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< K11
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K11 Quotes

Base Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 看看这是谁——格里芬的指挥官!我是K11,应对突发状况的专家,请让我发挥出最大的价值吧! どれどれ?あんたがグリフィンの指揮官か?突発実験の専門家K11だ!あたしの実力を最大限発揮させてくれるよな!Play Let's see who this is-- Commander of G&K! I'm K11, the emergency encounters specialist, please allow me to show you my talents!
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 试剂的颜色不太对啊……指挥官?!不不不,您什么都没看见! なんか試薬の色は変だな…。って…指揮官!いやいやいや!別に何でもないって!Play This reagent color doesn't seem right... Commander?! No no no, you saw nothing!
嗯……应急物资里多带一瓶氮气好了,虽然不知道能做什么。 ん…応急物資に窒素がガスをもう一分入れておくか…役に立つのか知らないけど。Play Hmm... There's an extra bottle of nitrogen in the emergency supply box, though I'm not quite sure what it's for.
想看爆炸吗?想看的话,就像刚才那样再碰碰我吧。 爆発が見たいのか?それじゃ、もう一回あたしに触れて見るといい。Play Would you like to see explosions? If so, then touch me like that again.
Secretary (post OATH)
How about playing real battle royale for this time's break? Don't worry, I'll teach you by hand.
Calling me out at this hour, I haven't even finished my lab notes. Commander...you really have a knack for saying these things. Looks like I'll have to find some space in my cloud-map aside from experiments and missions to store our new memories together.
Greeting 遅いよ指揮官!もうとっくに単元から帰ってきたぞ。Play Too slow, Commander! You've finally returned.
T-Doll Produced 戦闘のプロか、それとも鑑賞のようドルか、楽しみだな。Play Is she a combat pro, or a doll looking for appreciation? I'm looking forward to finding out.
Joining an echelon ほうっ…あたしに緊急事態を貸与させんのか?Play Hmm...are you willing to help me out in a pinch?
Enhancement これでどんな状況にも多様出来るな!Play This'll be useful in any situation!
Dummy-linking 頼れるヤツは多いほど、勝算は高いもんだ!Play The more we can rely on, the better our chances at winning!
Logistics (start) さあ行くぞ!新たな冒険へ!Play Here we go! Onward to a new adventure!
Logistics (end) ほれ指揮官!面白い物をたくさん持ってきたぜ!Play Hey, Commander! I've brought some interesting stuff!
Autobattle 面白い場所だな!じっくりさせてもらうぞ!Play What an interesting place! Let's inspect it carefully!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 任務開始。予定狩猟時刻は…あ?忘れしまった!Play Commencing operation. The planned hunting time is...huh? Guess I forgot!
Starting a battle 来い!次元の違いを見せてやる!Play Come! I'll show you the difference between us!
Skill activation だーーーん!たまやーーー!!Play Bang~! Fireworks!!!
っははははは!爆ぜろ!!Play Fuhahahahaha! Blow up!!!
新しい改造の成果を見せてやる!Play I'll show you the results of this new remodeling!
Heavily damaged なっ…まずい、爆発の範囲を計算し忘れてた!Play This...is bad, I forgot to calculate the explosion's blast radius!
Retreat 一体どこがダメだったんだ?まあ、とにかく撤退するか…Play Where did I go wrong? Welp, time to pull out...
MVP は、どうよう?専門かであるあたしを信じろって言っただろ?Play Hah, how's that? Now do you believe me when I said I was special?
Restoration 次洗浄に戻ったら…あいつらは全員…Play When we meet them in the next battle...they're really gonna be in for it...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 素晴らしいお祭りだな!どうだ、指揮官?IOPに悪戯しに行かないか?!キャンディーもアイスも要らないから!Play Such a wonderful festival! What do you think, Commander, pulling a prank on IOP? I don't need any sweets or ice cream!
Christmas 靴下を掛けたぜ。サンタさんがもっと算定性の高い改造はを入れてくれる助かるんだが。なんか眠くなってきたな…。Play I hung up some stockings. Santa's gonna help me with a costlier remodel. *Yawn* I'm getting sleepy...
New Year's Day 新しい年を迎えた訳だが、何か特別なものを見たくないか?虹色の花火を用意したぞ!


We're greeting the new year but, don't you want to see something special? I've prepared rainbow-coloured fireworks!
Valentine's day ほれ指揮官、チョコレートだ!間違えて火薬を混ぜ込んだ気がするが…とりあえず食ってみたらどうだ?


Hey Commander, a chocolate for you! I have a feeling that I mixed gunpowder into it... Well, how about tasting it first?
Tanabata 七夕って確か願い事するんだっけか?だったら、指揮官がよりどくなって、足元にあたしのケースがおいてあるのに気づくことこと願うよ.


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 看看这是谁——格里芬的指挥官!我是K11,应对突发状况的专家,请让我发挥出最大的价值吧! どれどれーあんたがグリフィンの指揮官か?突発事件対応の専門家、K11だ。あたしの実力を最大限に発揮させてくれよな!Play Let's see who this is-- Commander of G&K! I'm K11, the emergency encounters specialist, please allow me to show you my talents!
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 指挥官,我研发了新的能量饮料,来一杯吗?这样喝下去,就会精神满满!……唔呣呣呣……噗! 指揮官、新しいエナジードリンク開発したぞ!飲んでみるか?きっと元気いっぱいになるぜ……っぱぁ!Play Commander! Wanna try this new energy drink I made? Drink it like this, and you'll be going for hours! *gulp* *gulp* *gulp* Kya!
这样的衣服是研究者的标配吧?以后我也想做一个出色的研究者,最好可以潇洒地爆破全场!对了,在那之前,要先解决武器的问题…… 研究者といえばこの服装だろ?あたしも将来は立派な研究者になって、すべてを華麗に爆破できるようになりたいぜ!…あ、そうだ。その前にまずは武器の方を解決しねぇと……Play Is this lab coat like the ones they wear in Weapons Research? I want to become a great scientist like them when I'm older, and blow up

everything with style! Ah, right. I gotta figure out how to hold this gun first...

不用担心,按指挥官自己的步调走就好了。我会用这个改良过的自动椅子这样追上……呜哇哇啊啊啊啊! いいから、指揮官は自分のペースで歩いて。あたしはこの改良型オートチェアに追いつくから……うわあああああ!Play Don't worry, Commander, you don't have to slow down for me. With this scooter I modified, I'll catch up with you in no- ...UWWAAAAHHHH!
Secretary (post OATH)
My classmates all think I'm a loner, I don't want to waste time with idiots like them. But Commander's different, since you actually understand me... So I'll work hard, only for you.
Hey hey, got a new research project you need help with? You're so helpless, lemme take a look. Uh, does an Oath even count as research? I think I can make this decision only when I grow up... But I'll accept this present. I know that even if I'm older, I won't regret the choice I've made today.
Greeting 遅いよ指揮官!もうとっくに単元から帰ってきたぞ。Play
T-Doll Produced 新入りが大人のメンタルを持ってると良いんだけど…バカの奴らの指導はコリゴリだ……Play
Joining an echelon みんな!一列に並んであたしについてきて!Play
Enhancement 毎日進歩を重ねれば、きっと賢くなるさ!Play
Dummy-linking 能力のないバカを増やしても無駄!でも、あたしは違う!Play
Logistics (start) 外に出たくないんだけど、指揮官…Play
Logistics (end) ただいまー!もう休んでいいよな?それじゃ研究室に戻るぞ!Play
Autobattle 暗い夜こそ、研究者の舞台だ!Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 平気さ、このまま進もうぜ!Play
Starting a battle 失礼な見学者は追い出さないとな!Play
Skill activation 炸裂第一号、発射!Play
Heavily damaged へ、へへっ……気づいたらこんなっちまった、おっもしれぇ!Play
Retreat 何さ!まだ色々試したかったのに!Play
MVP 指揮官、ほれ!あたしたちの成果だぞ!Play
Restoration やっと落ち付いたが、痛ぇ!Play
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 外に出てくないんだけど、指揮官…Play But I don't want to go outside, Commander...
Christmas ただいま!もう休んでもいいよな?!それじゃ研究室に戻るぞ!Play I'm hooome! Now I can take a break right?! Then I'll return to my lab!
New Year's Day 炸裂第一五!発射!


Explosion Number 15, launch!
Valentine's day 研究者に手を出すのは間違えたぜ!


It's your mistake for laying your hands on a laborant!
Tanabata 食らえ!名前はまだ決めてないけど!


Take this! Although I haven't decide a name!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play