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LWMMG Story Quotes

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 初次见面,指挥官。不……其他人就不必介绍了,我一个人也没问题的。 初めまして、指揮官…いや、ほかの子は紹介しなくてもいい、わたし一人で十分よ。Play Pleased to meet you, Commander. There is... no need to introduce me to the others, I'm fine working alone after all...
Introduction 轻量化中型机枪,是集合了多项新型技术而研发的新时代机枪武器。较轻的重量很适合徒步携带,不错的射程也使得压制时很有优势,只是新型弹药在携带量上有些吃紧……不过没关系,我会小心节省的。 Light-weight Medium Machinegun, new generation of MG weapon designed with many new technological breakthroughs. Light weight makes it easy for carry, decent shooting range can also provide fairly good suppressive fires, just the new ammo types makes it a bit difficult for the logistics... But don't worry, I will fire with care.
Secretary 指挥官,子弹的储备充足吗? 指揮官、タマの補充は大丈夫?Play Commander, do we have enough munition stored?
不用麻烦,我一个人就行……啊,谢谢…… あっ、いいのよ、わたし一人で…。あ、ありがとう…。Play Don't worry, I can do it by myself... Ah, thank you...
嗯?有谁需要帮忙吗?……您?您看起来闲得很吧…… うん?誰かを手伝おうか?わたしはヒマだし。Play Huh? Does someone need help? ...You? You don't look very busy...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander let's find time to relax this weekend. I booked a fairly decent restaurant... You have been so busy this week, having a bit of luxurious treats won't hurt, right?
This... Was prepared for me? Isn't this a little too luxurious? But I'll allow it this time. I dreamed about this kind of scenarios sometimes, but today it finally became true... I love you, Commander...
Greeting 早安,指挥官,请检查今天的资源储备,然后展开行动吧。 おはよう指揮官、今日の資源(しげん)をチェックして任務を進めてっ。Play Morning Commander, please check today's resources then begin operations.
T-Doll Produced 新的伙伴吗……没关系,让我来帮忙吧。 仲間か…手伝ってあげなきゃね。Play New comrade... Don't worry, let me help.
Joining an echelon 轻量化机枪,弹药检查完毕,加入梯队。 軽量化機関銃(けいりょうかきかんじゅう)、弾薬(だんやく)チェックよし、部隊に入ります。Play LWMMG, munition check complete, entering echelon.
Enhancement 感谢您,我也想变得更加独立一点。 感謝します。もっと独立したいです。Play Thank you, I want to become more independent myself.
Dummy-linking 人数增加了吗?我们会控制好弹药消耗的。 人数が増えた?はい!コストは抑えていきます。Play Man-count just went up? We will try to minimize the ammo consumptions.
Logistics (start) 要我带领大家吗?我……尽量做到…… わたしがリーダー?え、えっと、頑張ります。Play Am I to lead everyone? I'll... I'll try my best...
Logistics (end) 啊各位,慢一点啊!……抱歉,指挥官,我们回来了。 …あ、はい、帰りました。Play ...We... We're back.
Autobattle 就算只靠我自己,也能掩护好大家! わたしだけでも、みんなを守る!Play I will provide cover for everyone, even by myself!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 诶,让我来说?……(清喉咙)那么各位,出发吧! えっ?わたしが?…それでは、出発!Play Eh, want me to say it? ... (Cough) Ok, everyone move out!
Starting a battle 节省弹药,谨慎进攻! 弾を保存して、慎重に進めて!Play Conserving ammo, assault with care!
Skill activation 难得的机会! チャンスよ!Play Nice chance!
我……不能让大家失望! みんなを…失望させないように!Play I... I won't disappoint everyone!
只消耗这点弹药,应该没问题吧…… これだけの弾薬(だんやく)コスト、大丈夫かな…。Play Using up these ammo shouldn't be a problem... Right?
Heavily damaged 诶,怎么会……不行,我不能拖大家的后腿! えっ?そんな…みんなの足を引っ張ちゃだめなのに!Play How... No I don't want to be a burden to everyone!
Retreat 对不起,是我的失误。难得大家这样重视我,真的是……对不起…… すみませんでした。これはわたしのミス。ホントに…ごめんなさい…。Play Sorry this is my fault. Everyone expected me so much, I'm really sorry...
MVP 由我来发言,实在是很惭愧,但是这次能帮到大家,我真的很开心。 みんなに力(ちから)になってもらって、感謝しきれないよ。Play It's makes me feel really great being able to help everyone out.
Restoration 抱歉,因为我一个人……浪费了这么多…… ごめん、わたしのせいで…こんなにコストがかかちゃって…。Play Sorry, wasted so much... All by myself...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 没想到今晚会这么忙碌,真希望大家能自觉回收糖果的包装纸,有很多用处呢。 ハロウィンがこんなに忙しいと思わなかったわ。みんな!お菓子の包装しは捨てないでよね。まだ使えるわ!Play Can't believe how busy it is tonight, I really wish that everyone keeps hold of the candy wrappings, they come in handy sometimes.
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官。仕事少し疲れました。私と一緒に少し休憩しませんか?Play Merry Christmas, Commander. If you tired from work, why don't take a little break with me?
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます。昨年の目標が出たけど、大きな浪費もなかったわ。今年も頑張りましょう!


Valentine's day 指揮官はどれくらいチョコをもらったの?きっと今日は指揮官に有徳は一日よね。これは私から!


Tanabata 髪の無駄だから私のお願い事はいいのよ。それに誰にも言わずに心にしまっておいた方が。私は実現する気がするの。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我获得了这样的成长,也会为他人减少很多负担吧……太好了。 今回の改造で、他の方への負担は減るのでしょうか?それなら良かったです。Play If I've improved myself this much, I'll become less of a burden for everyone... Thank goodness.
Introduction 轻量化中型机枪,是集合了多项新型技术而研发的新时代机枪武器。较轻的重量很适合徒步携带,不错的射程也使得压制时很有优势,只是新型弹药在携带量上有些吃紧……不过没关系,我会小心节省的。 Light-weight Medium Machinegun, new generation of MG weapon designed with many new technological breakthroughs. Light weight makes it easy for carry, decent shooting range can also provide fairly good suppressive fires, just the new ammo types makes it a bit difficult for the logistics... But don't worry, I will fire with care.
Secretary 四盒……六盒……不,下次任务应该用不了那么多弹药吧。 四箱…六箱……いや、今回の任務に、それほど弾薬は使えないですね。Play Four boxes, six... No, I don't think I'll need this much ammunition for the next mission.
您在考虑作战方案吗?……不用顾虑我,我能自己照顾好的。 何か作戦を考えているのですか?私のことは気にしないでください。自分のことは、自分で面倒を見ますので。Play Are you planning for the next mission?... Don't worry about me, Commander, I can take care of myself.
指挥官,一直这么聊下去也不太好……您还有工作要忙吧? 指揮官、いつまでもお喋りし続けるのもどうかと。まだお仕事が残っているのでは?Play Commander, we can't be chatting like this all day... You still have work to do, don't you?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, let's find some time to relax this weekend. I already made reservations at a nice restaurant... You have been so busy this week, splurging a bit won't hurt.
This... is for me? Isn't this a little too luxurious? But I'll allow it this time. I dreamed about this kind of scenario sometimes, but today it finally became true... Thank you, Commander...
Greeting 早安,指挥官,请检查今天的资源储备,然后展开行动吧。 おはよう指揮官、今日の資源(しげん)をチェックして任務を進めてっ。Play Morning Commander, please check today's resources then begin operations.
T-Doll Produced 新的伙伴吗……没关系,让我来帮忙吧。 仲間か…手伝ってあげなきゃね。Play New comrade... Don't worry, let me help.
Joining an echelon 指揮官、今回をお任せください。Play
Enhancement ありがとうございます。武器がかなり使い易く成ったようです。Play
Dummy-linking 人数增加了吗?我们会控制好弹药消耗的。 人数が増えた?はい!コストは抑えていきます。Play Man-count just went up? We will try to minimize the ammo consumptions.
Logistics (start) 要我带领大家吗?我……尽量做到…… わたしがリーダー?え、えっと、頑張ります。Play Am I to lead everyone? I'll... I'll do my best...
Logistics (end) 啊各位,慢一点啊!……抱歉,指挥官,我们回来了。 …あ、はい、帰りました。Play ...We... We're back.
Autobattle 就算只靠我自己,也能掩护好大家! わたしだけでも、みんなを守る!Play I will provide cover for everyone, even by myself!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 皆さん、指定のポイントへ前進しましょ!Play All units, proceed to the designated point!
Starting a battle 後方は任せてください!Play Leave the support to me!
Skill activation ならこうしたら、如何でしょう?!Play Then, how about this?!
弾薬の効率を上げましょう!Play Increasing ammunition efficiency!
この時のために、ここまで来たのですから!Play This time, I have come!
Heavily damaged 損、損害は最小限にしなければ…!Play I-if we don't minimize this damage soon...!
Retreat 申し訳ありません、このような結果になってしまうなんて…すべて私のせいです、処罰を受けます!Play I'm so sorry that it ended up like this...this was all my fault, so punish me!
MVP 皆さんが満足できるの結果が出て、良かったです!Play Phew...a result that everyone can be satisfied with. What a relief!
Restoration 抱歉,因为我一个人……浪费了这么多…… ごめん、わたしのせいで…こんなにコストがかかちゃって…。Play Sorry, wasted so much... All by myself...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 没想到今晚会这么忙碌,真希望大家能自觉回收糖果的包装纸,有很多用处呢。 ハロウィンがこんなに忙しいと思わなかったわ。みんな!お菓子の包装しは捨てないでよね。まだ使えるわ!Play Can't believe how busy it is tonight, I really wish that everyone keeps hold of the candy wrappings, they come in handy sometimes.
Christmas Play
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます。昨年の目標が出たけど、大きな浪費もなかったわ。今年も頑張りましょう!


Valentine's day 指揮官はどれくらいチョコをもらったの?きっと今日は指揮官に有徳は一日よね。これは私から!


So, how much chocolate did you end up getting today? Surely that is the virtue of being the commander on a day like today. U-um...this is from me!
Tanabata 髪の無駄だから私のお願い事はいいのよ。それに誰にも言わずに心にしまっておいた方が。私は実現する気がするの。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play