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Px4 Storm/Quotes

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Px4 Storm Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 你就是这里的首脑(Mastermind)对吧?啊不……这里应该叫做指挥官?以后就让我们好好合作吧。 あなたがここのマスター?あ、失礼。ここでは「指揮官」と呼んだ方がいいのかな?これからよろしくね。Play Are you the master around here? Ah, pardon me. Would "Commander" be more appropriate? Then let us work together from now on.
Secretary 要是公司的奖金制度再高一点,大家一定会更有干劲的。首脑难道不这么想吗? 会社のボーナスがもっと高ければ、みんなのやる気も枠くと思うんだけどなあっ。マスターもそう思わない?Play If we increase the bonus we hand out to everyone, our productivity will surely increase as well. Wouldn't you agree, Master?
除了格里芬的工作外,首脑如果有想私下委托的差事,我也很乐意接受哦。 グリフィンの仕事以外でも、マスターから個人的な以来あれば私は喜んで匪躬受けるよ。Play Aside from Griffon jobs, if Master has other private business that needs doing, I will gladly take care of it.
什么?我没有想买的东西,不过光是看存款变多,不就很有成就感了吗? ん?欲しいものは…特にないかな。貯金が増えろの見ているだけでもなんか達成感枠くでしょ。Play Huh? Nah, I don't need anything. Just seeing our profits grow is enough of an accomplishment for me.
Secretary (post OATH)
Boss, please let me know if you need anything, I can give you a special discount, you know~
I thought that I'll be making easy money by working under you after joining Griffon... But I didn't expect that boss already had this planned for me... No matter if it's ravaging the enemy or stealing my heart, I can see that boss took care of everything.
Greeting 新しアイデアでも浮かんだの、マスター?じゃなくて、指揮官?Play Have you come up with a new idea, Master- sorry, Commander?
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間は助けとなるか、あるいはリスクとなるか。時間だけの答えを教えててくれる。Play Will this new comrade be helpful, or will she increase our risk? Only time will tell.
Joining an echelon みんな用意万端だね。Play Everyone is fully prepared eh.
Enhancement 今日の準備は明日の収穫の為に。Play Today's preparation is for the sake of tomorrow's good results.
Dummy-linking 監視の目が増えれば、リスクも減るわ。Play More surveillance means less risk.
Logistics (start) 福運ようのことなら、私に任せて!Play Good fortune and happiness, just leave it to me!
Logistics (end) さて、仕事も片付いたことだし、そろそろ分けまいの話をしましょう。Play Now, since I've done my work, let's talk about my share.
Autobattle 私を信用してくれるなんて…お目が高い?Play Placing your trust on me... do you have good eyes?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ずPlay Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Starting a battle まさかこんな所で出くわすなんて…仕方ない!Play To think that I'll be deployed in such a place... it can't be helped!
Skill activation 節約しないと、この代役一発一発にもお金を掛かてるんだから。Play I must be frugal, since each of these bullets cost money.
さっさと戦闘を終わらせて、仕事に戻るよ。Play Let's end this battle quickly, so I can get back to work.
あなたたちの運を付きよ。Play You lot are running out of luck.
Heavily damaged 私がこんなミスするなんて…Play To think that I made such mistake...
Retreat 費用を改めて決着をつけることは、決して恥ずかしい事なんかじゃない。Play The decision to settle this for another time, it's not something to be embarrassed about.
MVP ハイリスクハイリターンな仕事、流石グリフィンね。Play High risk high return job, that's Griffin for you.
Restoration ううう...保険会社ごまかす言い訳を考えとね。Play Uuh... I can use this to cheat on the insurance company.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween トリックオアトリート!って、よく考えると…こういう時こそ、普段出来ないことをするチャンスなんじゃ…!Play Trick or Treat! Hmm, when I think about it again, during this time I have the chance to do what I normally couldn't do...!
Christmas サンタは信じているし、尊敬もしてる。なんでかって?だって、サンタに入れない場所はないでしょ?Play I respect that you believe in Santa. Why, you ask? Because, there's no place for Santa nowadays, right?
New Year's Day 新しい一年は、新しい願い事から。ダイヤや金塊、お札の夢が見られますように。


A new year starts with a new wish. I can see my dreams are filled with diamonds, golds, and bills.
Valentine's day みんながデートに出かけた今だからこそ、家でいちゃいちゃするべきだと思わない、マスター?


Precisely because everyone else is going out for a date, don't you think this is a perfect chance for us to act like lovebirds, Master?
Tanabata 私にとって、七は縁起のいい筋なの。どんな「…」も、七回「…」に飽きられるんだから。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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