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CR-21 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition CR-21入列!无论是安保还是日常的锻炼计划都交给我吧! Vektor CR-21が来たぞ!安全対策も筋トレメニューの組み立ても自分に任せて!Play CR-21, falling in! Leave your security and daily training plans to me!
Secretary 指挥官已经挺不错了,不过这个地方还是有点多余的肉啊……要我为你制定一个健身计划吗? 指揮官は十分いい身体つきしてるんだけど、この辺の「」肉がちょっとなぁ…筋トレメニューを考えてあげようか?Play You're not bad as it is, Commander, but you've got just a bit too much meat over here... Would you like me to draft up an exercise plan for you?
不可以吃垃圾食品哦!非要吃的话……那就先和我一起把多出来的卡路里消耗掉,没问题吧? ジャンクフードは論外!どうしても食べたいんだったら、まずは自分と一緒に余分なカロリーを消耗したから!わかった?Play No eating junk food! If you MUST have some... then burn off the extra calories with me! You don't have a problem with that, right?
虽然健身对人形没什么意思,不过人类会被其他人所带动吧?所以我还是会坚持下去的,指挥官也一起吧? 人形にとって筋トレはあまり意味ないだけど。人間の方は回りに影響され安い生き物なんでしょう?だから、自分は今まで通り続けていくつもりだし。指揮官も一緒にどう?Play Although fitness doesn't mean anything to Dolls, humans are influenced by others, aren't they? Therefore, I'm going to keep pressing on, you'll be doing the same, right, Commander?
Secretary (post OATH)
I told you not to eat junk food, didn't I, Commander? What will I do with you... I'll make an exception for you just this once, but I'll be training you extra hard after work, okay?
Commander? Why did you come looking for me today.. .ah!? Are you serious? Then... you won't run away, even if you have to train with me every day? Well, since you're that determined, I'll do my best to live up to the trust you've placed in me!
Greeting あ、おはよう!今日はランニング「」?Play Oh, good morning! Are you running today?
T-Doll Produced 新しい訓練生来たぁぁぁ!Play A new trainee has arriiived!
Joining an echelon んん、んん、こういうのも悪くないな!Play Hmm, hmm, not bad!
Enhancement 自分、強くなったぞ!Play I've gotten stronger!
Dummy-linking んん…うん!これでもっと細かく教えられるすね!Play Hmm...yup! Now you can teach me more!
Logistics (start) 自分が留守してる間、筋トレサボちゃだめだからね!Play You shouldn't be doing any muscle training while I'm away!
Logistics (end) 指揮官ただいま!今日の分のスクワットジャンプは全部やった?Play Commander, I'm back! Have you done all of your squat jumps for today?
Autobattle 「」と「」が始まるぞ!Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission よし!今日のランニング始めるぞ!Play Alright! Let's warm up by running today!
Starting a battle 野外訓練、始まり始まり!Play Outdoor training begins, now!
Skill activation 野菜をしっかり取らなきゃ!Play I need to get some vegetables!
栄養バランス大事だよ?Play Is nutritional balance important?
毎日トレーニングトレーニング!Play Trainings every day!
Heavily damaged あはははは、オバートレーニングだったみたい…Play Ahahaha, it seems that I was overtraining...
Retreat そうか、じゃあまた今度にしよう…Play I see, let's try that again...
MVP 指揮官、どう?自分と一緒に強くなっていく気分は?Play What do you think, Commander? How's it feel to be stronger than yourself?
Restoration んん…自分の準備不足だった…Play Ugh...I wasn't ready for that...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween お化けが現れても慌てるな!君がもっている力を発揮して、全部撃退すればいい!お、そっか!本物じゃなくて、仲間たちの仮装だった!あははは、忘れてた!ごめんごめん!Play Don't panic if a ghost appears! Use your strength to repel everything in front of you! Oh, is that right? It wasn't real, and it was just a fancy outfit for my friends! Ahahaha, I forgot about that! Sorry, sorry!
Christmas 聖なる降誕祭なんだから、肉体もパーフェクトにしなきゃね!パーティの二次会は「」しよう!ね、指揮官?Play Because its a holy birth festival, we need to make our bodies perfect! Time to party at the afterparty! Right, Commander?
New Year's Day 新しい一年は気合い入れていかなきゃ!今年はさらに「」トレーニングメニュを増やして、肉体の限界を超えて行こう!


Valentine's day 今日くらいトレーニングを休んで買い物でも行こうか?もちろん、食べたチョコのカロリー用、どっかで「」しないと、ね?


Tanabata 願い事?とっくにないけど。それよりも、指揮官と同じ願い事しようか?適う確立は二倍になるよ!


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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