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M1887 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 霰弹武器M1887,很高兴在这里见到你,长官。这是我的行李,请帮我拿好。 Winchester散弾銃、お目にかかれて嬉しいわ、指揮官さん。とりあえず、私の荷物持ってくれる?Play Shotgun M1887, glad to see you here, Sir. This is my luggage, please help me.
Secretary 又在假装思考吗,长官? また考えるフリをしているのね、指揮官さん。Play Are you pretending to be lost in thought again, Sir?
想偷懒的话,别让我看到哦。 サボるなら、私に見つからないところでね。Play If you want to be lazy, don't let me catch you.
看来,自我毁灭的确是你的天性… どうやら自滅するのは、あなたの天性らしいわ。Play Seems like self-destruction really is in your nature...
Secretary (post OATH)
Did you see that film last night? The illusion of the past...it makes the present seem a little dumbfounding, doesn't it?
嗯…这的确是合乎客观需要的判断。不过,我猜你也是出于情感上的冲动,才做的这个决定吧? 我能理解…因为我也发自心底地感到开心…
Hm...I judge this action to be logically sound in the face of our objectives. However, your emotions drove you to do this, right? I can understand, because I'm also happy from the bottom of my heart.
Greeting 指揮官さん、ご命令を。Play Commander, your order?
T-Doll Produced 新たな戦術人形、製造完了だわ。Play Production of the new doll has completed.
Joining an echelon ウィンチェスター散弾銃、作戦に加わるわ。Play Winchester shotgun, joining the operation.
Enhancement やっぱり、力が一番大事ね。Play As expected, power is the most important thing.
Dummy-linking 新型?良い判断ね。Play A new model? Good decision.
Logistics (start) 了解、直ちに出発する。Play Roger, I'll depart immediately.
Logistics (end) ミッションコンプリート。Play Mission complete.
Autobattle 人生は自分で切り開くものよ!Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission また来るわ!Play I'll be back!
Starting a battle あなたの服を寄越しなさい!ブーツもコアもよ。Play Hand over your clothes! Boots and core as well.
Skill activation 地獄で会いましょう、ベイビー。Play We shall meet again in hell, baby.
あなたは終わりよ!Play This is your end!
あなたが嫌いだわ!Play I despise you!
Heavily damaged 出たわ、対処不能な状況。Play I'm out, I can't deal with an impossible situation.
Retreat 許せない失敗ね、必ず原因を突き止めるわ。Play Unforgivable failure. I'll cut the root of it.
MVP 運命なんてない、未来は自分で作るものよ。Play There's no thing such as fate. Future is something you create by yourself.
Restoration ごめんなさい、もうこんなミスはしないわ。Play My apologies, there will be no second time.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 指揮官さん、私のヘアスプレーをケチャップに変えたやつ、しってる?まさか、あなたじゃないわよね?Play Mr. Commander, do you happen to know who switched my hairspray with ketchup? It wasn't you, was it?
Christmas メリークリスマス!指揮官さんからのプレゼントなら、どんな物でも、大事にするわよ。Play Merry Christmas! If it's a present from you, Mr.Commander, whatever it is I'll treasure it.
New Year's Day 指揮官さん、間もなく年明けよ。来年の作戦計画はちゃんと準部しといてね。


Mr. Commander, it's the new year soon. Please be sure to prepare our new mission plans by then.
Valentine's day 指揮官さん、何時もお世話になっているから、つまらない物だけど、どうぞ受け取ってね。


Mr.Commander, since you've always got my back, please take this little gift.
Tanabata 私の願い事当ててみて。もし当たったら…うふふ。


Try guessing my wish. If you can guess it correctly, then... ufufu.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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