Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 长官您好。国产95式,从今天开始为您效力,承蒙您的关照了。 | こんにちわ、指揮官。わたしは95(きゅうじゅうご)式アサルトライフルです。今日から貴方様(あなたさま)の元で尽力いたします。 | Greetings Commander. Domestically produced Type 95 will be under your service from today on, please look after me. | |
Introduction | 国产95式突击步枪,提出需求的6年后被正式定型,作为新一代的国产制式突击步枪,被大规模装配。作为自主研发的武器,我们的道路还很长远,只要有完善和改进的机会,我和97式都会积极接受的。 | Domestically-produced Type 95 Assault Rifle, officially finalized after 6 years from planning, serving as a new generation of domestically-produced standard issue assault rifles while being equipped en masse. As indigenous-developed weapons, our path ahead is still very long, as long as there are opportunities to perfect and improve, Type 97 and I shall accept them with vigor. | ||
Secretary | 要出勤吗长官?还是先休息下呢? | 出勤の時間よ。指揮官は十分休憩したでしょ。 | It is time to commence logistic support operations Commander, are you adequately rested? | |
真是的,97你又坐不住了吗……啊,原来是长官啊。 | まったく、97(きゅうじゅうなな)式は本当にじっといられないようね。あっ、指揮官でしたか…。 | Seriously, are you messing around again Type 97? ...Oh, it's you Commander. | ||
指挥官,您是不是把我和97搞混了呢?以您的眼光……不可能吧?一定是故意的吧? | わたしと97式を間違えないで下さいよ、指揮官。わざとじゃないですか? | Commander, are you confusing me with Type 97? With your eyesight……this is impossible right? Are you joking around? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 长官,97这几天没来给您添麻烦吗?您果然是最出色的榜样,作为伴侣也是……
Commander, Type 97 did not trouble you these days right? You are indeed the most outstanding role model, as well as an outstanding companion...
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OATH | 长官,一直以来,都是您相信着我和97,带领着我们走到今天。现在,我终于有了回报您的机会。请让我永远地追随您,一起向着未来前进吧。
Commander, for this long you have put your trust in myself and Type 97 and led us to today. Now, I finally have a chance to repay your kindness. Please allow me to be at your side forever and face the future together.
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Greeting | 早,长官,95式为您服务,今天,有什么我能帮到您的吗? | おはようございます。何か指揮官にしてあげられることはありますか? | Good morning Commander, Type 95 at your service today, is there anything I can help you? | |
T-Doll Produced | 新的战友,随时可以就位了。 | 新人さんが待機してますよ。 | New Comrades are now awaiting for new positions. | |
Joining an echelon | 95式,加入作战! | わたしが今回の作戦に加わりますね。 | Type 95, joining the combat formation. | |
Enhancement | 嗯,那就有劳您了,长官。 | 手間を取らせてごめんなさい。 | Um, then I shall rely on your efforts, commander. | |
Dummy-linking | 编制扩充吗?第一眼还以为是新的妹妹呢。 | 編成拡大ですか?新しい妹が来たのかと思いました。 | Dummy-link expansion? I thought they are new sisters at first glance. | |
Logistics (start) | 我们出发,97,要跟上啊。 | 97式、もう出発よ。わたしについてきてね。 | We're off, Type 97 so you need to keep up. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了,97,这次很乖呢。 | ただいま戻りましたよ。今回、97式はおとなしくしてましたよ。 | I have returned, Type 97 is very good this time. | |
Autobattle | 97,没事吧!我来了哦! | 97式、わたしがいれば大丈夫よ。 | Everything's all right, Type 97! I am coming! | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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