, I'll get you back for this! Commander stop looking at me like that!
Retreat 没法重来了吗……可恶的家伙,别以为这样就算了! 仕方ない…ただで済むと思うなよ!Play No other way around... Damn you, this isn't over yet!
MVP 当然咯!所谓成功的作战,就是一口气冲上去,享受战场的乐趣嘛。 勝利って、一気に突っ込んで全員やっちまうまでじゃないの?Play Of course! Victory means rush full ahead and indulge in joys of battle.
Restoration 呿,我知道啦,下次会小心的。 チッ、分かってるよ。次は気を付けるよ。Play Right, I understand, I will be more careful next time.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play